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Might be about to lose my job- anyone around?

23 replies

ThorsMagicHammer · 18/04/2024 10:37

Just got a company wide email saying they’re restructuring and that some people are going to be directly impacted and we need to wait for another email to let us know if we are in that group. I’m panicking. We are only just managing financially as it is and I don’t know what to do if I lose my job. I’ve been here forever, I don’t even have a CV anymore. I can’t afford to be out of work. Why would they send this message and not send the follow up email immediately, they must know who is in each group by now?

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eish · 18/04/2024 10:42

If you have been there for years they would need to give you a good redundancy package which should help whilst you find a new job. Equally they may be less likely to make you redundant as your package will cost them more. Don’t panic until you know what is happening.

PercyJackson · 18/04/2024 10:46

Try not to panic (easier said than done I know) until you know more. If the wording is as you've suggested, 'impacted' doesn't necessarily mean redundant, it might mean a change to some roles, structure of a team or reporting lines. But yes, it can also mean job loss.
If you're one of the impacted people, and it does mean redundancy, you will be entitled to redundancy pay (assuming you're in the UK) - if you've been there forever, this will be reasonable even if they only give you statutory. Some companies provide additional training and support as part of the redundancy package (which would include helping you write a CV).

I agree, it's not great for them to send out a pre-warning email rather than just telling the impacted people - leaving you all waiting to see if you get the next email is a pretty awful thing to do.

MinervaMcGonagallsCat · 18/04/2024 10:59

eish · 18/04/2024 10:42

If you have been there for years they would need to give you a good redundancy package which should help whilst you find a new job. Equally they may be less likely to make you redundant as your package will cost them more. Don’t panic until you know what is happening.

Unfortunately you can't make any assumptions about the size of packages. They may only pay statutory.

OP even if you are in the group selected at risk there will still be a consultation period and there may be other roles you can apply for.

Good luck.

ThorsMagicHammer · 18/04/2024 11:08

Ok thanks. How do I find out what my redundancy package would be? I signed my contract about 20 years ago, I don’t think I even have a copy anymore.

they still haven’t done the follow up email. It’s been over an hour and I daren’t talk to anyone at work so I’m just waiting for it to arrive and trying to distract myself with other work

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YouveGotAFastCar · 18/04/2024 11:13

Statutory redundancy is worked out at 0.5 of a weeks pay for every year you were under 22, 1 weeks pay for between 22 - 41, and 1.5 weeks for every year over 41.

Your weekly pay is the average you earned per week over the 12 weeks before the day you got your redundancy notice.

It maxes out at 20 years, and only full years count.

Weekly pay is capped at £643 a week, and your total payout is capped at £19,290.

So you can work out what your worst case would be. You'd need to get a copy of your contract to see what they'd pay over-and-above that.

I'm really sorry; it's immensely stressful to lose your job. I hope things work out okay.

PercyJackson · 18/04/2024 11:17

Some companies will include information in their company policies about enhanced redundancy packages. I don't think they have to though (as its not generally part of the employment contract) so you might not find out until you're offered the package (assuming you're impacted).

Billybagpuss · 18/04/2024 11:17

this is the government’s redundancy calculator. It may have changed but I believe it’s tax free up to £30k

first things first don’t panic.

give yourself a few days to get your head straight. You may not even be impacted.

then it’s worth spending some time starting to put a CV together so you’re ready if needs be.

finally I’ve been made redundant twice. Both times I got a good pay out and made a positive forward move. If you’ve been there that long it might be time for a bright new future.

good luck

Calculate your statutory redundancy pay

Calculate how much statutory redundancy you can get based on age, weekly pay and number of years in the job

Danikm151 · 18/04/2024 11:18

By being employed for that long you’re looking a decent redundancy package if you are selected to leave. They will also have to pay any unused holiday as well as notice.
The email will be them giving notice you may find the wheels turn very slowly.

we had the restructuring notification July last year. Some people left straight away, others are leaving now and laughing all the way to the bank. Then some of us have stayed and are slightly jealous of those who have left 🤣

Alwaysbloodytired · 18/04/2024 11:21

Could you ask HR for a copy of your contract?
You can use the website to find out what your redundancy package should be if you're only entitled to statutory redundancy.
As far as I'm aware it's not as straightforward as an individual being told you're being made redundant, end of. There should first be a selection pool e.g there are 20 of you but only 15 jobs, would anyone like to take voluntary redundancy?
I think they also need to actively look to see if there is another role you would be suitable for within the business.
I know it's difficult but try not to worry until you hear more!

Dentistlakes · 18/04/2024 11:21

I’ve been in the same situation on a couple of occasions op, so you have my sympathy, it’s extremely stressful.

My advice would be to focus on what you can control and try to stay calm. Start working on your CV asap. I always try to keep mine up to date just in case, so even if you don’t need it on this occasion, it’s good to have one ready to go. Look into recruitment agencies that specialise in your area. If you have contacts in the industry you can utilise, make a list and ensure you have their contact details ready to go in case you need them. In short, prepare for the worst case scenario. I promise you will feel better once you start and it’s worth doing these things even if you don’t need to use them in the end.

You will be ok.

Whateveer · 18/04/2024 11:22

You should get a redundancy package to give you breathing space on getting a cv sorted and apply for other roles. Try not to panic 💐

Catza · 18/04/2024 11:24

No redundancy has actually been mentioned. We had a similar email sent last week. Nobody has been made redundant. We did have a recruitment freeze though which, over time, would mean increased workload for current staff.
"Impact" can mean virtually anything.
ETA: maybe they did send a follow up email immediately and you are not in the group of people "directly impacted"... also a possibility.

TinkerTiger · 18/04/2024 11:28

Current figures on statutory redundancy

Might be about to lose my job- anyone around?
ThorsMagicHammer · 18/04/2024 11:41

Thank you, that sounds good so we won’t be homeless immediately if it does happen. They haven’t said redundancy but they have said about consultation periods etc so I think they’re just being careful with wording at the moment.

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HaudYerWheeshtYaWeeBellend · 18/04/2024 11:45

Your email does not state if redundancy has been mentioned?

impacted could mean a variety of things

ThorsMagicHammer · 18/04/2024 12:50

@HaudYerWheeshtYaWeeBellend it doesn’t, it just says restructuring and consultancy periods? But that’s what they’ve done in the past when people have been made redundant.

they still haven’t sent emails to anyone. I think they’re waiting for the end of the day so they can send them and run away so people have the night to calm down/panic

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penjil · 18/04/2024 13:17

eish · 18/04/2024 10:42

If you have been there for years they would need to give you a good redundancy package which should help whilst you find a new job. Equally they may be less likely to make you redundant as your package will cost them more. Don’t panic until you know what is happening.

No company HAS to give anyone a redundancy package, let alone a good one.

You're actually legally entitled to much less money than you think you are.

From the UK Government website:

You’ll normally be entitled to statutory redundancy pay if you’re an employee and you’ve been working for your current employer for 2 years or more.
You’ll get:

  • half a week’s pay for each full year you were under 22
  • one week’s pay for each full year you were 22 or older, but under 41
  • one and half week’s pay for each full year you were 41 or older

Length of service is capped at 20 years.
Your weekly pay is the average you earned per week over the 12 weeks before the day you got your redundancy notice.

Employment status

Employment status (worker, employee, self-employed, director or contractor) affects employment rights and employer responsibilities in the workplace

penjil · 18/04/2024 13:20

HaudYerWheeshtYaWeeBellend · 18/04/2024 11:45

Your email does not state if redundancy has been mentioned?

impacted could mean a variety of things

"Restructuring" is a corporate euphemism for redundancies.

TwirlyWhirlie · 18/04/2024 13:23

Being made redundant isn’t as bad as you think, honestly. I took voluntary redundancy (ok a bit different than getting an unexpected email granted). However, we all had loads of notice before leaving, the organisation paid our legal fees so we could take independent legal advice and my line manager allowed me to have time off to do my CV and attend interviews. I ended up £28k richer and got a job 5 weeks after I left which pays £11k more than I was on at the time.

Sorry you’re going through this but it could work out really well ❤️ ❤️

Pookerrod · 18/04/2024 14:20

TwirlyWhirlie · 18/04/2024 13:23

Being made redundant isn’t as bad as you think, honestly. I took voluntary redundancy (ok a bit different than getting an unexpected email granted). However, we all had loads of notice before leaving, the organisation paid our legal fees so we could take independent legal advice and my line manager allowed me to have time off to do my CV and attend interviews. I ended up £28k richer and got a job 5 weeks after I left which pays £11k more than I was on at the time.

Sorry you’re going through this but it could work out really well ❤️ ❤️

I agree with this. Change is scary but this could be a really great thing for you. You’ll have the maximum amount of redundancy pay and have the time and space to find something new.

Getting made redundant worked out so well for my mum financially as with the PP. She was very scared and missed her old team like crazy but was able to stash a nice sum away in her retirement pot.

Pookerrod · 18/04/2024 14:24

Also, it is standard practice to space out restructuring emails. Yes, they already likely know which roles are in which group but they want everyone to process this first bit of information first before bombarding with more information. It helps reduce heightened emotions going into the consultation period.

And finally, they can’t say that anyone is being made redundant before the consultation period. Which is why they are not mentioning redundancy, only restructure.

Iliketulips · 18/04/2024 14:28

Do you have a manager you can discuss with, hopefully to give you reassurance?


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ThorsMagicHammer · 18/04/2024 16:31

got An email, I’m not in the line of fire. Thank duck for that! Nothing like sweating all day waiting! Thank you all for your advice and handhold

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