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Am I insane to consider getting chickens?

77 replies

LayItDown · 17/05/2020 16:56

Okay, I’m so on the fence about this - so someone talk sense into me one way or the other.

Detached house, medium sized garden in the subs. Neighbours fully backing our garden. No foxes, lots of cats (I have two, but the most they seem to be able to catch is flies). Neighbour is ‘normal’ noisy - neighbours to the right very quiet, to the left a big family, lots of chatter but generally respectful. Neighbours on back regularly have parties (but they never seen particularly loud).

Have considered for some time getting some rescue barn hens. Love the idea of fresh eggs from the garden.

I have a loud, obnoxious toddler but it’s just us, so our household is generally quite calm. It would be nice to teach him the value of food in a simple way he can understand.

I literally have no idea what I’m doing and going to need to research keeping them safe, caring for them, etc. So for now, this is theoretical. But I’m not sure if it’s reasonable to keep them.

Would you keep chickens whilst living in a suburban area?

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

44 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
duckme · 17/05/2020 22:27

Forgot to add that their personalities are just amazing. My favourite one would jump onto my lap in the garden and fall asleep. I broke my heart when she died.
Be aware that foxes can dig, so if the coop is to go on grass you need to make sure that fixes can't dig underneath.

Boredbumhead · 17/05/2020 22:34

Go for it. We have 4 and 2 cockerels!
Chickens have such fab personalities. You won't be disappointed. We have foxes nearby, but it's a risk you take.

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