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To think that children of 14 are too young to be studying philosophy?

98 replies

roastlamb · 25/03/2008 19:28

A friend of mine recently moved to Italy with her two girls, aged 14 and 12.

The 14 is in her first year of "liceo" and she is studying philosophy. I understand that this is part of the curriculum in Italy. However, 14 is far too young to understand the concepts being taught.

I had a hard time with philosophy in my early 20s, I couldn't imagine studying it as a teenager.

OP posts:
marina · 25/03/2008 20:43

Starlight, I think that's a very valid point. Not earning, not a care in the world (other than running low on henna/eyeliner/black nail varnish), hating the establishment = your sad old parents and everyone else over 25 - things are so much more apparent to a teenager than a mentally cluttered wage slave

marina · 25/03/2008 20:45

mine did a lot of sniggering too cam, over Cape fruit and Chilean wine I am sorry to say

Aitch · 25/03/2008 20:47

plus, starlight, Sophie's World is a pile of keech...

marina · 25/03/2008 20:48

Oh I don't agree there Aitch. His subsequent books, sure, but I think Sophie's World has a certain charm.

Miggsie · 25/03/2008 20:50

...anything that encourages teenagers to think of anything other than their appearance, the opposite sex or the latest mobile phone ring tone gets my vote.
Why can't a 14 year old ponder the eternal verities?
I wish I'd done it before my mum died, it would have mae the whole experience far less stressful.
I did philosophy at uni and loved made sense of so many things.
I'd be thrilled if my children did it, and even if the work appears hard at first you can work up to it...saying something is too hard is a self fulfilling prophecy IME.

dinny · 25/03/2008 20:50

pmsl at the Heat comment, Aitch, so true, I am so thick now, can't believe I managed to digest Kant once upon a time

SueBaroo · 25/03/2008 20:51

I do often wonder if actually, the whole of of existence is in my mind and once I cease to exist, so do you all...

Walnutshell · 25/03/2008 20:52

no, sue it's all in my mind...

WalnutVeneer · 25/03/2008 20:56

Are you sure Walnut???

What about me......................

Walnutshell · 25/03/2008 21:00

farkin eck, now I'm talking to myself.

still that only serves to reassure me...

you are all part of my dreeeeeeeeeeeeeam...

SueRoundedByArmedBastards · 25/03/2008 21:03

Pull yerself together, you figment.

Cammelia · 25/03/2008 21:08

Oh no! I've gone back to 1973 again.............................I must try and stay in the present

Walnutshell · 25/03/2008 21:08

I've always wanted to be a figment. I am complete.

[ FWIW, Walnutveneer and I are not the same person. Just in case I looked mad. She is mad. ]

Walnutshell · 25/03/2008 21:09

you get back to 1973 you imposter

WalnutVeneer · 25/03/2008 21:11

I am you and you are me and we are all ...........together

SenoraPostrophe · 25/03/2008 21:16

I love this thread.

I can't wait for dd to call us crypto fascist tools of the establishment. I just can't wait.

I may even start a campaign for philosophy in schools too.

SueBollyKnickers · 25/03/2008 21:20
Reallytired · 25/03/2008 21:31

Well what about four year olds. Supposely it raises IQ

handlemecarefully · 25/03/2008 21:40

Jeez, I am sure that the concepts covered are age appropriate and not too intense

WideWebWitch · 25/03/2008 21:45

lolol at this thread, esp Cam and Aitch, ha ha

AbbeyA · 25/03/2008 21:56

I think it is an excellent idea-I would start it right down in the Primary School. You can have fascinating discussions with five year olds.

Nighbynight · 25/03/2008 21:58

YABU, there are lots of philosophy related questions they could consider at 14.


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JodieG1 · 25/03/2008 22:00

Younger would be better.

SenoraPostrophe · 25/03/2008 22:02

I think this is the most cordial unanimous verdict of unreasonable that mumsnet has ever seen.

SenoraPostrophe · 25/03/2008 22:02

...I wonder if that's because we've all read a chapter of philosophy or two?

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