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To think everyone is obsessed with brussel sprouts this year?

25 replies

B0033 · 18/12/2017 11:24

And I'm not sure why!

I'm seeing "baby brussels" in Lidl (aren't these just smaller than the regulars, not sure if they taste different?)

Chocolate shaped like 'em

Games centred around them

Toys and craft projects...

What gives?

OP posts:
AfterSchoolWorry · 21/12/2017 21:38

Are they?

I hate them, I have cabbage instead. Much nicer!

StealthPolarBear · 21/12/2017 21:37

I like them a lot but they are only sprouts

MistressDeeCee · 21/12/2017 21:36

A friend put up a "If you've not had 'smashed brussel sprouts' then you've not lived" post on FB today. It's a conspiracy. I quite like brussel sprouts but I have to season them & dip them in a sauce. I don't love them. I don't want to love them. I fear a stealth takeover.

Whisky2014 · 21/12/2017 21:30

I love sprouts too.

There's a "thing" about no one liking Brussels but it's simply not true.

Babababababybel23 · 21/12/2017 21:29

The sprouts bug has been caught by dh too. He has decided we are having them with Christmas dinner. Even though no one in our whole family likes them.
Not even him Hmm

Hassled · 21/12/2017 21:28

I love cabbage - all types - and brocolli, kale etc - but there is just something about sprouts I cannot stand. I wish I could make myself like them but I dislike them so much I can't understand why anyone would choose to eat them. But it makes no sense given that all other green leafy vegetables are fine with me.

StealthPolarBear · 21/12/2017 21:28

thank you for reminding me

user1468353179 · 21/12/2017 21:25

Mine have been on a slow boil since October, they will be fine by Christmas Day.

ForalltheSaints · 21/12/2017 21:10

Hate them. Apart from UKIP MEPs being out of a job, no more Brussels sprouts after next year's Christmas is the only good thing about Brexit!

ToadOfSadness · 21/12/2017 18:15

I bought our Christmas sprouts a few weeks ago so I could cook them in time.

(Actually I found a big pile of them reduced to 9p a bag so bought a few bags to prepare and freeze.)

Have been making bubble & squeak and a version of Colcannon rather a lot recently.

echt · 19/12/2017 01:13

I love sprouts, though have missed the cooking point, as I understand they have to be put on a rolling boil from 1st December in order to be fit for Christmas dinner.

I haven't seen Brussels sprouts yet this year, though how they get them to Au in summer is a mystery.

Years ago DH and I holidayed in India at Christmas, where CD is still a public holiday in most places. At Ooti, very high and very cold at night, you could buy teeny tiny Brussels sprouts in the market, and very scraggy and disconsolate turkeys were in cages.

An interesting note was the Father Christmases on street corners, ringing bells in the American style, but wearing whiteface masks.

BabyOrSanta · 19/12/2017 00:58

Most of the fields round here have been growing them. Maybe I could cash in on this?...

FeralBeryl · 19/12/2017 00:56

Happy to report that I'm obsessed with them constantly, throughout the year too.
I'm beyond thrilled to find them out of season, eat a bowl of them for tea at least once a week Grin

Adelina15 · 19/12/2017 00:56

Sprouts are thee best.

ToadOfSadness · 19/12/2017 00:53

Just to add, those were around a couple of years ago.

ToadOfSadness · 19/12/2017 00:52


To think everyone is obsessed with brussel sprouts this year?
Hohofortherobbers · 18/12/2017 23:37

No one's messing with the Brussels in my household !

Cracker09jacker · 18/12/2017 17:11

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

ObscuredbyFog · 18/12/2017 16:58

Baby Brussels have a milder taste OP, much less bitter.

For the sprout-haters, try Kalettes, they're a cross between a sprout and kale. Taste much nicer than they sound too Xmas Smile

B0033 · 18/12/2017 16:53

I enjoy sprouts too! Sprout flavoured chocolate, not so much.

OP posts:
EmilyChambers79 · 18/12/2017 14:45

I love sprouts.

Another reason to love December is that sprouts are back on at the carvery!

I've not noticed a massive sprout invasion though. I've seen the sprout chocolates before.

DH and DS hate sprouts so their Christmas presents are wrapped in paper that has Sprouts with little faces, arms, legs and party hats on!

Liskee · 18/12/2017 14:28

No brussels sprouts mania round here.


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BulletFox · 18/12/2017 14:18

I've missed out on this. Didn't realise it was happening.

IrkThePurist · 18/12/2017 14:17
DesertIslandPenguin · 18/12/2017 14:15

Heston has created a giant sprout pudding for Waitrose. Mercifully it only looks like a sprout and is chocolate filled with sprout green profiteroles.

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