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To ask why Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry have been on Desert Island Disks twice

25 replies

GoFiguire · 09/04/2019 15:51

And I haven’t been on once AngryAngry

OP posts:
getoffmyhandyousleazebag · 12/04/2019 14:21

I would like to be famous for no other reason than to be on Desert Island Discs....and Strictly

FuriousOctopus · 12/04/2019 14:15

@HollowTalk I feel your pain.

LarryGreysonsDoor · 09/04/2019 19:02

I think people should be on twice if they have had significant changes in their life/career/it has been a very long time since they were on before and they are still famous.

If you look at both men they started as comedians, have acted and SF has gone on to present a hugely successful tv program.
There is a lot to cover.

I like listening to the podcast of DIC as they cut out the music.

ConstanzaAndSalieri · 09/04/2019 18:56

Hasn’t David Attenborough been on it several times as well? Esther Rantzen was on the other week for a second time too.

GoFiguire · 09/04/2019 18:56

Sigrid- Sucker Punch. Yes, that’s my nod to the young people.

OP posts:
Loopytiles · 09/04/2019 18:55

Kirsty isn’t doing it at the moment.

Lauren Laverne isn’t too bad, but preferred Kirsty.

Loopytiles · 09/04/2019 18:54

Agree, people shouldn’t be on twice!

Ed Sheeran came across badly when he did it.

GoFiguire · 09/04/2019 18:52

Ok - book: complete works of Charles Dickens

Luxury : a gin distillery

Songs: Donna Summer - I feel love
Blind Melon- No Rain
Simon & Garfunkel- Bridge over troubled water
Kula Shaker - Feels like summer one

And I’ll have to think of a few new ones as my DS says I don’t play any music from this century Blush

Jade Bird and Vampire Weekend are good but can I listen to them for the rest of my life?

OP posts:
NWQM · 09/04/2019 18:22

Arthur Askey - 4 times, who knew!

If I were Kirsty there are a few I'd work out excuses to get back .... in the interests of balance and fairness in broadcasting and all.

I read somewhere that guests were 'allowed' to be invited back if they had a second career so to speak. Sports star who becomes journalist, actor turned writer etc. No idea how that fits with the people who have been on 4 times though.

AdaColeman · 09/04/2019 18:17

Just tell us your selection of tunes, book, and luxury, and it will be the same as being on DID.

(I wouldn’t have had SF on once, never mind twice!)

GoFiguire · 09/04/2019 18:11

Love it nw!

Being serious now, my AIBU is why do those two get to have a double crack at DiDs whereas everyone else only has their one shipwreck?

The premise is that the interview subjects should be at the top of their game which is why it’s odd that young people, Ie Ed Sheeran, go one the show in their twenties.

OP posts:
BernardsarenotalwaysSaints · 09/04/2019 18:08


NWQM · 09/04/2019 18:06

Are you just a much better sailor?

To get shipwrecked once is unfortunate but twice does rather suggest carelessness.

EggysMom · 09/04/2019 17:59

It's Miranda RIchardson. Obvs.

Lllot5 · 09/04/2019 17:56

You and me both hollow talk. Love Hugh Laurie

HollowTalk · 09/04/2019 17:55

That's not exactly surprising news!

GoFiguire · 09/04/2019 17:13

Well I can’t tell you who I am as that would be outing and not in the spirit of Mumsnet.

I can tell you who I am not though -

Meghan Markle
Theresa May
Justine from Mumsnet
Victoria Beckham
Stacey Dooley
Jk Rowling
Karen Bradey

OP posts:
SheWoreBlueVelvet · 09/04/2019 17:08

They have had people on I’ve not heard off. I’m happy to listen to GoFigure.
Assuming there might be interesting/ funny/moving reasons behind the songs.
I only like metal. No point having me on.

UnusualBluePenguin · 09/04/2019 17:04

There are two of them so its only fair but I am willing to consider you for it OP, what are your choices?

HollowTalk · 09/04/2019 17:00

@GoFiguire you've given quite a few hints on MN about your fame Grin - why don't you just tell us who you are? You are clearly dying to!

GoFiguire · 09/04/2019 16:02

And @colehawkins. I shall say this only once...

Don’t you know who I am???

OP posts:
HollowTalk · 09/04/2019 16:00

Give us a clue! But generally if you haven't been on DID then you're not as important as you think you are!


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GoFiguire · 09/04/2019 15:59

Well, I’m very important.

OP posts:
HollowTalk · 09/04/2019 15:53

They've had long careers in TV. Have you? Grin

I want to know why I haven't slept with Hugh Laurie. Life is really hard sometimes.

ColeHawlins · 09/04/2019 15:52

Go on. Pitch yourself to us.

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