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to say I am not size 12 but I am transitioning to a size 10

28 replies

chomalungma · 31/05/2020 10:32

Anyone see Marr this morning?
We are at Level 4 on the Covid alert system but we are going to a Level 3.

So he didn't say we are at Level 4 but instead we are transitioning to Level 3

I think this has great opportunities to use in life.

OP posts:
Dotty1970 · 31/05/2020 13:15


Transition is a noun, not a verb 🤬


OrangeGinLemonFanta · 31/05/2020 13:07

I'm going to be transitioning to sunburned if I don't move shortly

Cheeseycheeseycheesecheese · 31/05/2020 13:06

I'm transitioning to a domestic goddess.
I've achieved 3 loads of washing today.

NearlyGranny · 31/05/2020 13:06

I could self identify as a size 8 and throw tantrums in changing rooms because all of the clothes are mis-sizing me!

Al1Langdownthecleghole · 31/05/2020 13:03

I’m transitioning to be tall, blond, skinny and rich.

DragonTrainedByLucy · 31/05/2020 13:02

@FlamedToACrisp Can you DM me your books please? I am looking for something new to read...

Devlesko · 31/05/2020 12:57

I'm transitioning to looking 10 years younger than I am.

FlamedToACrisp · 31/05/2020 12:44

Yes! I love this!

I'm transitioning to fame as a writer - I've self-published two books and sold about 6 copies of each so far Sad.

DragonTrainedByLucy · 31/05/2020 12:38

YES! @Littlemeadow123 I AM WINNING.

Thank you, you will get a personal letter of thanks when I can get out of shielding (on my terms) and to the post box to post it.

Littlemeadow123 · 31/05/2020 12:37


You can't do a worse job than Bojo. You have my vote.

SpongeBobJudgeyPants · 31/05/2020 12:12


I am transitioning to a healthier lock down diet (just ate Easter egg for breakfast)

If you still have Easter Eggs when it is Pentecost, you win. You have transitioned.

I was about to say exactly the same, but you have beaten me to it! :)
TooTrueToBeGood · 31/05/2020 12:06

Why not just cut to the chase and self-identify as a size 8? No transitioning required.

AdalindMeisner · 31/05/2020 12:04


I am transitioning to becoming Prime Minister.

I don't know the first thing about politics (then again, I don't think any of them do so maybe this road is shorter than I think)

megrichardson · 31/05/2020 11:56

I am transitioning into George Clooney's next wife, he just doesn't know it yet.

x2boys · 31/05/2020 11:55

It's the current buzz word everybody transitions these days .

CafetiereCoffee · 31/05/2020 11:54

I am transitioning to become Steve Redgrave and I want all his Olympic medals because I jeffing deserve them.

DragonTrainedByLucy · 31/05/2020 11:53

I am transitioning to becoming Prime Minister.

I don't know the first thing about politics (then again, I don't think any of them do so maybe this road is shorter than I think)

TwentyViginti · 31/05/2020 11:48

I am transitioning to a sleek, well groomed, mature woman. I'm 65. The road is long.

WitsFuckingEnd · 31/05/2020 11:32

I am transitioning to a millionaire.

NotQuiteUsual · 31/05/2020 11:32

I am transitioning from a procrastinator to a proactive human.

Fink · 31/05/2020 11:13

If you still have Easter Eggs when it is Pentecost, you win. You have transitioned.

We have one Easter egg left, which we will eat today. After Easter week we only eat them on Sundays. We do eat other chocolate in the week though!

LilyMarshall · 31/05/2020 11:05

I am transitioning to a healthier lock down diet (just ate Easter egg for breakfast)

If you still have Easter Eggs when it is Pentecost, you win. You have transitioned.


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LynetteScavo · 31/05/2020 11:02

I am transitioning to a perfect housewife who produces amazing dinner parties and always has an immaculate house. It's a long and very slow journey.

vanillandhoney · 31/05/2020 10:58


Transition is a noun, not a verb 🤬

It's both.
chomalungma · 31/05/2020 10:56

I am transitioning to Chief Officer at work.

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