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Would you attend a non-emergency hospital appointment right now?

86 replies

EdinaMonsoon · 26/06/2020 14:03

I'm trying to decide if IABU or not. I have a hospital appt next week and basically I'm concerned about the risk of corona. As a family, we have only left the house to exercise and the DC have both had a couple of socially distanced meet ups with friends. The appointment is for a currently undiagnosed issue which makes life difficult but not entirely impossible. WIBU to reschedule for a later date? Would a later date in fact be any safer?

YABU: just go, you'll be fine
YANBU: No. I would wait longer too.

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ChasingRainbows19 · 27/06/2020 07:48

I've worked in a hospital on a ward throughout full time. I haven't caught it yet and only a handful of my colleagues have. Covid is now only a few cases in my trust. This will depend on your area

There are very few visitors if any allowed. Nowhere near the same footfall of random people around. Mostly it's just staff and patients attending appointments. So probably the best time to go to be honest.

Wear a mask and use the gel. All staff should be wearing masks and/or aprons gloves when appropriate to keep you safe.

Borlotti · 27/06/2020 07:44

I've been to three appointments.
My daughter has heart problems which are monitored and also needed a CT scan for surgery she requires which although is not an emergency, it's very much required.
I'm pregnant and have had one scan appointment.
My first appointment, I was incredibly nervous, but my nerves were settled by the cleanliness of the hospital, the awareness of the staff and also how empty the hospital was.
The appointments have been at two different hospitals and both had the same high standards and in both I felt safe.
Please go. If you leave it, your condition could get worse.
Also, I feel personally that going now would be safer and quicker than leaving it until the hospitals are busy again.

ginsparkles · 27/06/2020 07:38

I attended a hospital appointment last week. It was very quiet and a bit strange but it was fine. I wore a mask, had my temperature checked on arrival and had to sanitise my hands before I entered the hospital.

keeprocking · 27/06/2020 06:55

I'm sure that your hospital will have arrangements in place for yur safety, at ours we were checked for temperature each time and now wear masks for later visits. The hospital is clearly segregated into green and yellow areas.

DPotter · 26/06/2020 22:04


DP is non ITU, with high risk, immuno-suppressed patients.
I'm surprised more GPs and dentists haven't has it

Doyouthinktheysaurus · 26/06/2020 20:29

You really need to the appointment.

I have taken shielding and clinically extremely vulnerable patients to hospital appointments, things are still moving in the NHS thankfully.

You will be asked to wear masks and there will be very clear one way and social distancing guidance in place. It will really be very safe.

ItsSpittingEverybodyIn · 26/06/2020 20:15

I'd go now I think, yes.

VicSynix · 26/06/2020 19:59

I went second week of April, at a point when no-one was going anywhere - the roads were empty and I hadn't been anywhere for 3 weeks. It was somewhat stressful, but it was fine in the end.

endofthelinefinally · 26/06/2020 19:52

Never, ever cancel an appointment. You won't get another. Just attend unless they cancel it, which they may do, depending on their assessment of necessity.

helpmum2003 · 26/06/2020 19:23

@DPotter interested to hear the differences. Must vary between areas and depts I guess. My experience is with non ITU but some AGPs.

johnstownflood · 26/06/2020 16:55

I went for an emergency eye appointment last week. There was a desk set up just inside the main door to the hospital where I was told to remove my own mask and replace it with one that they provided, sanitise my hands and they took my temperature, all very efficient.

birdy124 · 26/06/2020 16:34

I think you should def go! Hospitals are taking it very seriously, and it probably won't be busy.

I think the whole point of social distancing is so we can keep the world functioning for important things like doctors appoints, cancer treatments, etc.

Also this will be around for awhile and will probably just get worse in the winter, so now if the time.

bengalcat · 26/06/2020 16:29

I would go . It’s a great time as hospitals are just starting to mobilise their post Covid stuff . Parking should be easier and waiting time negligible .
At our hospital we’ve been wearing masks in all clinical areas , primarily because we can’t socially distance at all times , for at least 6 weeks . And of course masks / face coverings are now obligatory for all in hospitals now .

MummytoCSJH · 26/06/2020 16:29

I would and have. It's not worth looking like you don't need the appointment and getting removed from or put down to the bottom of the waiting list.

Sk1nnyB1tch · 26/06/2020 16:23

I am very high risk but still had to attend hospital appointments all through lockdown.
The hospital I attend insists on masks which they provide and have waiting areas set up for social distancing with temperature taking for entrance to certain areas. I was very nervous the first few times but the routine has become normal now.
I still tie my hair up before I go to reduce risk of touching it/my face, wash my clothes when I get home and leave shoes worn at the door for a day when I get back.
It's also helping me not gain weight as I used to treat myself after appointments but too cautious to eat uncovered food now Smile

AnnaSW1 · 26/06/2020 16:20

I went last week. So so quiet. Great time to go.

Mintychoc1 · 26/06/2020 16:16

I took DS to his appointment today. Everyone was wearing masks as we walked through the hospital, but apart from that it felt normal. Then when we got to the children’s outpatients, the waiting room , which usually sounds like a zoo, was silent . We were the only people there! The consultant spent over half an hour with us. I expect lots of anxious people had foolishly cancelled their appointment, and will want to join the mile long queues of people wanting to be seen in a few months.
We had masks, and I took hand sanitiser which I used frequently whenever I had to open a door. It was fine.

JacobReesMogadishu · 26/06/2020 16:08


Dd has an appt next week and I’m going to ring on Monday to see what’s happening. If it’s still on we will go.

I’m waiting for surgery and I’d go tomorrow for that if I could.

Bloodymother321 · 26/06/2020 16:07

I was recently in hospital with a seriously ill family member. We were inside A&E waiting inside a single room with the door open. Watching the staff only say 50% were wearing masks even when doing person care with my shielded family member.

I had to go inside the hospital every day for over a week and still few staff were wearing masks.

If you’re worried about catching covid I’d say far away.

RenegadeMrs · 26/06/2020 16:06

Since lock down started I have been to our local hospital 3 times (maternity) and my OH has been taken to A&E and a stroke unit (he's fine). We have all been ok and not caught covid. I'd echo what everyone else is saying; the NHS are very aware of hygiene and if they are offering treatment now take it as there may be a wait in the future.

TheOrigBrave · 26/06/2020 15:59

I have had 2 blood tests at a community hospital during lockdown.
I have not been required to wear a mask, but sanitise my hands. The seats in the waiting area were well spaced out and the phlebotomist was wearing a mask or visor and gloves (of course).

mumwon · 26/06/2020 15:57

I am going for a scan - one thing we were told No parking fee!!!!!
I rang reception to ask how the system works ie one way system etc & was told this


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FudgeBrownie2019 · 26/06/2020 15:52

DS1 has had three appointments at our local hospital during lockdown and has another coming up at a bigger, different hospital in July. We attend them as directed unless the hospital tell us not to.

The local hospital have been amazing, doing checks and ensuring everyone is kept as far apart as possible. They ask you to remain in your car until the very moment your appointment is due, and aside from shutting down entirely I honestly don't know what more they could do.

EmpressSuiko · 26/06/2020 15:48

You’ll be fine, I have asthma but took my dc recently for a routine appointment, we had to wear masks, we used plenty of hand sanitiser and washed our hands.
We were told to arrive promptly, we were seen very quickly, we had to see more than one person so we were asked to go back outside and wait in the car until such time and then we went back in, again we were seen straight away and then we left.
The hospital was very quiet but al staff were wearing PPE and all patients and visitors were wearing masks and using sanitiser.

DefConOne · 26/06/2020 15:43

I would without hesitation. I took my DC in as a healthy volunteer for a research study. Our trust has no cases of COVID at the moment though.

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