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To ask you to help me with my Kenwood?

13 replies

Merryoldgoat · 25/06/2020 16:32

I’m so sorry this is so off topic and such a 1st world problem, but I’ve smashed the glass jug of my Kenwood FP980 food processor - has anyone got one lurking around That they don’t use that I can buy from them?

I feel gutted. Someone gave it to me today and I broke it whilst washing it up 😔😔😔

I know IABU but I’ve looked online and can’t find one anywhere and they’re now obsolete and there’s nothing compatible.

OP posts:
Merryoldgoat · 25/06/2020 19:17


I’ve already looked - there is a full machine on there but I only need the jug.

OP posts:
winterisstillcoming · 25/06/2020 18:36

Sorry I think it's the wrong model but worth looking on eBay.

Merryoldgoat · 25/06/2020 18:03


Thank you for looking - the first is a company I spoke to earlier and they said there isn’t a compatible one.

The second is for the large mixing container rather than the jug.


I will call them tomorrow and see if that is compatible.

Thank you

OP posts:
QuestionableMouse · 25/06/2020 17:51,71551&mkwid=sNw2pJkpd&pcrid=224367234394&kword=kenwood%20fp980%20parts&match=e&plid=&pdv=m&gclid=CjwKCAjwltH3BRB6EiwAhj0IUIbRysMujnA9F1V2-paG1RwVb0Iak1xcrMmMRkzoNi-GFUc-uczJ3RoCrOYQAvD_BwE

Any good?

Merryoldgoat · 25/06/2020 17:47


They don’t have one.

OP posts:
Rubychard · 25/06/2020 17:42

Have you tried partsmaster online? Saved my bacon when the gearbox to my food processor broke.

Merryoldgoat · 25/06/2020 17:31


That’s SO kind of you Flowers

OP posts:
Merryoldgoat · 25/06/2020 17:30


Not one compatible with mine. They confirmed on LiveChat there are no compatible ones for my blender.

OP posts:
Wynston · 25/06/2020 17:23

I work in a little shop that sells cooking equipment
When I go back in on saturday I will have a look.

belinda789 · 25/06/2020 17:20

espares site have spares for everything. I have just looked and they have jugs for Kenwood blenders.

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