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to think this is so strange - present gone missing!

465 replies

whereismycandle · 30/10/2018 10:54

Have name changed but frequent poster.

It was my birthday on Sunday & last week (Tuesday) I saw my best friend very briefly and she gave me my present to open on the day. I opened it on Sunday and she had bought me a nice box of chocolates – lovely, I like chocolates. Anyway I text her to say a generic thank you she text back have a lovely day – all’s well and I good. But I’ve just spoken to her and she didn’t get me chocolates. She bought me a very ‘naice’ candle.

How weird is that. She has absolute no reason to lie – we’ve know each other forever and don’t have ‘expectations’ in the sense that sometimes we spend a lot, sometimes we don’t. I asked if it could have got mixed up with someone else’s present and no, she had no other birthdays going on. The strangest part is the gift bag and wrapping paper were exactly what she had wrapped the candle in – but it was chocolates.

What the hell has happened to the candle? We had a laugh about it but honestly, it’s so weird!!

OP posts:
AnonaMouse1 · 30/10/2018 11:22

Chocolates wrapping it smaller or larger than the size of candle would have been?

IStandWithPosie · 30/10/2018 11:22

Oh then that is really weird! I’d have to do some investigative work on that one! I couldn’t let it lie. Grin

Frogsrus · 30/10/2018 11:18

I think someone has knocked the present over and smashed the candle and popped some chocs in the bag instead.

whereismycandle · 30/10/2018 11:13


I thought that at first but she's never bought a box of these particular chocolates. She said she wrapped the present 5 mins before she left to meet me and it was absolutely the candle!!

OP posts:
Santaclarita · 30/10/2018 11:13

Is she over the age of 40? Could be the start of menopause that's all, my mum had and still has similar things happen at times. Completely normal.

OhMyGodTheyKilledKenny · 30/10/2018 11:12

If it was gift paper that she has a stock of at home could her DP or DC bought and wrapped the chocolates for someone (your friend might not necessarily know they've done this) and then somehow the presents got muddled/swapped over

AnonaMouse1 · 30/10/2018 11:10

Does the bag smell of scented candle? Lingering perhaps?

whereismycandle · 30/10/2018 11:07


No they would have been totally different shapes (I'm guessing as I've only seen the chocolates) but both would have fitted in the gift bag. To be honest, I didn't look in it until I opened it on Sunday (it was kind of clasped shut)

OP posts:
IStandWithPosie · 30/10/2018 11:04

She’s gotten confused and wrapped the wrong thing. It happens. My mum sent my cousin a present for her new baby. Cousin called her to ask why she had sent a can opener. Confused

PlateOfBiscuits · 30/10/2018 11:03

That is so odd. Who does she live with? Could she ask if someone at home swapped the candle for chocolates?

AnonaMouse1 · 30/10/2018 11:02

Chocolates in a candle shaped box?

whereismycandle · 30/10/2018 11:01


No because we had people over on my birthday and they were all eaten. I described the wrapping paper they were wrapped in (it was really pretty so I had remembered it) and it was the same she'd wrapped the candle in. Her card was even in the gift bag.

OP posts:
Tighnabruaich · 30/10/2018 11:01

Did she wrap it herself, or use a gift wrapping service in a shop? Maybe they wrapped the wrong item?

headinhands · 30/10/2018 10:58

I had this with my dad. I rang on Christmas to say thanks for the knives only he knew nothing about it. Dh has opened them and was insistent they were from him because he remembers the present reeking of fags which was the norm.

BuildingQuote · 30/10/2018 10:56

That really is puzzling! Did you send her a pic of the chocolates ? Just in case she at least recognised them?

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