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AIBU to ask if there is any pain you have experienced..

712 replies

ChocolateQuiltedShitPig · 31/05/2020 23:56

That is worse than childbirth?

Just trying to ease my anxieties over giving birth, due this week!

I hate the unknown and not having a client what level of pain to expect. I know every labour is different but I cant sleep and thought I'd ask!

OP posts:
Grapewrath · 05/07/2020 18:06

Toothache, food poisoning
Childbirth is painful but productive. There are far worse things imo

Wheelsonthebus123 · 05/07/2020 18:01

Running hard in a one mile running race more painful than either labour, first one about 12 hours the other one about an hour

Maryjane3227 · 05/07/2020 16:51

You will know there's a reason for the pain, and an amazing one at that.
Also, you can ask for pain relief. The midwives will discuss options with you once you're in hospital-unless you're really lucky like my mum and you push your baby out in about 10 minutes (you never know).
I had a bad Labour with my 2nd, but I find earache harder to deal with because if the shooting nerve pain it gives me. It's individual too.

serialreturner · 05/07/2020 16:24

Twisted ovary. Birth was a breeze in comparison.

RB68 · 05/07/2020 16:10

Gallstones x 1000%

trappedsincesundaymorn · 05/07/2020 15:53

An infected nail bed. It resulted in an operation. Labour isn't a scream fest for everybody...I honestly thought I had wind when I went into labour, had no pain relief and spent 20 minutes pushing. I realise I was lucky but until you experience your own you have no idea how it's going to be.

OnGoldenPond · 05/07/2020 15:53

The pain I suffered from an undiagnosed bowel perforation during a gynae op was worse than anything I went through in 2 labours, as I told the A&E nurse when I dragged myself back to the hospital after being discharged. Unfortunately, she just laughed and sent me home, but that's another story...

I found the pain of labour manageable and easier to deal with because I knew what it was and it had a purpose, and I knew it would end eventually. That is just my experience, I know others have had worse experience. Make sure you shout loudly for pain relief if you need it and make sure your birth partner is briefed to do that on your behalf. Don't be fobbed off.

oldperson1 · 05/07/2020 15:48

Kidney stones and elbow dislocation had to wait in A & E six hours before they could locate orthopedic doctor to put it back , excruciating!
Kidney stones walked the floor all night .

perfumeistooexpensive · 05/07/2020 15:43

A bile leak, filling the whole abdomen. Way worse than childbirth, although I never thought it possible. There were no epidurals when I gave birth, just gas and air for the last two. I'm sure it must be better now than it was then.

Smashtastic · 05/07/2020 15:39

Very bad sinus infection.

Iminaglasscaseofemotion · 05/07/2020 15:30

No, but then I've never had anything seriously wrong with me. Although I had the runs the other day (pregnant just now with the third) and I though I was going to pass out with the pain.
My mil has had 5 children, but also gets kidney stones. She says kidney stones are worse.

Wallywobbles · 05/07/2020 15:27

À leg wax was worse than my second birth. I had an epidural that worked and she popped out in a couple of pushes.

Honestly it less awful than dental work and you have an unbeatable high afterwards. It is manageable to be honest.

pinkmagic1 · 05/07/2020 15:26

Infected wisdom tooth. Pain was just relentless and constant. Also I have had some pretty bad episodes of sciatica that were absolutely excruciating. Both far worse than labour pains.

GracieLane · 05/07/2020 15:23

Migraine, dry socket infection, gall stones, a ruptured ovarian cyst, car crash where I didn't break anything but had bruises everywhere and a head injury, kidney infection.

Hurtsrighthere · 05/07/2020 15:22

Kidney stone with an infection surrounding it. Way worse to me.

C1u4toff · 05/07/2020 15:11

With the birth of my first, honestly at the time I thought I was dying! (realise now that was a serious over reaction but I was 20 and absolutely not prepared.) second birth was far easier and I had pain relief.
Then I had major hip surgery which required pins and screws. Took 5 months to be able to walk properly again after each one. I would take the childbirth over the first 4 weeks recovery of the hip surgery any day. I also took an addiction to the pain meds and the weaning off them was pure hell.

MrsZola · 05/07/2020 14:54

Dental abcess and slipped disc with trapped nerve both at the same time. Over 24 hours in labour with DS1 was a breeze in comparison.

Sugarhouse · 05/07/2020 14:27

For me nothing was worse but it was so absolutely worth it. It also helps knowing it will end soon. Also there is plenty they can give for the pain. I wanted to manage on gas and air but it made me sick. I think I was given a pethadine injection that helped a lot don’t be afraid to ask for pain relief

BlogItRon · 05/07/2020 14:25

Toothache. I had natural birth with 10lb baby! Dental pain is far worse.

popcornsong · 05/07/2020 13:56

I've had infected wisdom teeth and teeth abscesses. But I found labour pains to be much worse and, in fact, despite being an atheist I made a pact with God during labour: if God would get me through this dreadful experience I would put up with toothache every day for the rest of my life. Reader, God took me up on this ridiculous pact :(

Shesellsseashellsontheseashore · 05/07/2020 13:51

Pluerisy. Every breath felt like someone was knifing me in the chest. I was ill for weeks and cried with relief when I took the first antibiotic even though I knew it wasn't an instant fix.

Thunderbolted · 05/07/2020 13:46

Breastfeeding. I'd have given birth 3 times over to have pain free breastfeeding.


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LockdownLump · 05/07/2020 13:12

I had a corneal ulcer. Fuck me. That is the worst pain I have EVER had in my life. And I gave birth to a just shy of 10lb baby!!

I would rather have 10 more babies than ever have to go through the pain of a corneal ulcer. Shuddering just thinking about it now!!

Its true that you forget the pain of childbirth.

UmbrellaHat · 05/07/2020 13:08

Wrong solution I eye inside a contact lens

I found that gas and air effectively too k the edge off the pain
Tens machine waste of money

Imfinallyhappy1 · 05/07/2020 12:31

Pulpitis in an incisor. Omg the pain. My son was 9lbs and I was induced and the pain was horrific however the toothache chipped away at me for ages over lockdown and I’d rather have my son again then ever have a tooth slowly rot away.

I even had pliers trying to remove it and got no where. Finally had it removed and it was bliss. I was crying for days before, waking in cold sweats, shaking from the pain of a tooth infection. Mental

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