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DH and DS are pair of wussies.

91 replies

Oneeata · 18/01/2021 23:55

I made a huge pan of soup yesterday and IMHO may have been the nicest I've made in years. DH and DS both agreed. We had it with crusty buns for late dinner yesterday, they both took some for lunch in food flasks at work today and then DH warmed the whole pan back up and made some huuuuuge dumplings for dinner tonight - I can't make dumplings for love nor money and his are delish. I then made the schoolgirl error of saying "not bad going for a pan full of mouldy old veg" now they're both not speaking to me, both retching, saying I'm disgusting, I've poissened them etc and both convinced they're going to be ill with d&v. DS has even taken the "sicky" bowl and a towel up to bed with him.
I'm not going to be able to make my beautiful mouldy veg soup ever again hahaha.
They are both drama queens with best before dates and I often hide dates from them, I'm of the mind if it doesn't smell rancid then it's fair game you're not going to die.
Wished I'd said not bad for a pan full of slightly on the turn veg instead 🤣😅. In all seriousness though I have to give myself props for stretching a few odds n ends over 3 meals - it's mid skint month after all.

YANBU - They need to grow a pair, you're a wonderful wife and mother feeding your family.
YABU - Your an evil witch forcing both to eat scraps from the bottom of the fridge.

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PracticallyPerfectInZeroWays · 19/01/2021 16:14

I'm growing less tolerant of this kind of fussiness with age, having been a very fussy eater as a child myself!

Yes, they are being a pair of wussies and I applaud your thrifty, waste-not cooking prowess!

NoIDontWatchLoveIsland · 19/01/2021 15:40

I fed DS some sugar snaps a couple of weeks ago. They looked fine.i then realised later on that the BB date was 19th dec.

Veg in the UK just seems to have a standard BB date of 3 or 4 days time, regardless of the fact that stuff like root veg and onions keep months if stored correctly. The dates are just on there for stock turnover.

Franticbutterfly · 19/01/2021 15:32


Shouldn't have told them, lol.

In a similar vein, I made a lovely tuna pasta bake yesterday that my fussy dd was really enjoying. I was worried the sauce might be a bit spicy, but she said it was lovely so I made the mistake of telling her I had a confession to wasn't actually tuna or pasta, but konjac 'pasta' and sardines as they needed using up.
2 seconds later she tells me that despite eating over half of it already and telling me it was yummy, she now doesn't like it and can't eat any more!!!

Does konjac pasta make you farty?
Lansonmaid · 19/01/2021 12:41

Think OPs DH and DS need a sense of humour transplant myself. Nothing whatsoever wrong with making soup with slightly gone over veggies. What was annoying to me was when I made a courgette and Brie soup which my DS was eating with great gusto until he asked me what was in it and I made the mistake of saying it had Brie in. Cue sounds of disgust and ‘yuk I hate smelly cheese’......

WinterdiscontentGlorioussummer · 19/01/2021 12:25

I agree with pp, you should be in sales. How about

Slightly rotten pie
Green beef stew
'Fishy' fish filets
Or my favorite Slimy oysters from yesteryear

It's all about how you sell it Grin.

GrasswillbeGreener · 19/01/2021 12:07

Mine are usually ok, but I am getting caught out every so often by my 15 yr old at the moment who seems to have also caught the sensitive gene from his father and can be "put off" food by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. There's a lovely bit of smoked mackerel back in the fridge for me to finish up that he was going to eat but saw it was past its useby date (by a few days I think). I reassured him it looked and smelled absolutely fine, therefore was fine, but when he tried it he couldn't convince himself it was ok. I tried some and confirmed normality but it still wasn't enough :(

He's also not great around food with bones in. His sister went off meat age 11 or 12 and I'm hoping he doesn't go the same way as he doesn't really tolerate dairy products.

CorianderBee · 19/01/2021 11:18

And yes I'm not scared that mouldy (not past bb date) but actually rotting food will make me sick I'm just revolted by the thought. It turns my stomach and that's OK and not wussy.

I've eaten raw bloody jelly fish and caramelised goat (both were gross) but wouldn't eat furry veg.

MintyMabel · 19/01/2021 10:57

You shouldn't have said that. That would put me off too!

I agree. Especially as she knows they find expiration dates important. Sounds like it was a deliberate wind up.

Cherrysoup · 19/01/2021 10:48

Took the sicky bowl?! Oh my god, I couldn’t cope with such childishness. I’m about to make broth from yesterday’s roast chicken with whatever veg is in the fridge.

NettleTea · 19/01/2021 10:36

best ruse - take all veg out of the plastic packets, then nobody knows the best before date and you USE YOUR COMMON SENSE as to whether it is eatable or not

Landofthefree · 19/01/2021 10:35

I have an underlying health condition so have to be very careful with what I eat. I never keep any food after its use by date, even if it looks ok. Vegetables and fruit are fine to eat well after their best before date but anything mouldy gets thrown out. I definitely don’t have a cast iron stomach or strong immune system so I’d rather have food waste than end up in hospital.

YANBU to have used up old vegetables to make soup (assuming no sign of mould or weird smell)

YABU to have told your family immediately after they ate it.

SlopesOff · 19/01/2021 10:23

*full of preservatives, not off Blush

SlopesOff · 19/01/2021 10:22

I don't keep eggs in the fridge. In my entire life I have only had two eggs that were off, one had been kept in the fridge, the other not, makes no difference as far as I am aware. What happens with them is that when they get old you get a bigger air pocket and less egg. I have used some very old eggs in the past, but not so old that there is more pocket than egg.

Processed food, it lasts longer because it is processed and full off preservatives so unless there is something blue or hairy on it it will be used.

Cheese from November, I opened a pack I had forgotten about last night, and cut off the mould very carefully on a board. Then used another board and a clean knife and cut off the edges again. mixed some with my baked beans and put the rest away, I am fine today. When I was growing up cheese didn't go mouldy like it does these days, and we didn't have a fridge for many years. All the family lived to 80+ and no-one could afford to waste anything.

My old veg tends to be put into casseroles, anything that can be frozen is frozen before it gets too old. I make some interesting casseroles. Being brought up in a home where nothing was wasted gives you a different perspective.

FunkBus · 19/01/2021 10:09

I don't care about best before dates or anything like that, it's perfectly obvious if something is ok to eat. No idea why you told them if you knew how they'd react, it seems a bit mean-spirited. Fussy people do annoy me, but it would annoy me if someone said something was 'mouldy' too especially something like soup when you can't see if it's gone bad.

Cutting the mouldy bits off stuff and eating the rest is pretty disgusting though.

lottiegarbanzo · 19/01/2021 10:06

That's fine Bellingaire but nothing to do with my point, which was all about your 'type 1'. It doesn't sound as though anything actually 'off' was used here and no meat at all. Just veg past their 'sell by' date.

anniegun · 19/01/2021 10:03

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

SchrodingersImmigrant · 19/01/2021 09:59

I keep stilton and brie like you do Red Leicester 😂
Stilton from supermarkets is the best few months after use by date.

Wusses😂 Though you should specify it wasn't even turning yet

unmarkedbythat · 19/01/2021 09:54

Bit past its best veg or actually mouldy veg? There's a difference!

Scarby9 · 19/01/2021 09:51

A housemate once said how lovely it was that I always presented her a yoghurt or chocolate mousse or whatever with the lid already removed and a spoon stuck in.

In reality, I was usually hiding the bb date because she definitely measured high on that particular wussieometer.

Bailegangaire · 19/01/2021 09:45


You were a fool to tell them!

I can't bear people who are fussy about best before dates and have no common sense (or functioning sense of smell, apparently). It's a weird, waste-fetishising fixation that shows a complete incapacity for independent thought, or ability to function as an adult.

Right, glad to have got that off my chest!

You could tell them a long time later, in a more general 'well actually, you've been eating perfectly good veg, that's well past it's sell by date, for the last six months and never complained once!' way.

No, there’s a long way between being (1) someone who erroneously believes something automatically rots at midnight the day of the best before date, and (2) someone who isn’t ok with, say, — something some people on here do — using very past their best foods, or meat bones that have been on a whole bunch of people’s dinner plates to make soup.

It’s not that I’m afraid it’s going to make me sick, as the cooking process should put paid to that — it’s the idea that nauseates me.

I think mostly because we were very poor when I was small, and had no fridge, and it was, until my mother married in, a house where all the cooking was a rough and ready affair done by men in their sixties (my grandad and great-uncle), with very poor hygiene and frequently semi-rancid meat.

To this day, I’m easily nauseated. I could never pick up something that fell on the floor for even a second and eat it, and the joke stories on here about people serving up turkeys the dog got at turn my stomach.

This doesn’t mean I’m wussy, or fussy, or waste food.
Notcontent · 19/01/2021 09:43

Fruit and veg and other plant based foods don’t really have a “used by” date - it’s really a matter of checking if they look ok and cutting off any brown bits etc. People used to keep certain fruit and vegetables for months over winter and they are fine as long as they are chilled.

CorianderBee · 19/01/2021 09:40

I'm sorry but was it actually all visibly mouldy? Or just about to turn? Big difference.

I'll eat almost anything with any date but mold really gets me for some reason and freaks me right out. Disgusting.


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BadBear · 19/01/2021 09:39

I've been in this country for 11 years now and I still find the concept of sticking best before dates on veg so weird!

I'm with most people here, otherwise what a waste!

lottiegarbanzo · 19/01/2021 09:34

But it sounds to me as though your soup was made from perfectly good ingredients. You hadn't actually included any mouldy or off bits.

I would find your wording off-putting, because it implies that the mouldy bits are in the soup.

OhAnotherNameChange · 19/01/2021 09:33

@Hurtandupset2 your DD sounds like me 😂 I remember my friend making me some tuna pasta in tomato sauce, it was bloody delicious, even went back for seconds! It was just after I had finished this second helping she told me her secret ingredient was anchovies 🤢

Did the same thing this Christmas with a jar of stuffed peppers. Thought they were stuffed with just ricotta. Lovely. Finished the jar and when DP was cleaning it he noticed they were stuffed with ricotta, tuna and anchovies. An abomination!

There is probably a lot of food out there I love, but my stubbornness and unwillingness to try any food that comes from the sea (except tuna) means that I was always refuse to try them!

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