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Tell me what you've lost this week and costs to replace.

32 replies

girlfriend44 · 26/01/2023 21:58

Feeling really annoyed lost my glasses and its going to be 60 pounds to replace.
No choice but to pay it. Grrrrrr.

Make me feel better what have you lost this week!!!
Any tips for not losing glasses. I have two pairs and find it a nightmare to keep track of them.

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Timesawastin · 27/01/2023 07:45

Plug from my very old hot water bottle. Can't get one to fit, will have to buy a whole new bottle thus wiping out gains from not heating bedroom. Grr.

angelikacpickles · 27/01/2023 00:27

No chance of me losing my glasses because I can't see without them!

dottypotter · 27/01/2023 00:22

Mr Dotty Potter dropped his wallet when out a few weeks ago and got it back.
Lost an umbrella just before Christmas. It was quite a nice one. Within 10 mins it was gone.
Several things we can't find around the house at the moment.

TrickorTreacle · 26/01/2023 23:21

BackAgainstWall · 26/01/2023 22:34

Not lost as such - 17 month old (decent) laptop screen blacked out. Replaced cost £565.00 🥲


Not as bad as yours - I lost a webcam this week. It always lives in a drawer underneath my printer when I'm not using it. It's not there now, so I don't know how it's gone missing. Not fallen down the back of my sofa or anything.

I can't remember how much I paid for it originally, but the same model is currently £90 if I was to re-buy it.

Hobbesmanc · 26/01/2023 23:15

Mine made me sad. My mum gave us a set of stellar pans as a housewarming when DH and I got our first shared place. Nearly thirty years ago. She died a few years later far too young

Last night the handle of the biggest saucepan sheared off. Not reparable. They've been brilliant pans. Almost daily use so I can't complain. But I felt ridiculously upset when it went into the recycling bin. In fact I got it back out convincing myself that I'll use the handle less pan maybe on a bbq. In the very unlikely event I maybe want to reheat beans in a bbq.

TheGirlWhoLived · 26/01/2023 23:15

Makka pakka. He sings and I have had to buy a replacement for £13 but he was a Christmas present that we suspect may have been accidentally thrown out. Ds was v sad

Tapitandunwrapit · 26/01/2023 23:11

My birthday money, in cash and in an envelope. Really hope I haven’t recycled it or burnt it when we have the fire going on my birthday evening! Want to cry…!

Galliano · 26/01/2023 23:06

girlfriend44 · 26/01/2023 22:25

I took them out. I need them outside the home.

glasses chains have had a resurgence…big chunky acetate ones can be obtained on asos for £6 (search sunglasses chain for a few options on there)

DesperateHousewife2023 · 26/01/2023 23:06

My exhaust 😂 went a bit hard over a speed bump on a very low car.

shard5 · 26/01/2023 23:01

I tried checking that with the council but they had no reports of a mishap. We have the 140 litre bins for households of 5 people or less and 240 for larger households or families with more than one child in nappies
What generally happens if someone has taken your bin is it turns up around a month later filled will all sorts of unsorted rubbish because the bin men have refused to empty it.
We have fortnightly bin service and I already did one run to the dump so had to pay for a replacement.

Borborygmus · 26/01/2023 22:56

shard5 · 26/01/2023 22:00

The bin! The general waste one.
Probably because it's the larger 240 litre one because we are a 7 people family and were a few hours late taking it in.
Had to pay £30 for a replacement.
The only consolation is whoever took it will not have had it emptied as the bin men have a log of who has permission for the larger version.

Are you sure it was actually nicked? When ours disappeared it turned out that sometimes the bin lorries misbehave, and drop the entire bin into the back of the lorry, so goodbye bin. A quick call to the local Council confirmed this and got us a free replacment. FWIW 240 litre is the standard size here.

StarDolphins · 26/01/2023 22:50

Not lost anything but did something utterly stupid & I’m so mad with myself..

Spotted an unopened bottle of method in the back of bathroom sink cupboard, grabbed it excitedly, knocked all the pipe work out, including causing the pop up plug thing to collapse.

Had to call someone out, £118. All for a £3 bottle of cleaner. I seem to make this ridiculous decisions frequently.

mumda · 26/01/2023 22:47

Wooly hat. A tenner.

girlfriend44 · 26/01/2023 22:47

saltinesandcoffeecups · 26/01/2023 22:41

Then weren’t you wearing them if you need them outside the home?

Same principle… only allow yourself to put them in your bag of car console or whatever.

I was but didn't put them back in the case and back in my bag safely when I'd finished with them.

OP posts:
Hungrycaterpillarsmummy · 26/01/2023 22:46

Krakenes · 26/01/2023 22:38

Have lost a sapphire eternity ring. Not sure if it’s in a ‘safe place’ I can’t remember, or has fallen off the ring holder and been hoovered up. £1800 to replace in terms of valuation, but it’s vintage and probably irreplaceable.

As people said to me, it will turn up!

I lost all hope and it turned up :)

Good luck

girlfriend44 · 26/01/2023 22:42

MuggleMe · 26/01/2023 22:41

A £20 cheque for kids' christmas pressies from distant relatives was declined as they'd put 2002 instead of 2022. It feels too awkward to ask for a replacement as we don't really communicate bar Christmas card and thank you card.

That's a shame I'd deffo mention it, same might happen again.

OP posts:
MuggleMe · 26/01/2023 22:41

A £20 cheque for kids' christmas pressies from distant relatives was declined as they'd put 2002 instead of 2022. It feels too awkward to ask for a replacement as we don't really communicate bar Christmas card and thank you card.

saltinesandcoffeecups · 26/01/2023 22:41

girlfriend44 · 26/01/2023 22:25

I took them out. I need them outside the home.

Then weren’t you wearing them if you need them outside the home?

Same principle… only allow yourself to put them in your bag of car console or whatever.

Krakenes · 26/01/2023 22:38

Have lost a sapphire eternity ring. Not sure if it’s in a ‘safe place’ I can’t remember, or has fallen off the ring holder and been hoovered up. £1800 to replace in terms of valuation, but it’s vintage and probably irreplaceable.

Alphabet1spaghetti2 · 26/01/2023 22:35

A touch bedside lamp. It fell apart and cost to replace around £20 - haven’t actually bought one yet as Dh thinks it’s repairable - it’s not!

BackAgainstWall · 26/01/2023 22:34

Not lost as such - 17 month old (decent) laptop screen blacked out. Replaced cost £565.00 🥲

Hungrycaterpillarsmummy · 26/01/2023 22:31

In October I lost my diamond necklace that was made for my wedding day and gifted to me by my aunt and uncle. I was told to insure it for £3k when they gave me it.
I was absolutely beside myself, couldn't find it anywhere and I searched top to bottom.. we'd been away on holiday and I was then thinking I must've lost it abroad. Was wondering how I was going to tell them I'd lost it and to ask for proof of receipt to give insurers etc..

Until 2 days ago when I saw it laying on the carpet in my bedroom!! It was attached to the ironing board and must've been all caught up in it. I am honestly so happy to have found it again!


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girlfriend44 · 26/01/2023 22:30

Namechangefail1234 · 26/01/2023 22:26

To replace this week:
My husbands car battery died early this week, same day as the tumble dryer stopped working.
My credit card has taken an almighty beating this week.

It was things you lost lol never mind.

OP posts:
Namechangefail1234 · 26/01/2023 22:26

To replace this week:
My husbands car battery died early this week, same day as the tumble dryer stopped working.
My credit card has taken an almighty beating this week.

girlfriend44 · 26/01/2023 22:25

saltinesandcoffeecups · 26/01/2023 22:16

The only way to keep track of glasses is to militant about their home. Mine are only allowed to be set down in 3 places in my house. Otherwise it would be bedlam.

I took them out. I need them outside the home.

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