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Or was I driving like an idiot? (Diagrams included)

161 replies

Bridgeofpies · 20/03/2019 14:28

Right, so fully expecting to be flamed and told I was driving like an idiot but something happened a couple of days ago which shook me up and I’m keen to get others perspectives on if I was an idiot and, if so, what I should have done.

Sorry it’s a bit long winded!

So here’s the scene: Rural fast road, single carriageway in each direction with no verges or hard shoulder of any kind. Traffic is heavy enough to be a continuous stream on both sides of the road but light enough that everyone is travelling at 50-60mph with decent gaps.

I was driving along with 2 small DC in the car. An ambulance appeared in the rear view - blue lights, sirens etc. There was nowhere to pull in and my car is a 7 seater so with oncoming traffic coming around the corner ahead it would be hard / dangerous for ambulance to get past. So I drove along for a few seconds with the ambulance behind me. Then, the road widened as we approached a right hand turn with a space in the middle of the road for those turning right and there was a gap in the oncoming traffic (we were past the corner and could actually see) so I pulled in as close as I could and slowed to allow the ambulance to overtake. The oncoming traffic also hung back. I think this was all ok. I allowed the ambulance to pass me as soon as it was safe to do so, a matter of maybe 5 seconds with them behind me.

Once the ambulance had passed me I sped up again and continued on my way. The ambulance was quicker than me so was swiftly a good distance ahead - probably about 50m which is where the car in front was.

Now, the car in front was looking for somewhere to allow the ambulance to pass. There was a little driveway on the left which led to a farm gate and this car pulled into that to let the ambulance past. So far, so good. BUT he immediately swung out onto the road again behind the ambulance, forcing me onto the other side of the road to avoid him. LUCKILY there was nothing coming but I was really shaken. I wasn’t all that close to the ambulance, as I have a thing about cars travelling too close together but I was travelling around 50mph so it didn’t take long for me to cover the distance and this car just pulled out immediately without looking!

So, should I have expected him to do this and stopped?! I would have done if he had just slowed but remained in the road. I guess it took me by surprise because he totally left the carriageway and then immediately rejoined it. I wasn’t intending to travel on the ambulance’s coat tails and sneak through but I feel like maybe I did... and if there had been oncoming traffic we could have all been killed!!

I guess I should have been travelling slower but AIBU to think he should have checked the road before pulling back out??

Either way I will be more cautious in the future when people are getting out the way for emergency services!

Crap diagrams below which I don’t think adds much... (NB distances not to scale! Grin)

Or was I driving like an idiot? (Diagrams included)
Or was I driving like an idiot? (Diagrams included)
OP posts:
TheMightyToosh · 20/03/2019 17:36

If he pulled fully off the road, he should have checked before he pulled back out again. Doesn't matter that the reason was for an ambulance.

It's different if the line of traffic all pulls to the side of the carriageway to let an ambulance go by, and then the line of traffic pulls out again in a line, but as PP have said, he pulled off the road so should have pulled back into the road as normal, ie checking for oncoming traffic.

I don't think politeness really should come into it. People can't make driving decisions on the assumption of politeness of other drivers. They need to follow the standard rules.

AlpacasAreLlamas · 20/03/2019 17:36

The car in front had only given way to an ambulance. It hadn't stopped off for a coffee.

LizB62A · 20/03/2019 17:36

Why on earth would you think it's ok to pretty much overtake the car in front which had pulled over to let the ambulance past?
What would you have thought if the car behind had done it to you ?!

Bridgeofpies · 20/03/2019 17:37

alpacas - of course we all pull over for ambulances and that’s what I did. If he had slowed and remained on the road of course I would have slowed and expected him to speed up again in front of me. I have never, and would never, think fuck this I’m going to tail gate an ambulance which I made clear in my OP. I can’t stand it when people tail gate so I always leave a decent gap. It was a fast road and at 50mph I didn’t expect a car to pull out from stationary in front of me. I do acknowledge that I should have been more aware of where that car was and what it was doing but your tone that implying that I was intentionally trying to get ahead is unnecessary and your most recent post is quite upsetting.

I know I cocked up and I’m learning from it. I have really appreciated the constructive feedback and advice I’ve had on this thread but there is no need to be so vitriolic.

And I’ve been driving for almost 20 years. No accidents. But everyone can improve and I am keen to do so.

OP posts:
JazzerMcJazzer · 20/03/2019 17:38

Alpaca traffic cop are you? You believe I am incorrect, I completely disagree with you.

Bridgeofpies · 20/03/2019 17:38

Also, there were no cars behind me that I could see. So the road would have been clear for him to pull out. Not that it matters as I know I should have slowed / stopped to let him out but since a lot of people have mentioned the car behind me.

OP posts:
AlpacasAreLlamas · 20/03/2019 17:40

You don't expect that another random driver is going to plough past once you've given way to an emergency vehicle. You presume that people see the drivers ahead pulling in to give way and you don't plough ahead thinking you're also an ambulance!
For safe driving, you do need to assume that some drivers are shitheads, so I'd be checking mirrors myself, but giving way for an ambulance? You don't expect a cavalcade!

aintnothinbutagstring · 20/03/2019 17:40

They shouldn't have pulled back out without checking it was safe. If you saw them pull in, knowing it was only to allow the ambulance to pass then yes you politely should have allowed them in again. But both at fault I'd say. Blue lights panic people so can understand that you both had a brain fart moment.

JazzerMcJazzer · 20/03/2019 17:41

It is NEVER right to pull onto a road without checking for oncoming traffic. The End.

Bananasarenottheonlyfruit · 20/03/2019 17:43

I strongly suspect that the fact that OP swerved into the path of oncoming traffic, she would have been held responsible for any accident. She did not anticipate the hazard. Regardless of why the other car had pulled over, it had the potential to unexpectedly pull out.

AlpacasAreLlamas · 20/03/2019 17:43

Well you should realise that not observing the car in front of you is dangerous - as you've now realised. You almost caused a high speed collision.

TheMightyToosh · 20/03/2019 17:44

@LizB62A it's not 'overtaking' if the other car has left the road.

@JazzerMcJazzer is right. If you leave the road, whether to pull over for an ambulance or for a cuppa, you have to rejoin as normal.

AlpacasAreLlamas · 20/03/2019 17:45

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AlpacasAreLlamas · 20/03/2019 17:45

It, not I!

Bridgeofpies · 20/03/2019 17:46

alpacas - I fully acknowledge that what I did was stupid and swerving even more so. That would have been a terrible accident and definitely my fault. I definitely appreciate the feedback but the tone was unhelpful.

OP posts:
LizB62A · 20/03/2019 17:46

@TheMightyToosh I'm pretty sure that most drivers would assume that they were only pulling over for the ambulance....

AlpacasAreLlamas · 20/03/2019 17:47

Ok, basic 101 of safe driving.

If an emergency vehicle sounds their siren, you give way. You don't then decide to tailgate them. You continue to obey the highway code and you don't presume that you can now follow them and get home quickly.

AlpacasAreLlamas · 20/03/2019 17:49

Good. Perhaps get a few lessons on safe driving then.

Pythonesque · 20/03/2019 17:51

Thanks for sharing your story. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has gained from imagining the situation and how to handle a similar one. I do a moderate amount of driving on roads like you describe and find it all too easy to imagine.

Bridgeofpies · 20/03/2019 17:51

alpcas - the driver ahead of me totally left the road and turned into a farm track. He completely stopped. Not sure if that’s what you were asking?

And I wasn’t tailgating them. I was a decent distance behind as I stated in my OP and said several times since. I had zero intention of overtaking anyone.

OP posts:
JazzerMcJazzer · 20/03/2019 17:52

Reported Alpacas.

Arnoldthecat · 20/03/2019 17:53

There is no legal requirement to give way to blueys unless it is legal and you consider it safe to do so. If an EV chooses to use lights and sirens then that is their choice and subject to their internal procedures and it is for them to ensure they conduct their vehicle safely . Clearly questions about driving can lead to very passionate and heated responses. Decisions have to be made in milliseconds and on the fly,,we do not have the luxury of time as we do now when we are dissecting it. There are a myriad of views and the important thing is,,it all worked out in the end and no one got hurt.

AlpacasAreLlamas · 20/03/2019 17:53

Well if he had turned into the road, come to a stop, you would have just passed the laneway by. But that's not what happened is it.
Even if it was, you need to be aware of what is pulling out in front of you. Always, always keep a safe stopping distance when at speed.

AlpacasAreLlamas · 20/03/2019 17:54

Oh how sad. Report me for what Jazzer.

JazzerMcJazzer · 20/03/2019 17:56

Goading the OP by insisting that she was deliberately tailgating when she has told you several times that she was not.

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