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To leave DH over ruined underwear?

583 replies

Sprinklestar · 18/11/2017 20:16

Ok, sounds dramatic, right?
But... We have been together years, known each other forever. Today, yet again, he washed my hand wash only underwear in the machine and ruined it. I have lost count of the number of times he has done this.
It is just such a waste and will need replacing. We must have had this scenario every year for the past ten.
It's like that thing on the internet about the man whose wife left him over a cup left on the side, its the constant drip drip drip effect and never learning.
I can't stand his incompetence anymore. How hard is it to check a label? And not mess with the stuff in the separate handwash only basket?!
I am so angry.

OP posts:
Lweji · 02/12/2017 21:37

Maybe she should also buy plastic cups and plates just in case her husband breaks them. Or decides to put them in the washing machine instead of the dishwasher. Because it's all so hard.

StrangeLookingParasite · 02/12/2017 21:24

Um....maybe she should buy undies that are machine washable then. If it has happened lots of times then clearly you wear a lot of underwear that is not machine washable. Maybe you should stop buying all that pretentious crap underwear. I would never buy any underwear that wasn't machine washable. Seems you need to come back down to earth more and NORMAL underwear. Your husband does washing for you. FFS be GRATEFUL and buy normal underwear like normal people that can be machine washed.

Gee, maybe you should read the thread. Then you'd see that every single point you made has been both discussed and responded to.

ThisIsMyUsername02123 · 02/12/2017 21:16

Uh... Is this a thread about leaving people over underwear? Hmm

Nanny0gg · 02/12/2017 21:09



PoorYorick · 02/12/2017 21:01

Thank God you're here at last, MintChocChip.

MintChocChip04 · 02/12/2017 19:05

Um....maybe she should buy undies that are machine washable then. If it has happened lots of times then clearly you wear a lot of underwear that is not machine washable. Maybe you should stop buying all that pretentious crap underwear. I would never buy any underwear that wasn't machine washable. Seems you need to come back down to earth more and NORMAL underwear. Your husband does washing for you. FFS be GRATEFUL and buy normal underwear like normal people that can be machine washed.

Domani · 27/11/2017 09:45

And posters being nasty to each other doesn't help, obvi.

Domani · 27/11/2017 09:43

I'm getting confused now, I don't know who's who or who's on the side of OP? But surely it's simple? Some posters understand, some don't. If this is a continual problem for op with many different issues like Our Billy then firstly she needs to decide whether it's just forgetfulness or wilful (maybe Relate could help) Secondly she then needs to decide whether to put up with it or split.

PoorYorick · 27/11/2017 08:00

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Lweji · 27/11/2017 07:44

@Poor yorick... [single much!?]

Is single supposed to be an insult? Grin

whenthestarsturnblue · 27/11/2017 02:05

@Poor yorick... [single much!?]

whenthestarsturnblue · 27/11/2017 01:47

Maybe you are the Darwinian nightmare PoorYorick? Only you can answer that, that's a very melodramatic comment and a very personal one. You won't get far in life throwing out that level of hate. I feel so sorry for you, I feel bad for reviving that thread. Best of luck in the future.

PoorYorick · 26/11/2017 19:29

True and it wasn't until 2/3 of the way into this thread that the OP made her claim that it was wilfull, destruction. Nice if she had mentioned that in her opening post. Talk about a drip feed.

That has nothing to do with your stupid post and asinine comment about your idea of manliness. Real men in your world are too helpless and stupid to know how to use a washing machine? Only a henpecked sissy would know a basic life skill that involves knowing few symbols and pressing a button?

Dear God I hope you don't breed, you hateful Darwinian nightmare.

whenthestarsturnblue · 26/11/2017 17:26

Is this actually meant as a serious contribution to the discussion?

Fuck me. hmm

638 messages and that is your contribution? Pot, kettle? Ummm maybe single?

whenthestarsturnblue · 26/11/2017 17:19

@Ecureuil , nice to know he plays rugby, what a fucking man! Blush

whenthestarsturnblue · 26/11/2017 17:17

Normal men simply don't give a shit about what cycle clothes go into

@Poor Yorick - But they do give a shit about their partner's feelings and possessions.*

True and it wasn't until 2/3 of the way into this thread that the OP made her claim that it was wilfull, destruction. Nice if she had mentioned that in her opening post. Talk about a drip feed.

imablackstarnotapopstar · 25/11/2017 11:50

Not that I'm saying your DH has any excuse by the way! Just saying I know how expensive bras can be!

imablackstarnotapopstar · 25/11/2017 08:08

Because I have such massive boobs I have to buy horribly expensive bras - I literally have 2 bras at any one time. When I need to wash them I hand wash them in the bath water with natural soap before anyone gets in and then hang to dry in the shower. Dry by morning and never near the washing basket.

PoorYorick · 24/11/2017 19:15

Normal men simply don't give a shit about what cycle clothes go into

But they do give a shit about their partner's feelings and possessions.

AnnaMagdalenaGluck · 24/11/2017 18:24

Normal men simply don't give a shit about what cycle clothes go into and if they do, then they are a bit henpecked or lacking in manliness (and probably pluck their eyebrows too)

Is this actually meant as a serious contribution to the discussion?

Fuck me. Hmm

chatwoo · 24/11/2017 10:36

Ooops late to the party as usual - did not see the 21 pages of discussion Blush

chatwoo · 24/11/2017 10:34

Laminate a printed message or giant post-it 'HAND WASH ONLY. DO NOT PUT IN MACHINE".



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Ecureuil · 24/11/2017 10:23

Normal men simply don't give a shit about what cycle clothes go into and if they do, then they are a bit henpecked or lacking in manliness (and probably pluck their eyebrows too)

Glad I don’t know the men you do.
DH is a rugby player. Definitely doesn’t pluck his eyebrows. He still knows how not to ruin clothes in a washing machine, because he’s not stupid.

whenthestarsturnblue · 24/11/2017 09:58

It's not about whether it's manly, or childish, what your DH does, what my DH does The AIBU asked was should I leave him over this? If that is her dealbreaker then I think it's kind of depressing.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 24/11/2017 08:36

Normal men simply don't give a shit about what cycle clothes go into and if they do, then they are a bit henpecked or lacking in manliness (and probably pluck their eyebrows too).

Ugh. My husband is none of the things you suggest and yet, amazingly, still manages to know how the washing machine works, which settings to use and not to wash things I've put to one side for handwashing/dry cleaning. If other men can't, and yet manage to cope with other machines perfectly well (e.g. cars, smartphone) I would say that's because they don't see it as important enough to make the effort to learn to do household tasks properly. This is not admirable or manly, it's selfish and childish.

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