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What would you do if you saw a sign in a window saying "help me"

261 replies

Lois345 · 21/10/2020 11:48

I saw a sign in a window today saying "help me." It was one of those neat black framed boards that you can write on by moving little white plastic letters around. It was facing the street. Would you call the police? Do you think they would respond to this? I live in Edinburgh, if that makes any difference (maybe someone here with local knowledge of the police)

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Am I being unreasonable?

406 votes. Final results.

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MiddleClassMother · 21/10/2020 13:56

I'd phone the police but only on the nine emergency line. When I go to the city centre there's frequently messages in the windows (normally relating to covid from students) so would assume it's a joke, but get it checked out to be sure.

minipie · 21/10/2020 13:57

Surely if this was a person living with an abuser, the abuser would have seen the sign themselves?? It’s in the window?

StealthPolarBear · 21/10/2020 13:58

Only when they go out. Presumably it can be turned round on those occasions

DeliciouslyFemale · 21/10/2020 14:00

Exactly I know all my neighbours.


What would you do if you saw a sign in a window saying "help me"
Donkeeey · 21/10/2020 14:01


Surely if this was a person living with an abuser, the abuser would have seen the sign themselves?? It’s in the window?

Not if it was facing outwards and if it was an item that was regularly on the window sill, or was partly hidden by a curtain. Or maybe the abuser is upstairs asleep and the person saw a window of opportunity. Or maybe they just aren't that observant...
minipie · 21/10/2020 14:04


Sarahplane · 21/10/2020 14:11

I'd report it. Let the police decide. Hopefully its someone messing about/halloween decor but better safe than sorry.

Bluetonic41 · 21/10/2020 14:12

@justasking111 I'm kind of hoping you are a troll as your posts are naive at best and terrifying at worst. You have ABSOLUTELY no idea what goes on behind closed doors - as many people have given terrible examples of during this thread.
Knocking on the door is possibly the worst thing you could do in this situation. Oh and I grew up in rural Wales, everyone knows everyone in my village, I'm not arrogant enough to think all is well behind every door though.

ktp100 · 21/10/2020 14:12

Yes, I would call the Police. It may well turn out to be a joke but even if that is the case they need telling to remove it or the Police will continue getting calls.

isthismylifenow · 21/10/2020 14:13

So what did you do OP?

TheyreComingToGetYouBarbara · 21/10/2020 14:16

Unless it was very obviously a joke or a strange Halloween decoration, I'd call the police.

If it's a joke, they need to be told to take it down, because it's not clever or amusing. If it turns out to be nothing, you won't be blamed (again, unless it's so obviously a joke/decoration that a little common sense should tell you to ignore it).

HelpOrHindrance · 21/10/2020 14:18


Any news?

IAmcuriousyellow · 21/10/2020 14:19

Was it in the Old Well area?

notanotheronepleasee · 21/10/2020 14:26

This post has made me really stressed that someone could be trapped in there Sad

Lois345 · 21/10/2020 14:44

Thanks so much everyone. I called the police and they took it serious and said they would investigate. I doubt that I will hear any more, but if I do I will keep you updated

OP posts:
Lois345 · 21/10/2020 14:53

I should add that I really appreciate you advice. It was the overwhelming 'call the police' response that made me pick up the phone.

The sign was in a tenement flat on the 2nd or 3rd floor so I couldn't have knocked on the door even if I wanted to (not my building). Also, I totally agree with everyone saying that it is a horrible idea to knock on the door of a stranger in a capital city offering help. The police can have a look around the flat. What could I have done?

OP posts:
anothersleeplessone · 21/10/2020 14:54

@Lois345 well done! You never know you might really have helped someone desperate.

Bid876 · 21/10/2020 15:08


I should add that I really appreciate you advice. It was the overwhelming 'call the police' response that made me pick up the phone.

The sign was in a tenement flat on the 2nd or 3rd floor so I couldn't have knocked on the door even if I wanted to (not my building). Also, I totally agree with everyone saying that it is a horrible idea to knock on the door of a stranger in a capital city offering help. The police can have a look around the flat. What could I have done?

You definitely did the right thing OP x
Dottyspottybattyfatty · 21/10/2020 15:09

well done OP, if in doubt ring the cops and let then check. If it was a kid then lesson learned for the kid but it is always, always best to check.
I was saw a bloke grabbing a woman on the street late a night and picking her up- looked like they were together - but I shouted and asked her if she was alright. He said we're fine but I ignored him and asked her again. She was.
Turns out it was just a young couple, tipsy, mucking about. But as they went off she turned back and said' Thank you though, thank you for checking.'

GreyishDays · 21/10/2020 15:11

Also wanted to add that you did the right thing.

The police may phone you back to update, they did me when I called about young teens setting off fireworks in the woods. (Also Edinburgh.)

rainkeepsfallingdown · 21/10/2020 15:12

You did the right thing, OP.

The police are trained to handle these uncertain and potentially dangerous situations - you're not. Good on you for contacting them.

VentventVENT · 21/10/2020 15:14

Well done OP, that would have unsettled me too.


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SeekingAnswers3 · 21/10/2020 15:18

You did the right thing. I would have called the police just in case

jessstan1 · 21/10/2020 15:19

Well done.

Slightlybrwnbanana · 21/10/2020 15:19

Lots of self isolating students in Edinburgh, more likely (just now) to be someone without food than anything else but absolutely agree with calling the police.

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