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to think this is so strange - present gone missing!

465 replies

whereismycandle · 30/10/2018 10:54

Have name changed but frequent poster.

It was my birthday on Sunday & last week (Tuesday) I saw my best friend very briefly and she gave me my present to open on the day. I opened it on Sunday and she had bought me a nice box of chocolates – lovely, I like chocolates. Anyway I text her to say a generic thank you she text back have a lovely day – all’s well and I good. But I’ve just spoken to her and she didn’t get me chocolates. She bought me a very ‘naice’ candle.

How weird is that. She has absolute no reason to lie – we’ve know each other forever and don’t have ‘expectations’ in the sense that sometimes we spend a lot, sometimes we don’t. I asked if it could have got mixed up with someone else’s present and no, she had no other birthdays going on. The strangest part is the gift bag and wrapping paper were exactly what she had wrapped the candle in – but it was chocolates.

What the hell has happened to the candle? We had a laugh about it but honestly, it’s so weird!!

OP posts:
PlantsArePeopleToo · 01/11/2018 23:01

So where did she get the chocolates from then? I thought she didn't recognise them? And what about the shoddy wrapping?

JessieMcJessie · 01/11/2018 22:32

Does your friend have a drink problem? Can’t tell the difference between wrapping a candle and a box of chocolates, can’t remember ever going into Hotel Chocolat, wrapping was not up to her usual might want to keep an extra eye on her.

BigApple11 · 01/11/2018 22:26

Chinny reckon.

oddbods · 01/11/2018 22:22

Hmm makes no sense

CrispbuttyNo1 · 01/11/2018 22:12

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lalalemon · 01/11/2018 22:09

Was at the doctors today with my little girl, doctor had a neom scented thingamy in her office.... made me think of this thread.... as had never heard of neom before!

InsomniacAnonymous · 01/11/2018 22:07

"But she sniffed the candle before wrapping it, and has never bought Hotel Chocolat before?"

Exactly. How does that make sense OP?

TheClitterati · 01/11/2018 22:05

Hey that's cool op - you get your lovely candle.

How did BF not remember buying chocolates?

Gotthetshirt23 · 01/11/2018 21:55

A few too many wines while wrapping .......Blush

NoSquirrels · 01/11/2018 21:36

BFriend has found the candle at her house, seems most of you were right and she'd wrapped the wrong gift.

Ha! As I said.

But I do like the too-embarrassed-to-admit-a-regift option - bet that was it?

Will you get the candle to match your new decor after all?

CBA2RTFT · 01/11/2018 21:34

And why wouldn't she just admit it or check in the first place (given that she did have chocolates ready to give as a gift) rather than insist otherwise?
All a bit strange

dayswithaY · 01/11/2018 21:34

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Bobbybear10 · 01/11/2018 21:30

She hadn’t bought HC chocolate before though?

The sniffing of the candle I suppose she could’ve sniffed it, put it down and did an errand then wrapped the wrong thing but she’s never even been to a HC shop before, supposedly.

CandleWithHair · 01/11/2018 21:28

Embarrassed probably

CBA2RTFT · 01/11/2018 21:26

But she sniffed the candle before wrapping it, and has never bought Hotel Chocolat before?

whereismycandle · 01/11/2018 21:23

Hi - OP here.
Hahaha...definitely not an employee of either HC or the candle company (i wish!) but it seems we do have a bit of an anti climax. BFriend has found the candle at her house, seems most of you were right and she'd wrapped the wrong gift. Hugely apologetic and feels a bit of a fool but I'm glad to find out it wasn't the dog. Grin

OP posts:
GlassOuijan · 01/11/2018 20:22

Pah! My trollhuntery comment was deleted, yet this thread has turned into a huge troll hunting quest now quite rightly .
Not fair Grin

MorningsEleven · 01/11/2018 20:17

Really? I didn't click on the links, I've seen both items in John Lewis so no need. That's really bloody shady.

PurpleRobe · 01/11/2018 20:16

My vote is that this is a clickbait stunt for the two brands mentioned!

xwhoiamx · 01/11/2018 20:07

Adding my name to the list of people getting targeted ads for both Neom and Hotel Chocolat after merely ^^reading (didn't post on) this thread. Hmm

Namechangeforthiscancershit · 01/11/2018 20:03

Casanova I watched that at least once a week as a child but no one else has ever admitted to remembering it! So you are my new favourite person!

lLikeCake · 01/11/2018 19:23

So the founder of Neom used to be the editor of Glamour magazine? Wonder if this has any bearing on this clever piece of advertising

We should ask MNHQ to source the OP's IP address as the Neom lady lives in East Yorkshire.


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BullshitometerCalibrator · 01/11/2018 18:33

widowtwonky I fear we have. OP has buggered off. Or she's fallen into the abyss with the bloody candle? And grumble yes me too - I mean a candle's just a candle right? - it provides gentle light and either smells good or it doesn't? Lol

WidowTwonky · 01/11/2018 18:22

Ah fuck. Have we been suckered in?? Angry

MissClarke86 · 01/11/2018 18:20

I was in JL today and went round sniffing all the Neom candles so maybe this thread has achieved its purpose!

The sales lady came to ask me which I liked and then explained the “science” about how “your brain knows what you need so draws you to the right smell” which I responded by telling her that as I was looking for a gift for someone else that actually renders it entirely pointless to buy as a gift if it might smell different to the recipient.

Weird concept when candles are very much a “gift” product.

Anyway I you were.

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