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Yellow face in a children’s play!

93 replies

Hypotenuse · 09/02/2018 20:29

I’ve named changed to an old name, I imagine this is quite identifying as I can’t believe anyone else would be this stupid in this day and age!

My daughter is in a small production company, for children, run by the local community. She’s been it in for years, they’ve put on great productions and she enjoys it.
I’m writing this in the interval of their latest show, which I’d not seen a script for or heard much about as she’s mostly learning backstage things this time and just doing the odd dance number. I am horrified at what I am watching. The play is set in Shanghai and everyone is called ping pong wong, or chow mien, or emperor peaking duck... one adult in the play is there as a comedy idea, in yellow face, and only says stereotypical Chinese words, or items from the menu of a Chinese restaurant and ends everything with a bow and ‘yum yum’.

I am so upset my child is a part of this, I had no idea, they’ve not done anything like this before! It’s all been Cinderella or Snow White, cutesy things!

My question is, WIBU to refuse to allow her to partake in the show again tomorrow night and withdraw her? I’m friends with a lot of the people running it so I will probably lose a lot of friends if I tell the truth as to why, but I could lie and say she’s ill and then that she’s growing out of it so won’t come back. Or should I tell the truth? The right thing is to tell the truth isn’t it?

OP posts:
Ilovesliz · 09/02/2018 21:16

But does your daughter want to leave the show?

Aeroflotgirl · 09/02/2018 21:18

It is a very racist production. Very bad taste.

Yukbuck · 09/02/2018 21:18

Also yy. To previous poster.. why is she yellow?

retirednow · 09/02/2018 21:18

Crass and ignorant, what were they thinking. How many nights is it running for.

DisabledUserName · 09/02/2018 21:19

ilovesilz that isn't the issue. The child's mother feels (rightly) it's not appropriate and racist so therefore she will educate her child why it's not a good thing to be part of. Much better than sticking her head in the sand and allowing her daughter to grow up not challenging racism.

ChasedByBees · 09/02/2018 21:19

Agh that’s awful. Yes I would withdraw and tell them the real reason why.

Ragusa · 09/02/2018 21:20

Why should what the child wants be paramount here?! If a child was having a jolly old time dressed up as Eva Braun or a little Adolf would you just let them crack on ?!?!

floriad · 09/02/2018 21:23

(Please don't be the one who brings this down on them, however horrified you are. The people in charge have been hugely, hugely crass and stupid, but the fallout could be pretty grim for the kids involved. I have to assume you live in a fairly monocultural area, and the kids themselves probably won't understand quite how tasteless and nasty this is.)

Yes, please warn the producers about this. That could get really nasty... This is so inappropriate.

IlikemyTeahot · 09/02/2018 21:26
BackBoiler · 09/02/2018 21:27

Withdraw her and say why. Also tell DD why!

Papergirl1968 · 09/02/2018 21:29

It does sound inappropriate but I think the time to raise concerns is when it has finished, assuming it’s just the two nights.
How old is dd? All she will remember in years to come is that she wasn’t allowed to finish her performance.

GabsAlot · 09/02/2018 21:31

it does seem ott but yes i have also seen aladdin pantos where people have dressed up and put on voices shall we say

Stormwhale · 09/02/2018 21:35

I guess you have to decide how important it is to you to make a stand against racism. You may well lose friends, but to me it would be worth it. In my opinion, those who ignore racism are as bad as the racists. Yes it's awkward and uncomfortable, but it's necessary. If these people do not know how unacceptable this is, you need to tell them.

Wordshurt · 09/02/2018 21:36

DD may be upset to be pulled out, but she won't thank you in 15 years' time when she's trying to be taken seriously in the workplace and a video surfaces of her prancing around on stage as a little girl with her face painted yellow.

Explain to her why she's been pulled out and depending on age, you may need to have the same conversation again in a few years' time.

Tell the school and the parents why you are doing this. They should bloody well know better.

DreamyMcDreamy · 09/02/2018 21:42

I think you are over reacting -every Aladdin panto I have seen has been just like this.

Really?! Confused We go to panto every year, several years its' been Aladdin and it's never been like that!
I think I'd have been sat with my face like this at it too Shock

MooPointCowsOpinion · 09/02/2018 21:43

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biscuitmillionaire · 09/02/2018 21:48

Is it the Mikado?

Mummaofboys · 09/02/2018 21:50

It’s awful, I take it there are no Asian children in this production. I’m not being dramatic but if a children’s production company is putting on a ‘rasist’ play the NSPCC need to be informed. I wouldn’t be inclined to deal with this myself a phone call to NSPCC for guidance is needed here.

TryAgainAndAgain · 09/02/2018 21:51

What's the play called?

ArchchancellorsHat · 09/02/2018 21:54

Namechange fail, OP. Which play is it? And have you decided how you're going to approach it with the organisers?

user838383 · 09/02/2018 21:57

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InToMyHeart · 09/02/2018 21:57

You sound completely reasonable. If it were someone with "black face" then people would be completely (rightly) furious.
It sounds like something from the 80s! Surely we know better now.
I definitely think you should remove her from the production but make sure you sit her down (ideally tomorrow morning, I think) when you tell her and explain to her your reasoning. Make sure she understands that the content is very offensive and explain exactly what is offensive and how it could make people feel. Use this as a good opportunity to broach racism to ensure that she doesn't feel like you pulled her out for no reason. Then find something fun to do tomorrow instead to make up for her missing out.


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Hypotenuse · 09/02/2018 21:59

Thanks Arch have reported.
It’s Aladdin, as a pp mentioned. I’ve told my daughter they’ve said she only has to do one night, but she really wants to do the next night. When she’s asleep I’ll discuss it with my husband.
This is a huge part of her childhood, I’m sad she’s going to lose that.

OP posts:
InToMyHeart · 09/02/2018 22:01

@boopsy OP said that dd is backstage so she wouldn't be learning lines. How would OP know the script!

MaureenNervosa · 09/02/2018 22:01

It sounds like a throwback to the 1970s. Is it a new play? Or has someone written it specially? I think your DD will thank you in years to come if you pull her out now.

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