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To ask how often you do laundry (those with children particularly)

260 replies

AG29 · 21/12/2019 17:18

It’s never ending. At least a full load every day. Sometimes more. Also do a white wash On a Friday for school shirts, towel wash, bedding etc etc.

Family of 4, 2 children with additional needs.

OH thinks my laundry habits are obsessive but what am I meant to do? Leave the wash basket piled up? Let Dc wear dirty clothes. OH how’s through his Fair share of clothes each day too.

Doing a load a day means I keep on top of it somewhat.

DC have additional needs who are incredibly messy. DS regularly comes home from school covered in mud and his lunch all down his uniform so needs a fresh set every day.

It’s exhausting but surely not out of the ordinary when you have children?

OP posts:
Gammeldragz · 21/12/2019 20:17

Usually 3 loads at the weekend and one or two midweek. Household of two adults, 3 children age 9,12 and 13. I only do bedding every few weeks and towels go in with the whites. I have a 10kg machine but usually run it on a half cycle as I separate stuff.

Pfefferkuchen · 21/12/2019 20:15

So unnecessary to wash pyjamas
why? They are to be worn instead of underwear in most cases, so you wash them after each use. I don't wear my underpants 2 days in a row!

Pfefferkuchen · 21/12/2019 20:14

I don't know how some people are going to survive in the climapocalypse (which is being brought on faster by all this washing!) if they feel they have to do so much.

I can't talk for Australia, but all we need in England is an outdoor washing machine working with rain water and powered by wind and we could do laundry all day if the weather of the last couple of months keeps on going. I am sure someone will come up with a brilliant design soon.

MamaFlintstone · 21/12/2019 20:12

2 adults 1 toddler. 3 or 4 loads at the weekend, 2 mid week. But I don’t change towels etc at first use and leave bedding for a fortnight unless it’s obviously dirty.

Waxonwaxoff0 · 21/12/2019 20:11

@dementedma me too. So unnecessary to wash pyjamas and towels after only one use!

Pfefferkuchen · 21/12/2019 20:11


it's not as separated as that, but it summarises quite well:

  • weekly beddings (2 adults, 4 kids, usually the spare bed too ) that's 3 loads already. I can't put more than 1 king size duvet cover, sheet and pillow cases in 1 load.

-towels: 2 loads a week
-white: endless
-black: at least 2 loads a week
-light colour: same
usually thrown into at some point are the swimming kits, indoor but mainly outdoor sports kits, content of PE bags...

I wouldn't send child, DH or myself to school or work with a grey shirt like a poster above.

so 2 loads a day at least during the week
olivehater · 21/12/2019 20:11

Three under 6. I do at least one load a day, two loads on my days off. It feels relentless.

rosiejaune · 21/12/2019 20:11

Two adults, one 8 year old, and a dog. I wash about two loads per week.

I don't know how some people are going to survive in the climapocalypse (which is being brought on faster by all this washing!) if they feel they have to do so much.

Fcukthisshit · 21/12/2019 20:10

Family of 4 and I do 2 loads most day. I like to do towels, bath mats and bed sheets every week and the clothes are never ending.

dementedma · 21/12/2019 20:09

I have been staggered to learn on MN over the years how much washing people do..pj’s after one wear, towels after one use. Crazy.

we are now a family of 4 adults and I probably do 3-4 loads a week, if that. Unless something is visibly soiled or sweaty (or knickers), it gets worn more than once in this house

BeanTownNancy · 21/12/2019 20:07

@NoIDontWatchLoveIsland - I feel the same way...

SpeckledyHen · 21/12/2019 20:06

When my boys were school age I did 2 loads a day before work and 3/4 on a Saturday .

PleaseSirMyGoat · 21/12/2019 20:05

I do 8 or 9 a week over 2 or 3 days when I'm not at work. 2 adults, a teenager and a filthy toddler in the family. DP doesn't touch the laundry, it's the one chore that is mine and I don't actually mind doing!

BeanTownNancy · 21/12/2019 20:04

I'm still #teamscuzz for life. If it doesn't look or smell dirty, it's getting used again.

I do one load every other day. I have a 3 year old and an 8 month old in cloth nappies. Can't be doing with the hassle or environmental impact of constant washing.

Sh05 · 21/12/2019 20:03

There's 7 of us. Eldest DC 16 , youngest 3 months.I do one wash everyday besides Wednesday. That's one day my laundry basket is empty.

Minxmumma · 21/12/2019 20:01

6 of us so usually 2 loads every day plus bedding / towels etc.
It is endless

NoIDontWatchLoveIsland · 21/12/2019 20:00

These sorts of threads make me worry about the environment more..So many people doing needless washing of barely worn or unsoiled clothing/bedding/towels

RandomUsernameHere · 21/12/2019 19:54

For 2 adults and 2 DC (primary school age) I do 4 to 5 loads a week. There's always at least 2 loads colours, 1 whites and 1 sheets. I really don't understand how others have so much! DS is covered in mud most days, both DCs swim twice a week and play football twice a week and I run 5 times a week and we still seem to have a lot less laundry than some others families. Not being goady, just wondering if I have low standards Confused

StandardLampski · 21/12/2019 19:54


newbingepisodes · 21/12/2019 19:51

I leave mine all week and then do about 6 loads on a Friday evening / Saturday morning.

Namechangeymcnamechange11 · 21/12/2019 19:49

Roughly a load per day, but I'm not dedicated enough to put a load in per day so end up 'catching up'.
Per week:
2 darks
1 lights
1 bedding
1 towels
1/2 nappies/wipes

Family of 3 - one being a toddler who is impossible to keep clean

Jodie77 · 21/12/2019 19:49

One load a day, but I need to do two.


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Quicklittlenamechange · 21/12/2019 19:48

If you put pjs worn once straight into the laundry bin and presumably towels and clothes, then Im not surprised you wash so much .
Pjs alone for a family of 4 is 28 pairs washed per week 😱
Pjs are worn 3-4 days here ,towels hung on the towel rail after use and washed weekly.
Bedlinen -I use a top and bottom sheet and just wash those with pillow cases weekly.
Duvet is then only changed monthly .
Mind you we all bath/shower before bed.
Beds are folded back and windows open to air daily.

I do 2 big loads a week.

GrumpyHoonMain · 21/12/2019 19:48

Washing pyjamas and sheets everyday is excessive and makes me wonder what your idea of dirty is. I wouldn’t hesitate to send DN into school with a second day white shirt that looked a tad grey under the collar provided it didn’t smell and looked clean on the outside. Perhaps you need to take some of your DP’s criticism on board and critically look at the necessity of all the household chores you do.

Bluerussian · 21/12/2019 19:45

I used to have the machine on every day, sometimes twice in a day. Better than saving things up.

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