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To visit my Dad in his garden?

31 replies

BrokenBrit · 21/05/2020 10:56

Key info: my dad has had Covid and made a full recovery. He isn’t especially vulnerable. He has now injured his ankle and so can’t drive or meet in the park. I’ve not seen him since Mid Feb when he came home from Italy with Covid. He lives on his own, less than an hour from home. I would be able to hold my bladder for a 3 hour in total trip and wouldn’t go in his home or have a drink.
I haven’t broken any lockdown rules or even met anyone for a walk, so I am feeling anxious about this but he is becoming increasingly isolated and lonely. He suggested I could pop over this weekend and sit at opposite ends of his garden? I think it seems low risk all round tbh but I am worried I am losing all perspective at the min!

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Am I being unreasonable?

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Alsohuman · 21/05/2020 12:13

Complete non issue. Just go. And have a cuppa with him and use the loo if necessary.

LimpidPools · 21/05/2020 12:12

You can't even infect one another. It's a non-issue. Just go (And have a cup of tea/use the loo if you want to.)

LindainLockdown · 21/05/2020 12:09

FGS please go and see him, how could you think of not doing so.

BillywilliamV · 21/05/2020 11:51

Just go for it!

TheRealShatParp · 21/05/2020 11:46

Yeah it’s fine. It’s outside so really no different to meeting in a park.

Viviennemary · 21/05/2020 11:46

It's not strictly within the rules. But everyone is now doing this. Can't see any risk whatsoever.

JacobReesMogadishu · 21/05/2020 11:46

I didn't realise it was against the rules. One neighbour had her mother over and in the garden yesterday. The other had their adult son over and in the garden.

mumwon · 21/05/2020 11:44

(take potty with you if necessary & wear/take full skirt :) Grin

mumwon · 21/05/2020 11:43

take garden tools with you - he is allowed to employ gardener

Sleepyquest · 21/05/2020 11:41

Definitely go and see him! I think the risk is extremely low

Fluffybutter · 21/05/2020 11:39

@Mrsjayy@ That’s sad , I don’t see why any can’t if they’re careful .

EthelMayFergus · 21/05/2020 11:26

I'm doing the same next week but visiting my dad's brother, I've been practising not going to the toilet for a few hours. Not because of the risk so much as the fact his cleaner hasn't been for two months. I hope you enjoy your visit Smile

Mrsjayy · 21/05/2020 11:18

My poor friend is tying themselves up in knots "being good" and hadn't seen her dad in months there is no star or badge for making your self miserable worrying about a parent imo.

TotorosFurryBehind · 21/05/2020 11:09

As someone else said, using your common sense to risk assess the situation is more important than worrying about the exact letter of 'the rules'. I'd use the toilet too, should be low risk if you are careful with hand hygiene.

MereDintofPandiculation · 21/05/2020 11:07

You could do it under the "supporting a vulnerable person" excuse. You need a prolonged chat with him to really work out whether he's coping.

BlueSuffragette · 21/05/2020 11:06

It will be fine. Go and enjoy spending time with your dad.

Mrsjayy · 21/05/2020 11:05

Oo of course sneaky 😃

BrokenBrit · 21/05/2020 11:05

@Fluffy40 - you too, hope he enjoys his beer Grin.

OP posts:
Fluffy40 · 21/05/2020 11:04

Have a lovely time with your dad . 😀

Fluffybutter · 21/05/2020 11:03

*you're! Grrr

Fluffybutter · 21/05/2020 11:03

@Mrsjayy meet one,one day and then the other the next ..

Fluffybutter · 21/05/2020 11:01

Yes , I am on Monday .
You can use his toilet or have a drink if your both sensible with hand washing and cleaning taps/door handles .
I’m taking my dad some well deserved beer


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BrokenBrit · 21/05/2020 11:01

Thank you all, seems a consensus and I feel it would do him good. I’ll pack him some loo rolls and biscuits too so I’m not going empty handed Grin.

OP posts:
SebandAlice · 21/05/2020 11:01

Yes I would. If he had it already and lives alone he won’t have caught it again. I am very cautious but would feel comfortable using his toilet in those circumstances.

SausageSimon · 21/05/2020 11:01

I don't see the harm, we've isolated for 9+ weeks and so have my parents. We sit in their garden with them several times a week now and just sit well apart from each other.

We're trying to use common sense instead of following word for word

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