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To ask for help with my cat?

20 replies

Merryoldgoat · 08/02/2018 09:20

I can see there are lots of cat-lovers here so I’m
Hoping someone can give me some advice or help.

I have a 9 year old moggy who is a bit overweight (currently on a diet and weight is reducing well) but has taken to pooing and now weeing on the floor in our bathroom.

Prior to this she would always go outside and has a cat flap so can go out and come back in at will.

This has been sporadic over the last couple of months. We took her to the vet when it started with just poo. Vet examined her and said it was likely owing to inclement weather or fear of other animals (other cats or foxes etc) as there didn’t appear to be any physiological issues. He said the fact it was solid poo suggested it was behavioural. Now she’s weeing too it’s becoming untenable. Weather is not terrible at the moment so I doubt it’s that - I could understand when it was pouring with rain the other week.

We’re going to get a litter tray as a temporary solution but I really don’t want a litter tray permanently.

Secondly, if she’s feeling terrorised by other animals what can I do? I hate that she might be so scared to go out so is there a way to resolve the fear if it’s that?

My baby is due any day (DH is obviously cleaning up the mess) and I don’t want a litter tray long term with a crawling baby.

Any advice would be most gratefully received - she’s our family pet and I’m worried about her happiness and hate the idea she’s being bullied which might be causing this.

OP posts:
Monkeypuzzle32 · 08/02/2018 11:23

I was literally about to post something similar-I fostered a rescue cat when I was 7 months pregnant, he's a lovely cat do we kept him-now the baby is 7 weeks he has started to wee and poo in our flat, we got rid of his tray a week ago as he kept missing it and hitting the carpet, we previously only had it because he had s lampshade collar on so couldn't go out. I think it's the baby crying that's stressing him maybe? He's been gone up till now though and will happily sit in a room with her even if she cries. Looks like we will have to get a covered tray, although like the OP we don't have anywhere for it that's not in the way now.

sashh · 08/02/2018 11:18

My baby is due any day (DH is obviously cleaning up the mess) and I don’t want a litter tray long term with a crawling baby.

It's possible she doesn't want you to go in to labour without her being there, she has to look after you.

I'm not joking, wander over to the litter tray, loads of people have had cats react to their pregnancy, someone was not allowed to use the bathroom alone during her first two pregnancies.

TillyMint81 · 08/02/2018 11:14

Maybe buy a crate and pop her in overnight with a comfy bed, water and a litter tray. My cousin did this with her elderly cat and it made a huge difference.

Merryoldgoat · 08/02/2018 11:10

Thank you Chicken.

I honestly didn’t realise they all need indoor trays as they age. If that’s the case then my squeamishness will have to take a backseat.

I will look at getting a better food as you suggest and the other things too.

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ChickenPaws · 08/02/2018 11:03

Put a cat litter tray in the area she’s going in.

Get a feliway plug in. You can also buy cystease capsules which contain tryptophan which is a calming neurotransmitter and helps relieve stress. They’re usually given to cats with stress related cystitis, but will help with general stress as well. You can open the capsule and mix with food.

Buy an appetite control food - I use royal canin and feed a decent quality wet food as dry food only is bad for their urinary and renal system.

You can also buy valerian (a herbal sedative) collars and plug ins, but I’ve never tried these.

The behaviour your cat is displaying is typical stress related behaviour.

All cats should have access to an indoor litter tray as they get older especially.

Merryoldgoat · 08/02/2018 10:44

Thank you mered.

I will definitely do that and get the solution too.

Thanks so much everyone.

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meredintofpandiculation · 08/02/2018 10:34

"Simple" Solution is great for urine - mope up as much urine as you can then slop Simple generously over the area, and it obliterates the smell, even to cat noses, so they no longer recognise that as a spot where they urinate.

If it is stress from hormones, changes etc, the fact that you're also restricting her diet isn't helping. She's feeling threatened, and that will extend to "have I got a secure food supply?" Talk to your vet about whether there are tasty but nutrient sparse things you can give her, so you can reassure her you'd not about to stop feeding her altogether.

Merryoldgoat · 08/02/2018 10:20

She won’t go in a bed but sleeps either with us (although that will have to stop) or on a chair in the living room which is fine.

I’ll try to see if I can get her high up.

Never considered deafness but could that be it? I’ll talk to the vet again and get her checked at the next weigh-in.

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lurkingnotlurking · 08/02/2018 10:15

So she's not going deaf? This was the reason why our cat did it

SwarmOfCats · 08/02/2018 10:12

It sounds stress related. Get a litter tray so she doesn’t have to freak out about going outside if there’s a new cat in the neighbourhood or something else that’s bothering her. Pet remedy plug-ins and sprays could help (some cats respond better to feliway, but that does take longer to work!) A cat bed with a hood so she can hide, and a high up place she can retreat to could also make her happier.

Merryoldgoat · 08/02/2018 10:09

Thanks Shirley

Her usual sleeping places are not changed but you are right about the other changes (furniture/decorating etc).

I will absolutely get the tray and Feliway.

Currently the bathroom can only lock from the inside (broken handle) so we can’t keep her out (although I could try a latch actually).

Hopefully it sounds like maybe it’s the pregnancy so she might settle down over the next few months. I love her and hate that she might be unhappy.

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StopCallingMeShirley · 08/02/2018 09:48

This is typical cat stress behaviour. The fact that you are pregnant may well be playing a part in the recent start. Cats know something is changing, they can smell it on you, and no doubt there are things coming into the house (cots, prams etc) which can cause disruption.

Has anything else changed, such as decorating a bedroom for the baby, causing paint smells and other disruption? Are all her preferred sleeping places still available?

Get a couple of Feliway plug ins, one upstairs, one downstairs. Use them for at least 3 months through having the baby etc.

What does the cat do if you shut the bathroom door to stop access? Does she then go outside or just relocate where she is messing to somewhere else inside? I have a cat who occasionally uses the bathroom instead of his tray, but if the door is kept shut, he always uses the tray.

Merryoldgoat · 08/02/2018 09:36

I will get the tray - it’ll be in situ tonight. It’s not a problem for 7/8 months obviously as baby won’t be crawling for a while. I’m sure she won’t eat it but won’t stop curiosity.

Additionally, I’m worried she’s unhappy here. We’ve been here 3 years and it took a while to settle but she seemed ok until recently.

If she’s being terrorised is there anything I can do about that?

OP posts:
SaucyJack · 08/02/2018 09:32

Just get a litter tray, and keep the baby out of the bathroom.

Your baby may well not be inclined to eat cat shit. None of mine ever went for the litter tray.

Merryoldgoat · 08/02/2018 09:32


My house layout makes this pretty much impossible. Completely open plan downstairs. Upstairs it’s bedrooms and 1 bathroom and the tray won’t fit in the bathroom as it’s small and narrow - you’d have to move it out every time you wanted to use the loo or have a shower/bath which isn’t very practical.

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Merryoldgoat · 08/02/2018 09:29

Yes, I know I can get enclosed ones but I really don’t like them.

It’s not that I don’t like them enough to not get one and my cat takes priority so of course I will, I just don’t like the smell and I don’t have a natural location for one.

I definitely don’t and won’t force her out. Maybe being on maternity leave will offer her some reassurance as I’ll be here more for the next year but I could be kidding myself.

Never heard of cat nappies! I’m heading to Google...

OP posts:
mirime · 08/02/2018 09:28

I had a couple of litter trays when DS was crawling, you just don't put it where the baby crawls.

Blackteadrinker77 · 08/02/2018 09:25

If the above advice doesn't work then cat nappies might be your only option.

frankchickens · 08/02/2018 09:25

I don’t want a litter tray long term with a crawling baby.

Eh? You know you can get enclosed ones, right?

GlitterUnicornsAndAllThatJazz · 08/02/2018 09:23

Sounds like she's scared of something outside.

Bite the bullet and get the poor thing a litter tray, its not a big deal.

Then go outside with your cat (dont force her out, just open the door and try and lure her out) and observe her behaviour.

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