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Matalan Maternity Wear Drama...

26 replies

Teaspoon101 · 20/11/2017 16:08

This is my 1st post on here, i've been more of a viewer than a do-er! But i'd really appreciate some opinions...

Yesterday afternoon my husband and i went along to Matalan, i am 22 weeks pregnant and have expanded A LOT!! Something which i've been trying to get my head around, i am very happy to be pregnant but having spent most of my adult life on a 'diet' it's odd to be gaining weight with no control of it!

My search for affordable maternity jeans, not so happy...

I asked a member of staff where the maternity trousers were, she didn't know asked me to follow her while she asked a second member of staff. Fine, no problem so far; Second member of staff didn't know either so First member of staff carried on walking round the store, i followed and we happened upon Third member of staff. First member of staff asked Third member of staff, on my behalf, where the maternity section was...
Third member of staff then looked me up and down and asked me to follow her round the corner to 'Curve' section, where she said i might find something and walked off.

After looking at the Curve section for a minute i realised it is their plus sized section, with not one item of maternity wear in it at all.

Am i being riddiculous to feel so shitty about this?

It made me feel really awful about myself. I phoned my husband, who had gone to have a look in the blokes bit, held back tears and asked him if we could leave...

We left and i've felt really crap about myself since.

Am i being over sensitive?

Sorry my 1st post has been a whingeing one.

Thanks for reading x

OP posts:
IHateYourCarpet · 20/11/2017 19:08

I really recommend ASOS. I know ordering online may not be the same as trying stuff on in store, but it's better than nothing. DP do some nice winter dresses too, again online.

It's worth looking on eBay too Smile what sort of thing are you looking for OP? Maybe we can help you find something between us?

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