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AIBU to get a sick note?

3 replies

Pancakes90 · 18/04/2024 08:26

Last Saturday I had a bit of a surfing accident. Basically stacked it on a wave and landed on someone else's board which was sideways at the time. Sunday I ended up going to A&E on the advice of 111 due to the pain - 3 cracked ribs and a tiny tear on my lung but nothing that won't heal itself. Had a CT scan on my spleen and that was a-okay. Sent home with morphine for the week.

The pain! I am miserable. I've self-certed for work this week. I work in a primary school but I also drive the minibus to pick the kids up in the morning. I'm debating calling the doctor today and asking about a sick note for next week, but I'm also one of those that doesn't want to take the piss. I also run after school clubs (rounders, homework) and I'm very aware the kids are missing out while I'm not there. Do you think it would unreasonable to take next week off too?

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

10 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
Poppins2016 · 18/04/2024 08:29

Of all the things that could be "taking the piss", this is not one of them. I'm surprised you weren't offered a doctors note from the start!

100% get a note and take the time that you need. This is just one of those things that can't be helped. If you don't take time out to recover properly, chances are that your recovery will take longer and be more painful than it needs to be.

ChazsBrilliantAttitude · 18/04/2024 08:30

Are you safe to drive? Would your injury invalidate the insurance?

Get signed off. It’s a safeguarding issue if you are not really fit enough to do elements of your role.

ToxicChristmas · 18/04/2024 08:30

YANBU. You've had an accident and you are in pain. Get signed off. Would you even be capable of driving a minibus safely with cracked ribs? Won't the pain turning the wheel/opening doors be too much?

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