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Housekeeping - am I missing something?

212 replies

overweightcat · 28/06/2020 18:57

Our house is a bit small for us but not too bad.
We have lots of stuff but everything generally has its place and I try to declutter as and when.
We don't have a dishwasher which is a chore of its own as I feel constantly chained to the sink if I don't want a mountain of dishes at the end of the day.

I love it when it's clean, it usually builds up though and then I tackle it all in a day or two and it looks great....
But once it's clean I find that if don't go around CONSTANTLY tidying, cleaning or picking stuff up its back to a mess within a few hours. I feel that unless I never sit down and relax my house will never be clean. It's so relentless and boring.

Whenever I visit some of my friends be it planned or an unplanned visit they have beautiful immaculate houses, yes with some toys etc strewn about if they have kids but it's tidy and neat and relaxing and they always seem relaxed too.

What am I missing? Is there some secret handbook I've never read???

OP posts:
LaneBoy · 01/07/2020 10:11


I want a home, with laughter, playing, happy

Guess who is the most happy house between the ones where people are relaxed and have time to breathe, and the house where people get madly stressed frantically running around to find missing keys/bags/letters....

We could generalise either way.

Just lost a post thanks to not realising that when you quote it deletes what you’ve already written 🤦‍♀️😳

Anyway I agree with this, I feel like life would be a bit easier if we could get more organised. It is difficult for a number of reasons out of our control (health mainly) but that’s why I want to try and get a handle on what I CAN. Sadly it doesn’t come naturally to either of us but I’m using lockdown (when we have fewer demands on our time) to gradually improve things.
JaniceWebster · 01/07/2020 09:34

I want a home, with laughter, playing, happy

Guess who is the most happy house between the ones where people are relaxed and have time to breathe, and the house where people get madly stressed frantically running around to find missing keys/bags/letters....

We could generalise either way.

IndecentFeminist · 01/07/2020 08:10

Yup. Those polarised arguments are lazy thinking.

nokidshere · 01/07/2020 00:33

I want a home, with laughter, playing, happy,

Interestingly you can have the above and a clean, tidy house

Merryweather80 · 30/06/2020 21:50

I have a routine and stick to it so it's always tidy. My children also tidy up which helps. They know only to play with one thing at a time and to out it away before getting something else out. Occasionally there's a mess if toys but they are told you tidy those.
I keep as much as possible in cupboards, do laundry daily ( there's 5 of us) and be as organised as possible. Eg mop floors daily, wipe kitchen daily, wash up after each meal, towels washed on xx day, kids beds on xx day, my bed on xx day, toilets cleaned daily etc I find if I get out of routine it's messier and harder to get back on track.

GhoulWithADragonTattoo · 30/06/2020 16:50

I think decluttering is the key. Then good storage for what you do need to keep. Once you’ve got the house tidy it’s fairly easy to clean. I also think keeping on top of the clutter and not let it build up again is important.

sassymum67 · 30/06/2020 11:29

Sounds like my house. If I put something in a corner there will be a mound of stuff there by end of week
Back to front feng shui lol

Hillary4 · 30/06/2020 08:20

Know what you mean and feel the same, until.....
When l visit the pristine homes, one is childless, the other clinical
I want a home, with laughter, playing, happy, not where you can't feel comfortable in case there's evidence somebody has visited

scramps · 30/06/2020 08:00

No idea how to link but here’s a seen shot of the IG page. X

Housekeeping - am I missing something?
scramps · 30/06/2020 07:58

Visit Serenely Sorted (on Instagram or FB I think). She has loads of ideas for keeping things tidy - I’ve been trying to apply them to my house (especially over lockdown when it feels constantly messy). Will attempt to post a link!!

Bluemoooon · 30/06/2020 07:20

A friend kept the toys out of sight upstairs and brought a few things down at a time, changed them every couple of days, so not much to leave lying around or to tidy up at the end of play.

Disfordarkchocolate · 30/06/2020 07:18

Lots of stuff is your issue. Either accept some mess because you want to keep lots of stuff or declutter and be tidier. Some houses have no storage and that's bloody annoying and impractical too.

Apple1029 · 30/06/2020 07:14

I have a big house and it's pretty neat and clean even with a toddler. Dh and I both keep on top of things.
There isnt crumbs and food on the floor because we either eat at the table or my ds eats at his table in his playroom. Teach your kids to eat in one place.
Do you have space for a dishwasher? that saves hours of your life.
Dh and I spend one night a week doing a thorough clean - mopping, vacuuming, moving furniture , dusting etc.
Even if your dp works long hours he can still do a little - clean up the bathroom after he uses it, tidy up kitchen after use, etc. Every night we do a quick 20min tidy up before bed.
I think you can be a bit more organized/have a routine. I also dont think it uncommon to have neat, immaculate homes with a family. Everyone has to pitch in.
I also find the untidiest homes have alot of clutter. Everything in my home has its place. There arent things stacked around the house, or unecessary items lying around. We also have a toy box in the main rooms so that's part of the tidy up routine.
I think you can get both your DC to start doing chores- even little things like putting their clothes/toys away, bowls back to the kitchen when they are done.
If you dont start teaching them to do that, you will end up being the only one doing anything.

CoolDad2020 · 30/06/2020 00:31

It’s known as OCD.....get over it, accept it and relax in your own space 💙

Socialdistancegintonic · 29/06/2020 23:53

@notso I don’t let the kids eat anywhere but the kitchen, if that helps! I’m allowed, which is annoying to them but I don’t care, I have to clean! I know my teenage DS sneaks up crisps to his room which is fine. His mess!

Letsgetthishousesold · 29/06/2020 23:47

I’ve just started a 30 day decluttering challenge thread in housekeeping if anyone is interested!

ChocAuVin · 29/06/2020 23:41

Marie Kondo changed my life. I was late thirties and chronically untidy when I read it. My entire mindset and perspective shifted and it all just seemed to click for the first time ever.

The game changer was to tidy by category, not location. This for me translated into organise by category, and have only one location in your home for each (wherever possible).

I realised I was a macro organiser, not a micro organiser. No label makers and endless tiny boxes sorted into the minutiae. One location for electrical miscellany. One single box file for paperwork (now utterly ruthless in that regard). One bookshelf for only those books I truly love or intend to read. Etc. Smile

ReturnOfTheMc · 29/06/2020 23:33

I am in the minority I see. I have a dishwasher for the first time in my life and I don't see the appeal. Things so look messy sitting beside the sink but in my house they get cleaned quicker than if I have to wait for a full load. When the dishwasher is going I feel a warm glow, love the sound but until then yuck, I feel like it's so dirty in there. Or I'm doing it wrong - stacking and unstacking and restacking dirty stuff. Or thinking oh this big bowl is hardly dirty at all and will take up lots of space I'll just hand wash this one....Oh and that one needs a rinse oops I've cleaned it entirely now anyway.....or taking dirty stuff out (yuck) because my toddler is requesting the pink bowl and I haven't turned the wash on yet.....
I use mine for storage mostly, but as I say, I know they're very popular with everyone else.

melj1213 · 29/06/2020 23:29

Tbh it's all about keeping on top of things, using systems that are functional (even if they arent pretty) and ensuring it is easier to put things away than get them out so there is no excuse for not tidying up.

My hallway is non-existent, there is a small recess just behind the door so I installed a cheap set of drawers. There are two small hooks on either side of the recess, one for me and one for DD - only the coat we are using that day goes on the hook, any others go into the hall cupboard (which is the only storage in our flat so not practical to be accessing multiple times a day). Each of us have a drawer for stuff we bring in (bag/folders/hats/shopping bags/scarves/sunglasses etc) and the bottom drawer is for work/school shoes so we know where they are in the morning. The top has a dish for keys, a cup with pens and post its and a money box for loose change (DD uses it f she needs extra change for bus fare etc). Anyone who comes in will see an empty hallway because all of our clutter is behind the door and hidden in drawers.

lovinglavidaloca · 29/06/2020 23:22

I’m not sure how old your kids are but we have the issue of no dishwasher either and absolutely no space to get one. I’ve started making everyone wash up their own bowl, plate, cutlery or whatever after every meal. It takes less than a minute for each person but save me spending 20 minutes multiple times per day washing dishes. Absolutely recommend.

CarterBeatsTheDevil · 29/06/2020 23:02

Both of my grandmothers kept absolutely immaculate homes (they were married in the 30s-40s so not of a generation where the men did any housework Hmm). They did it by spending a good chunk of the morning hoovering, dusting and cleaning and then as other people came home or visited they were constantly in motion picking things up, moving around, washing up constantly. We don't expect our house to be immaculate in that way because we both work, but we are very big on not having more stuff than we have space for and on everything we do have living in a specific place. So we're generally no more than 20 minutes away from a guest-friendly house and people tend to let us know if they are popping over. But even so it is kind of about picking up as you go and putting stuff away as soon as you have finished with it, I think. My husband (and his dad) both do a lot of housekeeping, including cleaning and laundry, and that makes it miles easier. But it is hard to keep a house with rampaging kids neat.

PotteryLottery · 29/06/2020 22:51

You need less stuff.

So, a place for everything and everything in its place.


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Scotland32 · 29/06/2020 22:36

My husband is SO messy and my kids are small so I feel the same. I like the ‘never leave a room empty handed’ advice and I also subscribe to the ‘one touch’ rule. Never just move something...when you touch it, put it away. For example: come into house, put coat on back of a chair (my husband does this...annoying!) then someone has to touch it a second time to put it away. Wasted time. Put it on the hook with the first touch. I’ve even started implementing this with kids and husband and sometimes they do it! A similar thing is to get the kids to pick up 5 things each and put them away. It’s a manageable task and can make a difference.
Also, set a timer for 5/10/15 minutes and get everyone to tidy up as much as possible in that time. It’s amazing what can be done.
Can’t help with the dishwasher dilemma - I would never be without one and would have no time for any of my above suggestions if I didn’t have one!
So I sympathise!

notso · 29/06/2020 22:06

I thought you were going to hold the key to a 'bit' free floor! We must be a crumby family as this issue has travelled with us from our previous house although thankfully we no longer have a slate floor that shows every tiny speck of dust. Thank goodness for the robot vacuum he never complains Grin

Socialdistancegintonic · 29/06/2020 21:38

@vanillandhoney and others, I’m with you, the idea that you have to spend hours a day just to have a tidy clean house is crazy!

Be ruthless with clutter and get rid of over half your stuff. You don’t need it! Honestly it’s so freeing not to have clutter. And I would recommend stop doing half the cooking and ‘stuff’, we just don’t need to. Washing once a week. Hovering twice. Bathrooms once. Kitchen just clean every time you cook.

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