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To be worried about this neighbour?

15 replies

FarAwayIsland · 06/06/2020 18:40

Guy across the road has been harassing dp and I when we sit in the garden shouting from the window across the road, on the first occasion he spent around 30 mins calling us names which became sexually intimidating. I called the police, he was arrested and I was told he doesn’t live there he’s a family neighbour of the tenant.
The following day, he was back staring the whole time we were outside and he was saying ‘oooh so precious etc’ we went inside.
Since then he’s there every day, we can’t sit outside without him staring at us and making kissing sounds. It feels intimidating and I can’t relax in the garden. I took some photos of him tonight which are blurry but it looks like he’s holding binoculars. What would you do? I don’t know if I should just shout fuck off! Or keep ignoring it.

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Am I being unreasonable?

25 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
Bbang · 10/06/2020 17:45

If police told me he was neurotypical yet had form for this kind of harassing and intimidating behaviour I would absolutely call police and log each time. Keep a diary also, the notes section of your phone is a good place.

Felifox · 10/06/2020 14:15

Keep a written record, with pictures, and email it to 101 daily so they have a record of the incidents should they need to take further action.

Irishprincess · 08/06/2020 20:56

If he stops doing it when you video him, make it look like you're recording him on your phone and prop it up somewhere, might put him off

FarAwayIsland · 08/06/2020 20:55

No, just a tiny space (enough for 2 chairs) at the front

OP posts:
OlaEliza · 08/06/2020 20:54

Do you have a back garden?

FarAwayIsland · 08/06/2020 20:44

Yeah not knowing if he could escalate is why I’ve not shouted back.
The police did say he was known to them and has a history for this but he had stopped it for a while.

Would calling just to say he’s constantly staring and making kissing sounds etc make me sound stupid?

OP posts:
Elieza · 08/06/2020 20:05

Yeah don’t piss him off. Go straight to the police. They will decide whether or not you are being reasonable. He may have prior for this. He could be a rapist or anything, you won’t know, but the police will.

randomchap · 08/06/2020 19:48

Laugh at him if you can, have secretive chats between yourselves, pointing and laughing. He'll hate it, his kind always do

Do not do this. Angering him could lead to violence.

Idroppedthescrewinthetuna · 08/06/2020 19:30

I have commented on your other thread made earlier today. The photo, could that be binoculars caught at a different angle

FarAwayIsland · 06/06/2020 19:50

He's neurotypical but likely a drink or drug user. I tried to video him doing it but he could tell what I was doing and just stared

OP posts:
Fairybatman · 06/06/2020 19:41

If he has already been arrested once I would video the kissing noises and comments and call them again.

Cherrysoup · 06/06/2020 19:39

Police. Is he neurotypical, do you know?

FarAwayIsland · 06/06/2020 19:15

I called 101 the first time but it feels extreme calling them because I’m being stared at.
We have tried just completely ignoring his existence and acting like we don’t care but doesn’t seem to bother him. I know those are council houses so I might try and contact the council on Monday

OP posts:
mrsBtheparker · 06/06/2020 18:45

Laugh at him if you can, have secretive chats between yourselves, pointing and laughing. He'll hate it, his kind always do.

NomadNoMore · 06/06/2020 18:45

Police again. My brother and his partner had this, totally unprovoked. Ended with a restraining order.

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