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AIBU to go and see the Lion King in London without kids?

14 replies

TinselTwat · 13/12/2017 18:44

Would that be weird? It's DP favourite childhood film, and I was thinking about getting tickets to the musical. We don't have any children yet

OP posts:
Weirdpostthrudoor · 13/12/2017 22:22

I went with friends and whilst we felt a bit bad not taking DH’s and the older children it was because it was brilliant and not because it’s just for kids. I was 10 when the film came out so proper target audience and the only thing I found weird about going to the show was a group of ladies in their late forties sitting next to us getting sloshed at an afternoon performance as it seemed inappropriate for that setting. I was probably more pissed off that I kept having to get up to let them out to the loo especially as I was eight months pregnant and I didn’t have to leave to pee!

You should go, it’s an amazing show.

Frazzled2207 · 13/12/2017 20:07

I went as a grown up with grown up friends several years ago.
I would personal avoid the matinee as there will probably be more kids there but it's most definitely not "just" for kids

AlpacaPicnic · 13/12/2017 19:57

DH got me tickets to see Lion King locally a few years ago and we both loved it! Plenty of adults without children in the audience, especially those of an age to have loved the Disney film when it was first released...

UnicornRainbowColours · 13/12/2017 19:48

Been twice never once did I take a child lol! It’s brilliant go and see it and have a wonderful time xx

foxyloxy78 · 13/12/2017 19:42

I went pre kids when it first came out and going again early next year with my family and child.

MustBeThursday · 13/12/2017 19:07

We went pre-kids. It's fantastic! Go now so you can enjoy it without tantrums and being pestered for drink/snacks/trips to the loo!

TinselTwat · 13/12/2017 19:06

I thought it might be because it's a children's story. It's aimed at children, and I thought most people in the audience would have children with them. I'm happy to be told it's not weird though!
Xmas Smile

OP posts:
CaptainHammer · 13/12/2017 19:01

Why would that be weird?!

LittleMissNaice · 13/12/2017 19:00

Go go go! It’s beautiful

ShirleyPhallus · 13/12/2017 18:57

How on earth would this be weird....? Confused

FoxtrotSkarloey · 13/12/2017 18:51

I took my mum years ago, we both loved it!

SewButtons · 13/12/2017 18:50

Go for it! It’s a great show and you’ll definitely enjoy it more with no kids there. I’ve seen it 3 times and I don’t have any kids of my own yet either.

TipBoov · 13/12/2017 18:48

Not weird at all! We went a few years ago, just DP and I for his birthday and there were more adults without children than with!

Peachy27 · 13/12/2017 18:48

I went three times before I had children! Now I have them I can’t afford to go the tickets are so expensive so I’d say go! I’d love to take my children one day

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