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AIBU to think the NHS should cover this?

166 replies

Icannotcope · 26/06/2020 09:47

I know I'll probably get slated for this but I just don't understand it.
I've always had large breasts and a small frame. I'm 5'1, 50kg, size 6-8. My breasts are a 32H. During pregnancy they got absolutely massive, I have no idea what size - but huge! Now they've settled back but they're still massive.
I have severe back pain and neck pain. I have injured traps from trying to support them and this has caused nerve damage so I get shooting pains down both my arms and have a loss of sensation in my left hand. I also get twitches in my hands. The pain on my neck/shoulders means I can't do things that involve having my arms forwards for more than a few minutes at a time (like typing, cooking, writing, driving etc). I've been to physio multiple times and done so many exercises but nothing helps. They've all suggested ensuring my bras are properly fitted but that hasn't helped either. They've ended up all saying that the only option is to have my breasts reduced.
Because they got so big during my pregnancy and have now deflated a bit, I have a tonne of excess skin. So, they hang down almost to my belly button. The excess skin gets irritated and infected because there's so much of it. I have to wash it multiple times a day, use aloe vera to try to keep it cool and talcum powder to try and keep it try. I take baby wipes, aloe vera and talcum powder everywhere I go because it gets so hot and sore.
On top of all that, it's affecting my career. I work in a professional field but there are no outfits that I can wear that don't look unprofessional because of the size of my breasts. Anything that's button up either bursts over them or is so large on the rest of me that it looks sloppy. Anything too high neck makes them look even larger and draws more attention to them. Anything low neck is obviously a problem too.
I simply cannot afford to have them reduced - it costs so much money and I just do not have it. Every time I've spoken to my GP, they've just said "it's a cosmetic procedure - you can't get this on the NHS". Surely it's not fair that I'm in agony all day every day. It I were experiencing this pain and these symptoms because of any other body part then the NHS would help but there seems to be some kind of decision that breasts are exempt from help.
AIBU to think someone should be helping me!?

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Sexnotgender · 26/06/2020 10:43

Can you imagine if some men had ENORMOUS heavy testicles? You can bet your sweet ass the NHS would fund a reduction.

itbemay1 · 26/06/2020 10:43

Download the treatment access policy from your CCG and have a read through, see if you meet the criteria for a referral and I do think you will then wrote to the practice manger with these fact or contact the CCG directly. Your case sounds not cosmetic and impacting on your life.

Tigersneeze · 26/06/2020 10:54


Its clearly not cosmetic, stand up for yourself. insist to get the help you deserve. don't allow a GP to fob you off.

  1. find another gp, present your case not as a question

  1. find examples, references, quotes, online and in your community of the NHS having payed for this procedure. quote these to your GP

  1. refuse to leave the GPs practice without a referral. It is NOT your GPs decision. It is NOT their area of expertise.

  1. This is important : spend time googling consultants / surgeons on the NHS who have published research papers on the topic and who lecture in on the topic. make sure that they are under NHS contract (a lost of leading surgeons do both, NHs and private) otherwise the GP will refer you to a surgeon they know will refuse the procedure.

  1. in the medical industry, there’s a long history of dismissing women’s pain. its a proven fact, it is backed up by studies. read this:
quote this to your GP. say you are a victim of this bias and you will raise a complaint.

don't allow them to fob you off!!

  1. understand one thing: you have a right of medical care. internalise that. be angry if adequate care is refused.
Timeforabiscuit · 26/06/2020 10:57

Absolutely what Tigersneeze says; escalate to the CCG if needed, and keep going - the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

Waveysnail · 26/06/2020 11:00

OP you need to emphasise back pain and neck pain - skeletal problems. Then it's a medical issue

Waveysnail · 26/06/2020 11:02

Keep asking for physio referrals. Refuse to be dismissed from physio service if it hasnt helped you

GreyishDays · 26/06/2020 11:02

Yes, focus on the pain and damage they are causing. Don’t mention the ‘difficult to clothe’.

44PumpLane · 26/06/2020 11:02

Agree this shoiod be covered by NHS and agree with other posters you should see a different GP.

I wouldn't mention the cosmetic side of it, only the physical limitations, physical pain and the mental health impact it has on you, ask for a referral.

Make an appointment every month if you have to so they know this is not something they an shoo you away for. And go along every time with a list of issues you've had that month specifically relating to your breasts.

Update the list so when you go you o ky discuss the issues you've faced that month but you have all the previous issues noted too.

If they still aren't taking you seriously after a few months I would move to a different GP again. Don't give up.

Also... Bravissimo do excellent shirts that are fitted for larger bust sizes.

Waveysnail · 26/06/2020 11:02

My grandmother ended up wearing proper corsets all the time due to the pain in her back and neck caused by her breasts

WinningEveryDay · 26/06/2020 11:03

The GP won't be fobbing the OP off if they already know the CCG won't approve it, some areas don't fund it at all. If the CCG may do, that's a different matter.

Refusing to leave till you get what you want is awful advice. It usually just results in security or the Police being called and a possible ban from the surgery.

44PumpLane · 26/06/2020 11:04

Oh but now I've actually read this page ignore me and do exactly what Tigersneeze has outlined.

Brilliant post Tigersneeze

Timeforabiscuit · 26/06/2020 11:04

Just to help with the fire, a colleague has had surgery on his back due to a fatty deposit which was restricting his movement.

The movement was his golf swing, and he got the surgery, after a lengthy wait - but he got it because he made the case for it,

Do not minimise the impact this is happening on your life or allow anyone else to.

keepingbees · 26/06/2020 11:10

@Sexnotgender that exactly what I say! Wouldn't be a cosmetic procedure then would it...

NotEverythingIsBlackandWhite · 26/06/2020 11:12

They used to do breast reduction on the NHS if you experienced other health problems as a result. I remember a young woman who worked for me having this done because of the back pain she experienced.

I would change GP. Their opinion might be it is cosmetic but the NHS do accept that it causes other problems. The NHS criteria can be found at:

WombatStewForTea · 26/06/2020 11:14

But if you’re 5”1 and a size 6-8, are you sure you’re a 32 band? I’d expect more like a 28, and getting the right support in the band would probably really help your pain?

I agree. You're almost certainly not wearing the right size. Your band size generally is around your dress size + 20. Get yourself over to boob or bust and measure up properly. You'll probably find you're a smaller back size and a few cups up. M&S are notoriously shit at bra sizing despite somehow having a great reputation. I suspect a large proportion of the population are walking around in the wrong size bra! I was measures at m&s as a 36D. My boob or bust measurement is 32GG and it fits sooo much better!!

letmethinkaboutitfornow · 26/06/2020 11:16

@Icannotcope - sounds awful!

Just say you are a celebrity and it’s your right! ☺️ Seems to work for nose corrections...🤔

I hope you can get it sorted soon!

backseatcookers · 26/06/2020 11:16

Wow - please please read through @tigersneeze's post, it's perfect.

This is debilitating, you poor thing. I would also suggest keeping a diary for a week or two and writing down every way it affects you so you have a solid account of the ways it does so through the day - from the different types of pain to sleep to the impact on work life and your mental health.


Alsohuman · 26/06/2020 11:20

It’s entirely possible your CCG won’t pay for this. I had to pay for my cataract surgery because my CCG will only operate on one eye when you’re virtually blind. The backlog from lockdown will have lengthened waiting lists for all surgery so this kind of operation, even if it was funded, would be at the bottom of the pile.

In an ideal world, you’d get your surgery on the NHS but we’re a million miles away from that. If it were me I’d save up and pay for it.

LizzyAnna99 · 26/06/2020 11:33

I think you deserve the surgery. And everyone saying she should be a 28 cup, I’m a size 6-8 and a 32 band :)

Branleuse · 26/06/2020 11:38

This definitely should be covered by NHS but i think its a bit of a postcode lottery.
In the meantime, i think youre in the wrong size bra and a smaller band size and larger cup would probably help somewhat.

Dramalady52 · 26/06/2020 11:38

On a side note, use athletes foot cream for the sore patches, not aloe Vera. Those types of infections are often fungal in nature and it works a treat. Also you can get some antifungals to take internally which help as well.

WhereYouLeftIt · 26/06/2020 11:42

You sound to me as if you meet the criteria.

I would have one more go with this GP, armed with the NHS info - print it out from the NHS website, highlight the criteria you meet. Ask for a referral. Be insistent.

If they still refuse to refer you, then I would change GP.


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WhereYouLeftIt · 26/06/2020 11:46

Oh and to all those insisting that the OP is wearing the wrong bra size - not necessarily. In my youth I was a size 10 but wore a 36B bra. No boobs but a really wide ribcage. Lung capacity consistently 125% expected (for my height) when measured.

Bra band relates to ribcage size, not dress size. They aren't alway in lockstep.

Defenestratethecat · 26/06/2020 11:47

I hear you - told exactly the same thing. Have neck and shoulder pain and almost permanent intercostal muscular issues.

You'd probably be listened to if you said you were a transman and needed breast reduction surgery Sad but being a woman in permanent pain/discomfort isn't enough.

HaudMaDug · 26/06/2020 11:48

I see where others are coming from about your bra/back size but I'm 5'2" and a little under your weight and size 6-8 but I'm a 32A, there is no way I could fasten let alone be able to breath in a 30" or a 28".
Having had a friend who went through a similar experience to yours, however she was also obese and had 5 stone to lose before they would operate. She lost the weight but her cleavage stayed the same. Her op went well and she's now so happy she can go to bed without having to wear her bra. She is also an inch taller now that she can stand up straight.
Keep pressing your GP or ask to see another as this must be agony for your little frame. This is definately not a cosmetic issue.

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