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To not really care if I am boring, thank you very much!!

303 replies

sugarmatches · 25/09/2007 23:15

Hands up, I am a boring person.
My life is a bit dull and I don't really do many interesting things on a daily basis. My dh is nice and normal, my dc are lovely and have no health problems and my family are on the right side of crazy. We have a boring car, go on boring holidays and have boring friends (whom I love, btw!).

So what??

If I want to post a thread asking how to get stains out of my Le Creuset, I am bl**dy well going to do it no matter what anyone says. If I had a more interesting life then I might ask advice on getting bodily fluids out of sequins thongs, but I buy mine from M&S and they are machine washable at 40 degrees.

I know that there are so many people on MN who have really difficult things to overcome and who are still nice, friendly and helpful to us boring posters. That is how it should be I think. And F*ck you if you don't agree

OP posts:
snowleopard · 28/09/2007 10:31

It is grim for children as they grow up to have parents who are not boring, who think they are oh so cool and down with the kids. It's our duty to be boring so that when we have teenagers they can feel cooler than us.

I like MN because I can feel free to air a boring question (or indeed reply) - and if there is someone out there who is challenging the sanctity of MN's boring department (haven't been keeping up) then I agree, bolleaux to them.

Lorayn · 28/09/2007 10:31

Does Le Creuset burn milk??
My saucepans do, anyone would think it was my fault the milk stuck to the pan after breakfast every morning.

littlelapin · 28/09/2007 10:27

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

themoon66 · 28/09/2007 10:25

I need a link to the Fenwicks Car Park Argument Thread please {grin}

Helennn · 28/09/2007 10:23

I am definitely more boring than you. I always seem to be posting replies on the money/legal bit, re capital gains tax, credit cards etc.

However, I may be boring, but I am actually quite happy and content wtih myself - OK my life may be a bit too boring right now due to being stuck in the house too much with a 3 year old but this is just how it is right now. I always think I should be going to the pub/pop concerts etc., but then think actually I don't like doing that!

coppertop · 28/09/2007 10:20

I have no idea what the other thread was about but am PMSL at the bodily fluids and sequinned thongs!

glitterchick · 28/09/2007 10:17

So...what people do you regard as interesting? I don't know that many people that do anything other than boring stuff. Majority of people get up, got to work, come home, go to bed THATS IT - I'm probably more boring than you as it turns out!

AeFondKiss · 26/09/2007 00:02

phew, you have all put my mind to rest, now I can go to sleep without worrying about my pots

xXxamyxXx · 25/09/2007 23:55

if the arse of the pot isnt a tiny bit on the burnt looking side your not using it right!

EmsMum · 25/09/2007 23:49

unstained cookware means you actually eat ready meals and just have that stuff for show.

Ellbell · 25/09/2007 23:49

Stains don't bother me. The bit where I've managed to burn the wood on the handle so it's now a wee bit loose bothers me though, as the pans are so heavy that I'm scared the handle might eventually come off. Oooh, the angst, the angst. [Middle-class emoticon]

AeFondKiss · 25/09/2007 23:44

yes but the stains don't really affect the quality of the food you cook in the le creuset (have I put anyone to sleep yet?) do they?

is it that the stain bothers the middle class psyche, is it an aesthetic issue?

Ellbell · 25/09/2007 23:44

Indeed, Kristina!

EmsMum · 25/09/2007 23:42

30 degrees works

except on my DDs knickers. I think I might start a thread on 'the understains' as the old advert put it.

EmsMum · 25/09/2007 23:40

Its MUMS net.

part of job description is to deal with boring stuff. cleaning loos. laundry.

part of it is to be bored out of mind (oh no not that pretend game again DD....)

I have a very interesting job but just now have to write documentation of stuff I didnt develop and that is bloody boring.

your boring post is less boring than some of that. Truly.

KristinaM · 25/09/2007 23:40

ellbell - as my granny used to say

"husbands come and go but a good set of saucepans will last you a lifetime"

PeachesMcLean · 25/09/2007 23:38

LOL at "but I buy mine from M&S and they are machine washable at 40 degrees."

Now, does 40 degrees work????

Ellbell · 25/09/2007 23:36

Ah, sugarmatches, I salvaged my Le Creuset from the wreckage of my first marriage. I love those pots still and they are as good as they day they arrived in my life (if slightly stained). The same cannot be said of my first dh. Le Creuset definitely out-lasted him.

xXxamyxXx · 25/09/2007 23:34

another bore here!!

sugarmatches · 25/09/2007 23:32

Aefondkiss, apparently you don't! But you can have i repainted.
LC has a lifetime guarantee people, ffs why buy anything else?

OP posts:
bookthief · 25/09/2007 23:28

Yeah, how do you?

(also veeeeeeery dull)

StarryStarryNight · 25/09/2007 23:28

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AeFondKiss · 25/09/2007 23:27 how do you get stains out of your le creuset?

NormaStanleyFletcher · 25/09/2007 23:26

I put people to sleep

Don't know the thread of which you speak

StarryStarryNight · 25/09/2007 23:25

I dont. My pots are a boring collection of some Argos, and some Ikea. Not even my pots can aspire to be middle class.

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