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High Court Enforcements Officer at my door

118 replies

PretABoire · 18/01/2018 07:48

A friend of mine is in a complicated situation with lots of debt and no fixed abode. Somehow she’s been traced to my flat. Yesterday morning a High Court Enfirceemnt

OP posts:
ostinato · 28/07/2020 13:07

Grrrr zombie....

ostinato · 28/07/2020 13:06


So much misinformation on here!
High court enforcement do not have to give any notice they are coming.
They do have power to force entry with a writ.
They will listen if it not the address of the person. But you have to prove it, they won't believe you outright, because everyone says that!
I'd be proactive, contact the people on the paperwork, explain what's happen and offer to send the proof you have and the forwarding address of your 'friend'. They aren't interested in enforcing a writ on the wrong person.


Do not ignore, and do not “stop them entering your flat”...they have a RIGHT to enter and obstructing a HCEO is a criminal offence.

Call them, explain the situation and ask them what they need to be satisfied that she does not and has never lived at your address. Gathering proof of ownership of any of your high value items would also be a good idea as they’re not allowed to seize goods belonging to someone else. You also have some time after seizure to do this, so it’s possible to get stuff back if taken incorrectly.
doyounothavegoogle · 28/07/2020 12:25

She needs to get on to Step Change, Christians Against Poverty, CAB or similar. Once it's done, she'll have a fresh start

@LakieLady Hopefully she did - in January 2018

LakieLady · 28/07/2020 07:13

On a slightly philosophical level it’s a damn shame that the vulnerable, homeless and unemployed can’t take even the most basic steps to get back on track, all she wanted was a bank card to her own account so that if she could secure work she could access funds.

There are banks that will do basic bank accounts for people with poor credit histories.

Her only hope really is to get a debt relief order or, if her debts are over £20k, go bankrupt. Bankruptcy fees are high but there are some charities that will make a grant towards the cost.

She needs to get on to Step Change, Christians Against Poverty, CAB or similar. Once it's done, she'll have a fresh start.

Reedwarbler · 28/07/2020 07:07

Oh come on! Why on earth would you respond to a two and a half year old thread otherwise. We weren't born yesterday.

GeorgeBar · 28/07/2020 06:47

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Avelosa · 28/07/2020 06:39

@georgebar intersting that you’ve just joined mumsnet and your first post is to dredge up a zombie thread to advertise your businessHmm

GeorgeBar · 28/07/2020 06:01

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cherryontopp · 21/01/2018 00:00

They can make peaceful entry, they can't force their way in - not at their first attempt anyway.
They can seize goods unless you provide proof that the items are in fact yours.

SD1978 · 20/01/2018 23:48

They can not force their way in. You need to get your friend to take your address off. Di t answer the door to them- they can let themselves in through an open door, but can’t batter it down themselves. Are there any vulnerable adults or children at the address? You can request they do t harass you if there is. Get an affidavit from the land lord co firming you are the only resident in the property, and start returning her mail/ tell her to get a P.O. box if Boone else will accept her mail. She’s in a tough soloist, but it’s not fair if you join her.

CuriousaboutSamphire · 18/01/2018 15:03

Ye gods! I have included links, quotes and all sorts about the HCEO rights of entry to a residential property!

If a Sheriffs Office, other HCEOs exist!, doesn't know who the hell does!!

Rights of entry to residential premises
No one enforcing a judgment has the right to force entry into residential premises unless they have a signed walking possession agreement or were forcibly ejected. However, the HCEO or bailiff may climb a perimeter wall or fence to get into the grounds of the property. They can enter where a door is open, opening further to aid entry if required.

IWannaSeeHowItEnds · 18/01/2018 14:57

Ive not read the whole thread but one of the ways they establish address is by where a person has their post delivered. That she is getting her mail sent to your house is a big indicator that she lives there. You need to knock that on the head now. You could end up getting your goods seized and then having to prove you own them. I couldn't do that and I bet you dont have receipts for everything.

hannah1992 · 18/01/2018 14:57

They can only force entry if it’s a commercials premesis or the house is being repossessed. However if they let themselves in through an unlocked door (which they can do and call it pieceful entry) they can then gain acces by force the next time they come as they have been allowed entry once before.

I got my sofa from dfs I paid cash for it so didn’t get it on hp but I got an invoice type receipt. But here not there they require receipts of non are provided they have the right to remove it.

DeStijl · 18/01/2018 14:45

Sir Wibbles they actually can in certain circumstances. There's no point acting superior when you're wrong!

SirWibbles209 · 18/01/2018 14:40

So much wrong info on this thread high court enforcement officers CAN NOT force entry to a residential property.

Notreallyarsed · 18/01/2018 14:30

They can get in through an unlocked door, not break in (unless it’s a repossession in which case they can force entry).

Unless OP can give her friends current address or provide receipts for all the goods in her home they can and will take it.

The friend is a fucking arsehole to put her friend in such a horrible situation.

Cherrycokewinning · 18/01/2018 14:29

But Hannah- they don’t even exist!? I bought a sofa 3 weeks ago. I got a receipt. My name is nowhere. Why would you get a personalised invoice?

Equally, I do have delivery notes for things like my dining table, which do have my name and address on them (but aren’t proof of ownership) and they fade within a few years to become unreadable

SoupDragon · 18/01/2018 14:27

Is it true the law allows a High Court Enforcement Officer to break into properties to take goods?

Yes it is. But the circumstances when this can be done are limited if at a domestic address

From the HCEO website. I very much doubt they would be able to at the wrong address though

hannah1992 · 18/01/2018 14:26

They expect you to keep receipts for everything you own. So for a sofa you would have an invoice with your name on if it was bought and delivered from a shop. Obviously they don’t think if anyone bought anything second hand

cantucciniamaretto · 18/01/2018 14:19

So much misinformation on here....They do have power to force entry with a writ

the irony! They do not have the power to force entry to a residential address, and they certainly do not to the wrong address!

Cherrycokewinning · 18/01/2018 14:07

Credit scores def not linked to address. Haven’t been for about 10 years. Being financially linked to a person with poor credit may affect yours though

SandyDenny · 18/01/2018 14:06

Might it be a good idea if possible to move any high value items somewhere else until this is sorted out.

I don't understand how your friend was able to get bank correspondence sent to your address, what proof did she show the bank that she lived there?


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Karigan1 · 18/01/2018 13:50

It will as credit scores are also linked to the address. It took me ages to get unlinked from the ex husband when he lost his job even though we had been divorced for 6 years. It lowered my score which is usually in the green

Cherrycokewinning · 18/01/2018 13:47

It won’t affect OPs credit score. It’s not in her name. Credit scores aren’t attached to property

Cherrycokewinning · 18/01/2018 13:47

That makes no sense- how can I prove a sofa belongs to me?

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