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To not really care if I am boring, thank you very much!!

303 replies

sugarmatches · 25/09/2007 23:15

Hands up, I am a boring person.
My life is a bit dull and I don't really do many interesting things on a daily basis. My dh is nice and normal, my dc are lovely and have no health problems and my family are on the right side of crazy. We have a boring car, go on boring holidays and have boring friends (whom I love, btw!).

So what??

If I want to post a thread asking how to get stains out of my Le Creuset, I am bl**dy well going to do it no matter what anyone says. If I had a more interesting life then I might ask advice on getting bodily fluids out of sequins thongs, but I buy mine from M&S and they are machine washable at 40 degrees.

I know that there are so many people on MN who have really difficult things to overcome and who are still nice, friendly and helpful to us boring posters. That is how it should be I think. And F*ck you if you don't agree

OP posts:
Lorayn · 01/10/2007 10:20

Ha, TM, my DD is at school, DS is nearly 3 and loves nothing more than lego, so he is normally quite intent on ignoring me!! I am rarely online weekends for more than about ten minutes, same goes for after about 2pm, but just lately DP has been having an affair, with a PS3, so I am an oblivionwidow

lucyellensmum · 01/10/2007 10:12

i spend far too much time on here, its actually a problem!!! I tend to hop on when dd eating brekkie or having her nap, she has three hours a day, but always feel as if i have wasted my time tbh. Saying that, there are some serious topics and posts and i have recieved a lot of support on here for which i am grateful. I think we all just crave adult company. My DP i think would prefer if i were having an online affair, i mean, at least that would be a bit more exciting and i might be a tad horny afterwards

talulasmum · 01/10/2007 10:06

ps; sorry about crap spelling again, trying to do 3 things at once!

talulasmum · 01/10/2007 10:02

lem; no other alias, really have'nt been around that long have'nt posted before as nothing to say really. but what i found strange is the topics you chat about hence original thread, also how do you get the time! my kids are all at ft school now so ive got a little bit of spare time but when they were young i didnt have time to go for a s**t. ive spent alot of time on here this past week, dh things im having an online affair (seriously1) kids think its great as im neglecting their homework etc. honestly, dont know how you do it. maybe its an art?

Lorayn · 01/10/2007 09:56

TM was on another one I am on too, about grassing on a benefits cheat.

lucyellensmum · 01/10/2007 09:23

don't worry TM, thickness transcends the class barrier!!

One thing puzzles me though, i've not seen your name crop up on other threads, well only if they have boring in the title. It makes me wonder if you have another alias.

Lorayn - your Sunday, sounded blissfull, im quite honestly, sounds like a perfick day.

Lorayn · 01/10/2007 08:08

Nooooooooooooooooooo, talulasmum, you can't be!!!!!

I was going round all the local argos' trying to find you

talulasmum · 01/10/2007 07:32

lem; well, i did try and give it away half way through original thread, but no one noticed! happily married (10 years) and i actually have 4 kids! 2 ds & 2 dds. but i am very working class and a bit thick!

Lorayn · 30/09/2007 18:35

Oh what a wonderfully boring day I'm having!!!
I have been to the market to get some veg and fruit, played scrabble, been blackberry picking , cooked a roast, played jenga and am waiting for my crumble to cook so I can scoff yet more food
Then it's time for a nice hot bath, and maybe some more scrabble.


lucyellensmum · 30/09/2007 18:18

yep, totally!!

So, tell us, what are you REALLY like, how many children do you have etc, are you a SAHM? Married? Living in sin? or do you just have lots of FBs

xyzabc · 30/09/2007 13:47

its "cathkidston" and she does very nice tea towels.

talulasmum · 30/09/2007 12:00

lem; so, sussed from the start was i

lucyellensmum · 30/09/2007 11:30

The thing that got me talula, is that in my dd's maisy book, its spelt tallulah!!!! i thought, hmmmm But yes, very entertaining.

Me? I live in a ramshackle terrace in a very trendy town. I can't be doing with cath kidson or however you spell it. Le crusuet? Nah, too heavy. But i still want that toaster!!!!

3andnomore · 30/09/2007 10:56

lol talula

talulasmum · 30/09/2007 10:45

3andnomore; no not a name changer, get into enough trouble being one person let alone two!

3andnomore · 30/09/2007 10:30

oh talula...are you a name changer though ???? ;)
Your post made me lol...what are you like...

talulasmum · 29/09/2007 22:57

lem; actually cover is starting to get blown. i must admit, i live in a nice semi in a (fairly) posh london suburb, it has a very large garden with apple tress and everything! i admit to having kathkidston handwash in the bathroom, and to buying bedding from the white company. but..... i have NEVER owned a le cruestty thing, and never will. its been a real laugh this thread, and an eye opener if i must say! but one thing ive learnt... your not boring at fact... your all fantastic, and i hope to bore (opps sorry,) chat along with you for many a year.
x x x

Lorayn · 29/09/2007 22:08

And join scrabulous!!!

lucyellensmum · 29/09/2007 22:04

i have a pretend metal fridge freezer!!!

Talula, you can only be me if you give up the inverted snobbery and admit to being the boden wearing, le crusuet owning, times reading, middle class alpha mummy that i aspire to be.

Lorayn · 29/09/2007 21:40

You try saying that when you had to go out and buy everything again, in white, thank god I didnt go for the cheap grey (pretend metal) that came out in its place.

WHITE goods are called WHITE goods for a reason

talulasmum · 29/09/2007 21:35

lem; i you... are you me.. are we the same?

lucyellensmum · 29/09/2007 21:32

Its better that way lorayn, cruel to be kind!


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Lorayn · 29/09/2007 20:26

Yes, I had everything in dark green, my kettle, my toaster, my fridge freezer, my pots n pans, my sandwich maker,my microwave, my tumble dryer, and when I went to buy the washing machine.............

lucyellensmum · 29/09/2007 20:16

my daughter calls the argos catalogue, the laminated book of dreams, in a strange wistful voice, i think its a bill bailey take off, but anyway. Weren't argo guilty of making everyone have dark blue or green kitchen ware? nice

talulasmum · 29/09/2007 17:30

lem; omg lucy, please dont tell me ive become.........boring!

oh btw, i actually looked in the argos catalogue today for one of those le cruset things and i couldnt find any. so if argos dont sell them they cant be that good, because argos sell EVERYTHING.

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