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Is there anything more annoying....

25 replies

WhoNeedsaManOfTheWorld · 06/05/2021 18:10

Than someone posting 'This thread has been hidden until MNHQ can have a look at it's
It never is and its becoming more frequent

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Batshittery · 06/05/2021 19:36


It’s less annoying than people putting half the thread title in the thread title followed by ... so you have to click on it to see what the thread is actually about before realising that you’re not interested.

Exactly what Angelo has said.
Rillington · 06/05/2021 19:35

Hmm Those messages are posted by mnhq.

Mamette · 06/05/2021 19:33

It says “this post” not “this thread”. It is MN. It’s the exact same as a deleted post but just different wording.

Shodan · 06/05/2021 19:30


Catching your belt loop/sleeve/pocket on the door handle.

That's definitely more annoying. Especially so because if you tried a hundred times, I bet you couldn't purposely do it.

Cloverforever · 06/05/2021 19:30

Trolls are way more annoying.

CHILLLADIES · 06/05/2021 19:26

It's the night watch. It's not a random poster.

Merryoldgoat · 06/05/2021 19:24


Please can you come and explain that this is generated by you guys?

FightingtheFoo · 06/05/2021 19:03


It is a random poster. I know MNHQ put it when they close a thread but this is just from a poster in the body of a thread which isn't closed
I must be the only one who has noticed it and got annoyed Grin
I'm assuming they think there is something wrong/dodgy with the op and are being clever but the threads don't usually get hidden and the last one I saw today was on a totally normal thread

I saw this on a thread today and thought it was weird! It was just a random poster. Their "box" was the same colour as all the other random posters, not the colour of the Mumsnet admin team's "box"
UCOinanOCG · 06/05/2021 18:44


It is a random poster. I know MNHQ put it when they close a thread but this is just from a poster in the body of a thread which isn't closed
I must be the only one who has noticed it and got annoyed Grin
I'm assuming they think there is something wrong/dodgy with the op and are being clever but the threads don't usually get hidden and the last one I saw today was on a totally normal thread

Surely that is just MNHQ hiding one post to have a look rather than a while thread? Can you add a link to the particular thread or would that make this a TAAT?
Tiredandbored · 06/05/2021 18:44

"This thread has been hidden until MNHQ can have a look at it and help you finish your title properly..." Grin

WhoNeedsaManOfTheWorld · 06/05/2021 18:42

I am frequently annoyed by half a title
If you can't bear them ...........

OP posts:
WhoNeedsaManOfTheWorld · 06/05/2021 18:41

It is a random poster. I know MNHQ put it when they close a thread but this is just from a poster in the body of a thread which isn't closed
I must be the only one who has noticed it and got annoyed Grin
I'm assuming they think there is something wrong/dodgy with the op and are being clever but the threads don't usually get hidden and the last one I saw today was on a totally normal thread

OP posts:
AngeloMysterioso · 06/05/2021 18:41

It’s less annoying than people putting half the thread title in the thread title followed by ... so you have to click on it to see what the thread is actually about before realising that you’re not interested.

PivotPivotPivottt · 06/05/2021 18:37

Yes my daughter is currently rubbing the rubber grips on the soles of her slippers on the silk paint walls. Like nails on a chalkboard Angry

Susannahmoody · 06/05/2021 18:37

Yeah, people faking. Hate it

NeverAgain123456 · 06/05/2021 18:34

My stepchildren and their mother are definitely more annoying.

Pebbles16 · 06/05/2021 18:33

Yes, an ingrowing eyebrow hair - just saying

UCOinanOCG · 06/05/2021 18:32

It's definitely not random posters who put that message on. It's MNHQ or the Nightwatch people.

sweetchillidumplings · 06/05/2021 18:26

It means their post has been hidden by MN and they have added the message. The poster didn't originally say that in their post.

MrsMackesy · 06/05/2021 18:24


I mean a random poster putting it on
I've seen it just now and several other times.

'A random poster' does not do it. It is either our brilliant Night watch volunteers or MNHQ only.
MrsMackesy · 06/05/2021 18:21

I think our Night watch volunteers are fantastic at taking swift action to hide threads of concern and they usually call it right. It's then up to MNHQ to have a look behind the scenes next day and either reinstate it or permanently delete it.

pigsDOfly · 06/05/2021 18:20

A random poster can't put a message on that leads to a thread being deleted. It's a message from MNHQ.


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Merryoldgoat · 06/05/2021 18:16

What do you mean? That’s a post from MN...

WhoNeedsaManOfTheWorld · 06/05/2021 18:14

I mean a random poster putting it on
I've seen it just now and several other times.

OP posts:
UCOinanOCG · 06/05/2021 18:13

What do you mean? I assume MNHQ look at it and decide it won't be reinstated so just leave it effectively deleted.

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