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WIBU to put a note on this car?

134 replies

JammyGem · 20/08/2019 15:06

Our street is really bad for parking - it's very tight and narrow and difficult to get a space. The last few weeks the same car has parked outside our house. There are no designated spaces or permits, so although it's annoying as it means sometimes we have to park a couple streets over if there's no space, it's just one of those things.

However, this car always parks halfway up onto the pavement. I understand that the street is narrow, and everyone wants to avoid getting their car scratched, but they are the only ones to do this. There is enough room to get the pram past it on the street, but often they park right in front of our gate so there's hardly any room to manoeuvre the pram out of the gate onto the street iyswim. A couple of times I've bumped into their car (thankfully with my body rather than the pram) and I'm worried I'll scratch it. Plus it's just plain annoying.

I could assemble the pram on the street and then carry DD to it, but to be honest I just don't want to do that as it's really inconvenient.

WIBU to put a note on the car? I don't know who it belongs to, or even if they live on this street, as I never seem to catch them. I was thinking something along the lines of: "Hi, please be mindful of how much of the pavement you take up when parking - it makes it difficult to get our pram out of the gate and I'm worried about damaging your car! JammyGem @ [housenumber]"

Is that rude?

OP posts:
WindyScales · 23/08/2019 12:34

Has it happened again?

WeLoveToBoogieOnASaturdayNight · 22/08/2019 07:28

OP, please let us know what happens with the car today. Hope it'll now be settled simply (and finally) for you!

ArgumentativeAardvaark · 21/08/2019 22:48

You’ve got lovely writing OP! I hope it does the trick.

JammyGem · 21/08/2019 19:29

Ah bollocks, they have returned and parked in their usual way. Going to leave this note...

WIBU to put a note on this car?
OP posts:
Vanhi · 21/08/2019 19:07

Easy to tell which posters park on the pavement and expect everyone else to creep out onto the road when there's a 3-second break in the traffic

Isn't it just? Easy to tell who prioritises the paintwork of a car over the safety of human beings.

CornishMaid1 · 21/08/2019 13:32

Glad they moved, but if they do it again do leave the note.

We have someone like that near us, except I think their parking is even better. As they are just after a bend they have a wider pavement outside their house and actually park the entire car in the middle of the pavement. You can just about walk around it, but you could not get a pram or wheelchair past without going in the road, just to they can park outside their house (before anyone feels bad for them they have off-street parking, but have 5 vehicles on it, so can't fit number 6).

CallmeAngelina · 21/08/2019 12:43

What sort of person seriously suggested putting dog shit on the door handle? ShockShock
I mean, really????!! How do you function in real life?

mumwon · 21/08/2019 10:15

I bet someone else said something or left a note -after all they were blocking the pavement in such a way as to stop everybody using it

beanaseireann · 21/08/2019 09:44

If it were me I'd call my local police as they are blocking the pavement for pedestrians,buggies and people in wheelchairs.
In my area the clampers are always around so I could phone them alternatively

Benes · 21/08/2019 09:27

I absolutely would leave a note. This happens on my street all the time. I don't use a pram anymore but there is no way I'm letting my 4 year old walk on a busy road. If he scratches a car then so be it. 🤷

Inconsiderate parking really infuriates me. I recently got blocked from my village community FB page because I suggested leaving a note saying 'please don't park like a twat' on a car that was parked blocking the entrance to an entire street. Apparently I should be more understanding as we don't understand why they parked like that .....I don't care just don't park like a twat!!

Coffeeandchocolate9 · 21/08/2019 09:15

9/10. I like the diagram, I like "please be mindful" the only thing I'm not so keen on is the scribble.

JammyGem · 21/08/2019 09:13

Also, I'm not going to deliberately damage their car. I mean, popping their tyres, dog shit under the handles?! Remind me to never get on your bad sides! Grin

OP posts:
JammyGem · 21/08/2019 09:11

So I don't know if the driver is on MN but they have now moved their car. It's further down the street and whilst still on the pavement, it's only the wheels so leaving plenty of room.

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now but if they park like a twat again I'll definitely leave a note. Won't mention scratching their car though - if it does ever get damaged I'd be the prime suspect.

OP posts:
TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross · 21/08/2019 08:58

I would just get my pram safely out onto the pavement and if the car gets scratched in that process, wouldn't give it a second thought. They choose to park there, they choose the consequences of parking like a twat.

RonnieScotts · 21/08/2019 08:57

It's not just about getting prams past, its wheelchairs too. I'd do more than just leaving a polite note, I'd be finding someone to report this illegal parking to.

HeronLanyon · 21/08/2019 08:44

Oh that diagramme had some Bruce’s bonus letters !

HeronLanyon · 21/08/2019 08:43

I agree ‘please be mindful’ is not the best start. Rest of it is fab and to the point. Thanks for Brucey bonus diagramme. !

PurpleCrazyHorse · 21/08/2019 08:38

Our local community policing team can send a ticket based on members of the public sending a photograph. There are some requirements but check out your local community policing team and see if they can do that if they persist.

Has been effective near me as one car used to park really inconsiderately. Wish I still had the buggy now as I used to like sending photos of blocked pavements.

croprotationinthe13thcentury · 21/08/2019 08:27

Actually having reconsidered my earlier dogshit post I realise I need to emphasise: only smear a very tiny trace amount of dog shut under the handle. Then the idiotic driver wont realise they even have anything on their fingers but will be confused about the vile smell. You could do this each day.

Biancadelrioisback · 21/08/2019 08:26

There is a car like this round mine. I wouldn't care except there is a lampposts level with the the front of their front wheel so you can get through fine up until that point. I refuse to go on the road because it's on the crest of a hill so I have to manoeuvre myself around, often involved practically sitting on their bonnet. Theyve caught me once and I just smiled and waved.

AnAC12UCOinanOCG · 21/08/2019 08:24

Do it. I used to park in a way that inconvenienced my neighbour and I had no idea until he pointed it out nicely. I never did it again.

NoSauce · 21/08/2019 08:21

I absolutely don’t park on the pavement. And I push a pram quite often on streets where there’s parked on the pavement, I just use my head instead of acting impulsively. Recently I was pushing my friends baby and tried to get past a car that was parked on double yellows on the pavement, two adults in the front, engine on, both on phones. I just knocked on the window and said I couldn’t get passed and she was illegally parked.

She moved and apologised. If she hadn’t been in the car I still wouldn’t have scratched her car but would have walked around it when safe to do so.


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thedancingbear · 21/08/2019 08:20

The people talking about deliberately damaging cars because they are badly parked are absolute dicks.

TeddybearBaby · 21/08/2019 08:19

Did you leave a note?

BoneyBackJefferson · 21/08/2019 08:18

I wouldn't put anything in the letter that refers directly to you, your house or accepting liability for damage.

Several posts have posted variations that would be better as any damage cannot be attributed to you just general pedestrians using the street.

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