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Mirena Coil

27 replies

Happymummy8888 · 17/05/2020 21:03

Hi I got the mirena coil fitted last week in feb was meant to get the check up but cancelled due to Covid.

I bled more often than not for 8 weeks had a heavy bleed then light spotting and last two weeks no bleeding at all. I’ve tried to feel the ‘strings’ but can’t. I rang the FPC where I got it fitted and the doc said she would be confident that it’s in place even though I can’t feel the strings they can be hard to locate.

I am panicking I could be pregnant lol is this normal mirena coil behaviour??

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Nikhedonia · 18/05/2020 14:00

The grammar in my previous post was poor. I meant that my GP and a doctor I spoke to in A&E (unrelated matter) were both concerned by me not being able to locate the strings and suggested an ultrasound to ensure the coil was positioned correctly.

Fruitloopsmum · 27/04/2021 20:08

I think not being able to feel the strings is a good sign if it was detached then gravity will make it fall and you’d then be able to feel the device keep checking as you are meant to do regularly

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