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AIBU to ask about Reborn dolls (ashton drake)

39 replies

fourandahalfkids · 07/06/2020 17:15

Good afternoon. I know this is quite a controversial subject. Some people hate them, some think they are scary, some think they are weird. But I am after some advice from people who might know about them.
My dd is going to be 14 in the summer. She is quite young for her age. Developmentally and educationally she is on a par with her peers she just still likes to play with dolls. She recieved a cheap Chinese made doll off Ebay from a family relative last birthday and she loves it and is asking for another one this year.
We dont have hundreds of pounds to spend so I have been looking for a decent one for around £150.
I came across the Ashton drake site and have narrowed it down to 3. Savana (2014 photo comp winner), little peanut and Annabelle hugs (monkey girl).
Does anyone have any experience of buying dolls from Ashton Drake? What are your thoughts please?

I know there will be some who say that she is far too old to be buying dolls for but I'm happy while she still wants to , her best friend also shares her passion for reborn dolls and designer friend dolls so she's not alone in this. Teenagers grow up so fast these days and I honestly thought she would leave the dolls behind soon after joining secondary school but she just isn't ready to let go of her childhood yet and I really dont mind that at all.

Thank you .

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MarshmallowsOnToast · 07/06/2020 22:45

Would anybody want this one either? Not sure I see the appeal, although some of the others are quite nice.

riotlady · 07/06/2020 21:28

Go for it! I collected (and secretly played with) China dolls well into my teens- I would still have them now but my partner is scared of dolls xD

EveryDayIsADuvetDay · 07/06/2020 21:07

I thought they were a bit creepy - until I saw the pig.

but if you like them, and think your daughter will, why not?

but not the pig.

Rockbird · 07/06/2020 21:03

If I was in the market for one it'd be Rosie

Twospaniels · 07/06/2020 21:02

Not a fan, but I think Little Peanut is the nicest of the three you shortlisted.

AllThatDrama101 · 07/06/2020 21:01

@fourandahalfkids, I have sent you a PM.

Rockbird · 07/06/2020 21:00

The older I get, the more I like the dolls. I really wasn't a fan when I was younger. But God the monkey is weird, creepy and weird.

TrickorTreacle · 07/06/2020 20:54


Look into ball-jointed dolls, there's a huge community and they're cooler than reborns.

Absolutely this!

Use the search term BJD to find out more. There are communities such as BJD Addicts and Den of Angels. The main thing to try and avoid discussing are "recasts" which are not the same quality as legit dolls.
AgeLikeWine · 07/06/2020 20:46

These dolls are weird, creepy and odd.

IHateCoronavirus · 07/06/2020 20:45

I think it is lovely she is still allowed to play and be innocent. The dolls are very life like. I would have loved one as a child.

Bluntness100 · 07/06/2020 20:37

Christ that pig One.

Those dolls really give me the creeps. And I also see no issue with her playing with dolls at fourteen but I’d be concerned about giving her something so creepily realistic when she can have babies herself soon.

Runmybathforme · 07/06/2020 20:30

I think it’s lovely that your daughter loves her dolls, you sound like a great Mum, but, I can’t stand the bloody things. I know they come to life when everyone’s asleep. Creepy as Hell.

Laiste · 07/06/2020 20:08

Sorry Op, that was rude of me.

There's nothing wrong with enjoying these dolls at all. I was just a bit shocked about the pig one.

I think the Shelly dolls look almost too real. Less fun cuddly newborn and more tired hard work newborn!

Laiste · 07/06/2020 20:06
Laiste · 07/06/2020 20:05

Oh my god the reborn pig!!!!! Shock

DanceWithYourBalloon · 07/06/2020 20:00

I'm not a fan of the dolls as I think they are too real looking for their own good! Confused

However I think it's nice for kids to stay a bit childish and innocent. It's sad seeing teenagers coated in makeup and duckfacing all over insta.

Also some people collect Lego, others stamps. What's the difference with dolls? Smile

MittensTheSerpent · 07/06/2020 19:44

So weird...

Butterbeeeen · 07/06/2020 19:39

For reference we have the Shelleys Princess Sasha.

Judystilldreamsofhorses · 07/06/2020 19:32

The monkey ones are really creepy. I don’t know anything about these - just clicked from trending - but I think the Shelly dolls looks better than the Ashton ones to my completely untrained eye.

deste · 07/06/2020 19:25

People sell the really expensive ones on Ebay, might be worth a look and that would leave money to buy nice baby clothes for it.

Mammyloveswine · 07/06/2020 19:19

Oh I love Annabelle! But I live orangutans! Savanna is lovely too!

ViciousJackdaw · 07/06/2020 19:18

Annabelle Hugs makes me want to cry. The poor bloody thing isn't even a monkey, it's an orangutan. They're part of Bradford Exchange (Princess Di plates and shit) so I'd imagine the quality is shoddy to say the least.


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Soubriquet · 07/06/2020 19:07

I really want a life like reborn but I can’t justify spending ££££ on them

The most life like I’ve seen was £1500 Shock

Lobsterquadrille2 · 07/06/2020 19:05

I bought myself a large-ish doll from Hamleys when I passed my chartered accountancy exams .... I was 24. She's called Alice and sits in my bookcase. I like Savanna, OP and I'm afraid that I agree with PPs about the monkey.

ToothFairyNemesis · 07/06/2020 19:05

The Shelley’s website dolls look much nicer. The reviews on amazon for savannah and little peanut are not very good.

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