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AIBU about this type of PA post on fb?

54 replies

GoldenKelpie · 05/06/2020 21:31

This is the full message from a neighbour, really nice lady but...

"I have been considering cleaning up my FB friends list. Plain and simple: I would like my Facebook Friends to comment on this status, sharing how we met. But I want you to LIE.
That's right just make it up. And after you comment, copy this to your status, so I can do the same. I bet MANY of you won't read the instructions right."

You see, it is that last sentence that totally f*cks me right off. Angry

Have you ever posted a comment like this with a twatty PA sentence [I bet only my read fwends will read and comment, etc)at the end? I'm telling you, it is TWATTY. Don't do it!

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ichifanny · 06/06/2020 00:11

Just wrote ‘ no thanks’ and unfriend

GlummyMcGlummerson · 06/06/2020 00:41

YANBU. Felt like telling my mum to eff off when she shared this the other day.

I didn't share it so that must mean I love cancer right Hmm

AIBU about this type of PA post on fb?
Hearhoovesthinkzebras · 06/06/2020 00:44

This is just one of those copy and paste chain letters. I just ignore them

ghostmous3 · 06/06/2020 01:35

''I will add that she is balls deep in an MLM and usually posts stuff like this with a link to her MLM 'business' page for traffic, but surprisingly she didn't this time. I am desperately hoping that she has stopped doing the MLM as she has realised that (a) she gets virtually no feedback on the business page posts compared to her personal page and (b) she has spent so much money on hugely overpriced and mediocre products "Be the Product, Sell the Product" and made very little profit on goods she has managed to sell to family/friends.''

Goldenkelpie we dont know the same person do we? 😂

ghostmous3 · 06/06/2020 01:36

Someone on my fb shared each the same message and does mlm shit as well

Nightbirdcackle · 06/06/2020 10:01

YANBU. Guilttripping shite, to be ignored!

zingally · 06/06/2020 10:04

I just ignore them. They are attention-queens of the highest order.

Even worse, my sister's other half likes to make quizzes ABOUT HIMSELF for people to do. "Do this quiz to see how well you know me!" Like, really? Fuck off.

nomorefencepostsplease · 06/06/2020 10:05

YABU if you believe that she actually wrote that herself.

It is a tiresome "chain letter" type thing and she has just copied and pasted it from someone else.

Littlebluebird123 · 06/06/2020 10:06

Thanks for sharing that - interesting reading.
I don't pay much attention to those posts anyway and consider them as chain letter rubbish but helpful to see that I've been right to avoid them.

BackInTime · 06/06/2020 10:06

Absolute twaddle and nonsense. Some of those I see posting this stuff are actually pretty sensible people IRL and I cannot understand it. Block, mute and zero respect for people who post this stuff.

MaeDanvers · 06/06/2020 10:09

It's just immature emotional blackmail basically. I tend to ignore anyone who does this on my friends list and no-one has said anything to me. If they did they'd be on the end of a swift blocking. Mind you, it's pretty rare on my timeline since most of the people on my friends list aren't PA wankers. Grin

YouDirtyMare · 06/06/2020 10:14

Attention seeking rubbish

MittensTheSerpent · 06/06/2020 10:18

People who repost and share stuff like this are certified imbeciles and are therefore promptly unfriended by me. Ruthlessly. Best friend? Don't care. Goodbye. Marjorie next door? Eff off, Marj. Colleague? See ya.

userabcname · 06/06/2020 10:22

Oh loads of people are doing that on Facebook. Mostly my relatives in their 50s and 60s actually, so definitely not teenager one. The funniest one I saw was someone put "if you agree, please share. Racism is bad." I mean, wtf??!! May as well put "water is wet" ffs.

TheFencePainter · 06/06/2020 10:22

I had friend I haven't seen for a while posted this about cleaning up friend list.
I commented that I will do her a solid and save her a job and unfriended her.
This was only the latest stupid thing she posted.

Since then I managed to curate my facebook into under 40 people who are my family and closed friends so I don't have to deal with this bullshit😂

BlancheDuBlah · 06/06/2020 10:23

YouOkHun Grin

BrightYellowDaffodil · 06/06/2020 10:31

As soon as I reach the 'post this as your status' instruction I just default to 'don't tell me what to do'.

Absolutely this. Sometimes I’m reading a post and I’m kind of taken by what they’re saying...then you get to the “I bet most of you won’t share this” or “copy and share if you agree!!!!!” at which point I realise it’s attention seeking twattery. As is all the “I’m thinking of cleaning up my friends list” which is just a tragic way of screaming “WHO LIKES ME?”

GoldenKelpie · 06/06/2020 18:21

ghostmous3 Sadly I don't think we do know the same person Grin. MLM bots all do that type of thing, its a formula their upline instructs them to do.

OP posts:
GoldenKelpie · 06/06/2020 18:29

Thanks for replies, folks. I could unfriend her though I have never unfriended anyone on fb. I don't even know if I have ever been unfriended, how would I know? .

In real life she is a nice person and a good neighbour, despite MLM involvement. I am continually baffled as to why people who I respect in real life can be such cockwombles on fb.I long to ask "why did you post that PA nonsense?" but can't bring myself to deal with the conflict Grin. I usually sigh and move on when I see these posts.

I am gratified that I am NBU according to the poll I apparently set up Shock when I started this thread. I didn't mean to set up a poll Grin.

OP posts:
BamboozledandBefuddled · 06/06/2020 18:34

[quote LiveintheNow]It is not an innocent request to 'copy and paste'[/quote]
Damn!! I always thought if I broke the rules and shared, it would unleash plagues of locusts, require the death of every firstborn on the planet and trigger the Zombie Apocolypse. I'm feeling all let down now Sad

ChicCroissant · 06/06/2020 18:39

I never share those 'write one line about ...' and copy and paste either OP. Some people might find them fun but I happily scroll on by!

Same with the endless quiz results or predictions of future husbands/holidays/blah, blah, blah or my other least favourite post which claims that sharing it will get you £x in vouchers for a retailer - no, it won't.

TylluanBach · 06/06/2020 18:43

Type 'Amen'... 🙄


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Russellbrandshair · 06/06/2020 21:55

The funniest one I saw was someone put "if you agree, please share. Racism is bad." I mean, wtf??!! May as well put "water is wet" ffs

Lol right? “Don’t punch kittens, it’s cruel- share if you agree”

DanielRicciardosSmile · 06/06/2020 22:03

I don't think it's really that PA is it? Just generic FB copypasta bullshit. I just routinely ignore all of it, along with those "will 2 friends share this to raise awareness of whatever", "no one will share my photo because I'm (pick something)", "answer all these stupid questions about whether you prefer lemonade or coke". Theres just been more than usual over the past few months.

Zaphodsotherhead · 06/06/2020 22:08

l loathe these cut and paste statuses. I always ignore them completely. Either you know how we met or you don't. Don't expect me to waste my time desperately begging to remain on a list that I know perfectly well you are far too lazy to crop because it will make you look like a no-friends loser.

Feel free to cut and paste that as a reply.

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