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"Women are good at multi-tasking"

37 replies

HennyPennyHorror · 28/03/2019 02:36

I've heard so many women say it's something to be proud of.

AIBU to think it's actually bullshit. Probably some man came up with it as a way of getting out of doing more?

"Oh yes! Scientifically proven that women are better at multi-tasking!"

Hmm Don't think so.

OP posts:
goingonabearhunt1 · 28/03/2019 09:47

I'm rubbish at multi-tasking, prefer to focus on one task at a time and finish it properly. TBH I don't think most people are great at it, just means you're doing lots of things half arsed. My DP though can read an article and watch TV at the same time, it just makes me confused if I try and do that and I end up reading the same sentence 20 times.

Springisallaround · 28/03/2019 09:48

I am not very good at multi-tasking sadly, but am extremely focused when I work on one particular task. I think multi-tasking is something some people are good at- I have a friend who is great at doing this at home, and also at work, her organizational skills are second to none. I know I'm not like that, get easily flustered by multi-tasks and would prefer to deep focus. Everyone is different, but it is often said about women as a way of getting them to do the 'double shift' (or should that be 'triple'?) of work, home organization and childcare.

RaspberryBeret34 · 28/03/2019 09:54

I'm useless at multitasking! Many men I've met are much better at it than I am.

Everyone is different, but it is often said about women as a way of getting them to do the 'double shift' (or should that be 'triple'?) of work, home organization and childcare. I totally agree with this.

Dungeondragon15 · 28/03/2019 10:15

I really hate it when people suggest that there is a difference between men and women when it comes to "multitasking". Firstly, it is sexist crap and no different to saying that all women are good at English whereas all men are good at maths. Secondly, I think it is one of the reasons that so many women take on the mental load which ultimately effects their careers.

Dungeondragon15 · 28/03/2019 10:18

I have never met a man who can multitask.

You mean that you have never met a man who wants to multitask. There is a difference.

borntobequiet · 28/03/2019 10:19

Some women are, some are not. Similarly men.

thecatsthecats · 28/03/2019 10:34


I have re-termed it 'microtasking' for this reason - being able to slot parts of larger tasks into a concurrent pattern in order to get them done more swiftly.

I am actually weirdly moderately good at genuine multitasking, but I find it annoys my colleagues if I type whilst talking to them etc.

FuzzyShadowChatter · 28/03/2019 10:38

I agree it's bullshit. I don't mind so much when women say it about themselves, but so often I find people say it to women to put more pressure on when we're struggling with lots of things at once as if we're somehow being bad women or just need to try harder - that pisses me off.

I had someone recently go on about this at me and how I'm meant to be good at multi-tasking because I'm a woman. I was discussing how I struggle to read and listen to music with lyrics or do either hold a conversation or watch TV or write anything that needs more than a little bit of thought at the same time. It seems having more than one source of words and either I struggle to handle any of them or, more typically, my brain entirely blanks out all but one of them. It makes listening to audiobooks or similar difficult as my brain keeps blanking it out and missing parts if something else with words happens. I manage my work and time around knowing how my brain works and having someone act like they know it better because of my sex is really annoying.

chocolatelog · 28/03/2019 10:40

Dh can't multi task for shit.

I'll come down and put the kettle on and while it's boiling, I've been for a piss, opened the blinds, put a load of washing on and turned the tv on for the kids and put the right channel on for them.

Dh comes down and puts the tv on and stands scratching his balls and when he's finished doing that..then puts the right channel on!

He fucks me off no end..

Dungeondragon15 · 28/03/2019 11:12

Dh comes down and puts the tv on and stands scratching his balls and when he's finished doing that..then puts the right channel on!

That doesn't mean he can't multitask! He just doesn't want to. Why would he when you will do it for him?

Lllot5 · 28/03/2019 11:47

I can drink coffee and eat biscuits does that count.

Mousetolioness · 28/03/2019 15:33

I hate job ads that ask for multi-tasking as a skill. I start a job and find I then have to start something else and I lose all flow on the first task. By the time there have been multiple interruptions and I've revisited earlier tasks multiple times I'm often bored to death of them.

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