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AIBU to have walked out? (Trigger Warning)

28 replies

SeaDreaming · 30/09/2020 19:52

I'm on holiday (on my own) and took myself out for dinner at a local pub for the first time in a million years. The food itself was fine, the company wasn't.

I was next to a table of teenage/early 20s lads. I raised an eyebrow a few times at their loud 'edgy banter', and then it got a lot worse - they were cracking jokes about
(TRIGGER WARNING) how a friend of theirs had 'killed eight babies now' (further comments revealed she'd had multiple miscarriages), and there was talk about how sleeping with her was like chucking a tictac up an alley and that her c*nt was ruined.

At that point I stomped off and told the staff exactly why I was leaving.

I think the only thing I regret is not challenging them myself.

Was I being unreasonable?
YABU - I am an oversensitive delicate flower
YANBU - I should be actively pissed off with misogyny whenever I find it

Or something in between?

[Title edited at OP's request]

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

295 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
AltoCation · 01/10/2020 07:39

How do these people grow up thinking they have the right to be so vile about people?

I think I would have asked to move tables.

Mittens030869 · 01/10/2020 07:48

That was really vile, and I understand why you walked out. However, taking it out on the staff wasn’t fair.

MoonJelly · 01/10/2020 08:22

You should have asked them whether they were old enough to be in a pub.

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