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WIBU to ask guide leader to change the way she emails?

105 replies

SockYarn · 15/05/2020 15:52

DD goes to guides. Or rather doesn't go to Guides at the moment because of Covid. The guide leader has been trying to keep things going by emailing out weekly packs, and setting up Zoom meetings at notmal guide times. All great.

But when she emails, she puts every parent's email address in the "to" field. So I can see everyone's email addresses, and everyone can see mine. Most of the emails are very identifiable as most people use the firstname.surname@ format with underscores or numbers or something.

I'm not that happy about it, but on the other hand I really appreciate the unpaid volunteering she does for the guides and how hard she's working to keep it going when they can't have proper meetings.

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WyfOfBathe · 15/05/2020 21:42

The knot tying comment was light-hearted but you have confirmed that IT training is not on the list of regular guider courses.

No official IT training AFAIK, but definitely data protection training. It's part of Safe Space (safeguarding) training, which has to be refreshed regularly, and I've received emails and letters/booklets about it from HQ.

MrsPeacockDidIt · 15/05/2020 21:59

I should have said this on my earlier post but I had to take 4 mandatory training sessions before I was allowed to take over my beaver scout colony and GDPR was one of them (along with first aid, safeguarding and delivering a programme).

Muppetry76 · 15/05/2020 22:08

Huge GDPR problem. Deffo go the little white lie route and request bcc - maybe you could offer to volunteer to be the comms person?!

steppemum · 15/05/2020 22:11

Massice breach of data protection. This is absolutely not on.

Dds dance teacher did the same, I quickly wrote and nicely asked her to use BCC as I didn't want my email address given out to all and sundry.

Applesarenice · 15/05/2020 22:13

You are right she is not allowed to do that due to GDPR and probably doesn’t realise. A friendly request is probably a good idea

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