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Who is BU? Babysitting and siblings

65 replies

GremlinDolphin1 · 14/03/2019 23:39

My dd1 (17) has a well established babysitting circuit that she has built up.

My dd2 (14) is now wanting to do some babysitting and has been doing the nights when her elder sister is asked twice.

Dd1 has now decided she wants a cut of when her sister sits! So now dd2 says she won’t sit as she’s not giving her sister money she hasn’t earned although from dd1s point of view, dd2 wouldn’t have the job with out her!!

I think they are both really biting their nose to spite their face but can’t decide if it’s outrageous to take a cut from a sibling or quite a reasonable/enterprising suggestion?

What do you think, hive mumsnet mind?

OP posts:
Aquamarine1029 · 15/03/2019 01:20

Your DD1 is being a greedy, unreasonable cow and you should tell her so. FGS, she is being absolutely ridiculous. Put an end to this right now.

Stompythedinosaur · 15/03/2019 07:00

I think dd1 is being really mean spirited.

Nairobe · 15/03/2019 08:45

Unreasonable dd1 and potential stupid and not future proofing. Given her age she may well go into higher education, be more restricted during term time to babysit-especially during exam time. She keeps dd2 sweet and encourages her to take on more as she can't with the proviso that outside term time they split the work.

givemesteel · 15/03/2019 08:58

I'd be concerned about where my dd1 learned to be so cold and mean to her family.

GremlinDolphin1 · 15/03/2019 10:28

Thanks for all your thoughts!

She’s not usually mean but we had a friend for lunch last week whose daughter has set up a babysitting business and I think it had inspired dd1 although her business empire at the moment is only her sister which as you have pointed out doesn’t really work from a business point of view! Xxx

OP posts:
thecatsthecats · 15/03/2019 10:37

If DD1 sets up the two of them as an agency, with her charged at 50p more an hour as experienced, all jobs come through her, all advertising, her sister as a freelancer who accepts the jobs given... sure.

Or the little madam could get real with the current situation, which as creditable is, is a teenager being a bit twatty about a casual job.

PlainSpeakingStraightTalking · 15/03/2019 10:40

DD2 is muscling in on DD1's client base.

DD1 could theoretically charge DD2 a finders fee for the business shes pushing her way !

Or they could actually merge resources and assets and split 50/50 - which would be the amiable solution.

blackteasplease · 15/03/2019 10:40

Cheeky of dd1. Although I slightly admire her nerve!

LannieDuck · 15/03/2019 10:41

DD1 isn't thinking it through. If she wants her sister to get her own clients, she'll be in competition.

At present, DD1 retains control of all the clients. Push DD2 to do it separately, and DD1 might find that she loses some of her clients.

Ozziewozzie · 15/03/2019 10:46

I used to cover for my older sister when we were teens and not once did she ask for a cut of the money.
Your dd1 is being selfish. For example, she could never go babysitting again and still make money out of her younger sister!

Your dd2 is excellent, as she is covering whilst her older sister can't make the jobs, therefore keeping the job position going. There's nothing worse than an unreliable babysitter that can't make it on a few occasions. If I had a babysitter like that, I'd find another one.

She either does the grafting or goes without.

Blobby10 · 15/03/2019 11:41

Just before I read your update @GremlinDolphin1 I was thinking yes its a bit mean but good on her for showing her potential business acumen Grin

Hope it gets resolved to everyone's satisfaction Flowers

OffToBedhampton · 15/03/2019 12:36

I'd have a chat with both of them at the table and Kay it out. Whilst DD1 is trying to be entrepreneural she's missed that she hasn't added much value.

DD1 - has she paid for advertising, bought a uniform for both, is she guaranteeing DD2 X number of jobs that come in each week or in any way added value? (Likely not!).
She's clearly just passing on jobs she cannot do or doesn't want to do. Which means people still approach her rather than find an alternative babysitter when she can't do it and risk them going to other babysitter first next time.

It seems to me DD2 is adding value to her babysitting business by ensuring people stay with DD1 knowing if she can't do it her sister DD2 may be able to.

My DD2 babysits with a friend. DD2 set it up , I advertise on FB and do the first checks/intros. Mostly the friend can't do it or they babysit together (if 2 or more children or a baby) , rarely when DD2 can't, her friend does the babysit alone. They split fees gained only when they both babysit together, otherwise they each keep what they earn. Her mum and I split lifts to/from if they both babysit which I love! They charge £5/hour minimum fee £15 and £7/hour after 11pm. Non one has asked for later than 12:30 as they are both just under 15.

It's really DD2 that takes the bookings and arranges it all via whatsapp but she wouldn't dream of asking her friend to pay her a cut when she (DD2) can't do it and friend does it instead. They both benefit as DD2 is getting regular customers / repeat business as parents know DD2 can ask friend if she can cover (if they are happy with that on occasion that DD2 isn't available) , so they always come to DD2 first. Customers even say that. DD2 is always 15 mins early as that's good for business 😁.

OffToBedhampton · 15/03/2019 12:38

*lay it out, not Kay

Unless DD2 is picking up her sister, then she could ask for contribution to travel, I can only see an equal mutual benefit to both of them if she's handing down work she is double booked for.

NannyRed · 15/03/2019 12:41

Your dd1 is being a twat, I don’t blame dd2 for not wanting to give a cut of her earnings.

M4J4 · 15/03/2019 12:57

Your dd is being a twat, put your foot down OP.

I suspect she will have her own chain of businesses in the future though, or running franchises Grin

M4J4 · 15/03/2019 12:57

That would be dd1

PregnantSea · 15/03/2019 13:00

Dd1 is being ridiculous. Tell her to stop being so greedy and treat her sister like a sister

steppemum · 15/03/2019 13:05

missing the point entirely, your dd2, at 14, is too young to be babysitting.

Drum2018 · 15/03/2019 13:33

No way should dd2 have to give dd1 any of her money. Tough shit if dd1 is booked and dd2 gets asked instead.

SilverySurfer · 15/03/2019 13:45

DD1 sounds greedy and grabby - not the most desirable of traits. I hope DD2 shows equal 'business savvy' by undercutting her sister's price.

OffToBedhampton · 15/03/2019 14:08

@M4J4 😂😂

Chloemol · 15/03/2019 14:18

Why haven’t you stopped this! DD1 is being extremely unreasonable and greedy. Surely you can see that and should be speaking to her. If dd1 can’t babysit then the people will simply go elsewhere anyway. Would she get a cut if that baby sitters money, no so why should she get a cut of her sisters. Try asking dd1 how she would feel if this happened to her.she is being mean and you need to stop this now before she goes out into the wider world


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AryaStarkWolf · 15/03/2019 14:20

DD1 is being unreasonable by a mile. Very greedy of her

OffToBedhampton · 15/03/2019 14:23

Like M4J4 indicates, I wouldn't criticise DD1 for.showing entrepreneuralism but I would sit her down and explain the benefits she's getting herself for free rather than have DD2 compete with her, as suggested in my long post at 12:36 today (above).

Toooldtocareanymore · 15/03/2019 14:23

dd 1 cant do job sends away dissatisfied customer they ask someone else unrelated, as I assume they don't know about dd2, next time who do they use dd1 who wasn't available or someone else I'd go with the person I used last, dd1 offered job cant do but has replacement handy who they accept so next time who do they ask dd1, that's how id explain it to dd1, she's only thinking of this job which she couldn't do anyway and gets nothing but next job she could loose too, and if dd2 in time builds up her own network she might need dd1's help

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