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To ask how the hell you actually get a sieve clean?

23 replies

JontyDoggle37 · 12/05/2020 22:09

Posting here for traffic because this is driving me nuts. 1st world problem, I know. We don’t currently have a dishwasher (just moved into a house at start of lockdown and we’re going to remodel the kitchen so not installing dishwasher until that’s done), so washing sieves and strainers by hand and everything seems to get stuck in them. Have tried a washing up brush, jetting water at them, none of it really works. Help!

OP posts:
StripeyLurcher · 13/05/2020 07:51

Make sure you wash it straight away so nothing has a chance to dry on. When using it for flour rinse in cold water not hot, as using hot water can create a kind of glue that is harder to get off.

Veterinari · 13/05/2020 07:46

Surely OP is using a colander for veg/pasta etc. Sieves are for flour or other powdery things

bluefoxmug · 13/05/2020 07:41

don't let them dry out and rinse immediately after use.
we only use sieves to drain lentils or rice. or kefir grains, but we rinse straight after use and only have issues if dh we let it dry.

dun1urkin · 13/05/2020 07:37

I am also wondering what you’re sieving now. Have other posters identified the issue? Are you using a sieve to drain pasta and veg? Get a colander and save the sieve for rinsing grains and pulses etc

lidoshuffle · 13/05/2020 07:32

It's the junction of the metal band and mesh that I find always attracts food up it.

EdwinaMay · 13/05/2020 07:22

The sieve needs washed in clean water to avoid picking up more stuff. Mine is metal and I just wipe firmly with a cloth. But I strain all veg in the pan using the lid.

mouldysprouts · 13/05/2020 07:18

An old toothbrush. Or a toothpick if you are really really bored.

Hadjab · 13/05/2020 07:15

Use a brush - rather than scrub it, poke the bristles through the holes.

CrowdedHouseinQuarantine · 13/05/2020 07:13

i always had a problem with sieves until i got a dishwasher so i understand.
i agree with perhaps trying a colander instead

DontStandSoCloseToMe · 13/05/2020 07:11

What are you sieving that's so hard to clean?! We do have a dishwasher but didn't until we moved into this house in 2016, I have never had this problem

Daisydoesnt · 13/05/2020 07:11

Seriously what are you sieving that sticks so badly?
Yes I'd love to know this too! What are you cooking that sticks to it??

I'm also interested to know if you're sieve is metal or plastic? Mine are metal and I've never had anything stick that a normal hand wash won't clean off, even when I've been pushing eg veg, sweet potato, celeriac through a fine sieve to make puree.

JontyDoggle37 · 13/05/2020 07:04

@IamDisappeared I like your style!

OP posts:
UserX · 13/05/2020 01:20

A. Get a different sieve with large holes for pasta, veg, etc

B. Don’t overcook your food. Seriously what are you sieving that sticks so badly?

TheFlis12345 · 13/05/2020 00:21

Easiest way is to rinse under tap or shake in water directly after use to remove debris before it sticks.

MrsToothyBitch · 13/05/2020 00:17

Soak, rinse, tap on side of sink, leave upside down to drip dry.

NerdyBird · 13/05/2020 00:17

soak then scrub with a brush under really hot running water. We have a really fine sieve and everything sticks to it.

MiniMum97 · 13/05/2020 00:16

I just scrub with a washing up sponge and beat washing up liquid then rinse.

vodkaredbullgirl · 13/05/2020 00:16

Bang it on the sink, i do and it gets the bits out.

IamDisappeared · 13/05/2020 00:11

Duct tape it to car bonnet, apply pressure washer/ go to car wash

bitofafunnyquestion · 13/05/2020 00:09

soak the bugger then use a brush under the tap to get any remaining bits off.

Ariela · 12/05/2020 22:18

Wash it and scrub with a brush . The place face down in bowl of water, remove from water keeping it level - this pushes anything through. then rinse off from the inside under the tap.

Notimeforaname · 12/05/2020 22:17

I soak it in warm/hot soapy water for about 10 or 15 minutes, turn upside down and run the tap on the underside. The pressure rinces anything else the soak didn't take off.


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scattercushion17 · 12/05/2020 22:11

Following as I have this problem.

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