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How anyone can vote Tory?

537 replies

Stella8686 · 28/11/2019 23:40

After seeing some pro labour and pro conservatives posts recently I am genuinely interested to see what makes someone vote conservative


  1. Hard/ quick Brexit
  2. Looking after your own finances
  3. Hatred for Labour/ Corbyn

ABIU to not be able to think of any single other reason to vote conservative?
OP posts:
StarbucksSmarterSister · 10/12/2019 21:56

Tanith indeed but his fanbase don't seem to know, or care.

Tanith · 10/12/2019 18:27

“ Except he hasn't. He has a withdrawal agreement. ”

A withdrawal agreement, moreover, that is inferior to the one he voted against when it was presented by Theresa May.

mrsbouvier · 10/12/2019 14:36

@Dissimilitude sums it up perfectly

StarbucksSmarterSister · 10/12/2019 11:44

Good job that Johnson has a deal then.

Except he hasn't. He has a withdrawal agreement. If he wins on Thursday and the WA goes ahead he has one year to do trade deals which normally take a good few years. He's already said he won't extend past next December so the likelihood of No Deal is very high and is, I believe, his ambition.

Stooshie8 · 10/12/2019 10:12

Sounds like an adult voice to me.

Stooshie8 · 10/12/2019 10:10

Is it a plug for a Xmas No 1

rhubarbcrumbles · 10/12/2019 07:56

This video is well worth watching, it's a group of children who have made it.

Stooshie8 · 10/12/2019 06:14

The no deal Brexit fear seems to me to be partly about car parts - so eg bmw mini has bits from here there back and forth across the channel.
When, if we bothered to look at long term , wed realise that cars should be on the way out , due to global warming, and we need to develop public transport.
Our Lives really need to change, but the fears are about being able to continue our environmentally unfriendly present setup.

DdraigGoch · 10/12/2019 02:01

Actually news just in is that several big investment banks think JC government a better bet than a no deal Brexit financially.
Good job that Johnson has a deal then.

It's ok everyone!
I've solved my original problem
That's nice, dear.
I'm going to move 6 miles north and vote SNP!
Close the door on your way out.
Free prescriptions
Less money for cancer drugs then.
Free hospital parking
Even less money for cancer drugs. The fact that you are less likely to emerge alive from a Scottish hospital is of no concern then?
Mp's who believe in the best interest of their constituents
You think that Brexit would cause disruption? Try severing a centuries old union. The SNP are a single-issue party.
Pro EU!
I never quite understood how rule by Westminster was tyranny yet rule by Brussels wasn't.

Stella8686 · 09/12/2019 22:04

Boris Johnson knows his party is unpopular

All he can bring to this election is brexit and anti labour/ Corbyn hate!

He's got nothing pedal except brexit

OP posts:
Stella8686 · 09/12/2019 22:02

It's ok everyone!
I've solved my original problem

I'm going to move 6 miles north and vote SNP!

Free prescriptions
Free hospital parking
Mp's who believe in the best interest of their constituents
Pro EU!

Bye bye England, it's gone to the dogs

OP posts:
RicePuffs · 09/12/2019 20:46

@clavinova, I stand corrected you are right it is 167

However, your argument that because 25% are not from red brick universities, Oxbridge and some are retired the views within are to be disregarded is a non sequitur, as is not all are UK.

Also how do you measure who are leading economists? Lecturers and professors from non red brick universities are not your A level economic teacher from the local college.

The list shows Labour policies are not extreme fringe but are supported by. various economists in our academic institutions. Supported by every economist? Of course not, but there is a movement who do.

Also since the global recession our current system is not working well across many developed countries, economic growth is slow, wages are low. The finance sector is building up a lot of debt again risking another crash. Growing automatiion is going to change our economy too. New ideas are needed and people much brighter and able than me will be engaging with them.

Clavinova · 09/12/2019 20:29

not all 187 economists

You link says, "163 leading economists" - which is factually incorrect of course because approximately 40 work for ex polys/FEs/OU.

there are many from both Oxford and Cambridge
10 from Oxford - 5 of them in their 70s and 80s.

9 from Cambridge - 7 of whom appear to be foreign nationals.
In fact, over half of the 163 academics appear to be foreign nationals - quite a few from Latin America if we are talking about Venezuela. Grin

rhubarbcrumbles · 09/12/2019 20:12

We will only be like Venezuela if we have a no deal Brexit.

Best brush up on your Spanish then....

RicePuffs · 09/12/2019 19:47

I think it’s a fair to criticise Abbott and Chakarabati for sending their children to private school whilst championing widening state education. However, I am not going to suddenly jettison my support of social democratic policies because of the decision of these two.

nicky7654 · 09/12/2019 19:46

All Labour and Conservative MPs need sacking as they are both Parties only in it for themselves. Corbyn has blood on his hands and would allow Sharia Law as he kisses their arses and wants to make GB a Middle Eastern Country. As for Conservative they are doing so many cutbacks it's making people's lives a misery! Stop sending Millions across the water (per week) and plough the money into services that are on their knees. Unfortunately nothing will change unless we stand together and start a new Party!!!!

Coppersulphate · 09/12/2019 19:31

And Shami Chakrabati is the same.
Son at Dulwich College, one of the most expensive schools in the country. It is where Nigel Farage went

Is this ok with all you Momentum lot?

Support for the working class is ok as long as it is only words.

Coppersulphate · 09/12/2019 19:29

Diane Abbot, that bastion of the left and the left behind.....sent her son to an exclusive, expensive private school in London.

"For the few not the many"

Spinderellacutituponetime · 09/12/2019 19:25

@Clavinova Repeating your post it isn't going to help. Try reading @RicePuffs posts, it may help you.

RicePuffs · 09/12/2019 19:25

Clavinova, I see you are still trying to maintain that because not all 187 economists are from Oxbridge (though if you look at the list there are many from both Oxford and Cambridge - I highly doubt there are 187 oxbridge economists) that their academic work and views have little credential? There are plenty economists on the list from red brick universities too. The full list is here for anyone who wishes to look for themselves

By all means engage with their arguments but trying to discredit them due to their age and not every single one from Oxbridge is poor.

Clavinova · 09/12/2019 18:42

Labour economists
Just seen your post.

In fact, many of the 'economists' on the list are actually university lecturers/professors.

Some of them are retired?!!

Approximately (I counted quickly) twenty five are retired (emeritus).

There are ten academics associated with the University of Oxford - five are emeritus - wiki tells me the ages of four - 73, 79, 81 and 83.
Another is a visiting scholar, several associates and one professor of geography.

On the other hand, 15 academics are associated with the University of Greenwich, currently ranked 67th in the UK for economics. WHICH University Guide tells me that the most popular A-Levels studied (and grade achieved) by current economics students at Greenwich are: Economics C, Mathematics D and Business Studies B.

The Cambridge academic mentioned earlier completed an online questionnaire (she tweets on her university page) - her result:

"Got ‘orthodox Marxism’ too! :)"
She was replying to a tweet;
"I got "orthodox Marxism", which surely must be the best one to get."


BlackCatFan · 09/12/2019 17:37

We will only be like Venezuela if we have a no deal Brexit.


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Spinderellacutituponetime · 09/12/2019 17:20

We will be like Venezuala' is the funniest thing I have read in a long time.

BlackCatFan · 09/12/2019 17:05

"We will be like Venezuela" HmmHmm

RicePuffs · 09/12/2019 16:50

and to add to my comment above, Johnson now wants to take us out on a hard Brexit which a majority of economic reports including government’s own forecast there being £79 billion less a year for the public purse so more economic misery. The belief that Conservatives are better stewards of the economy doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

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