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33 replies

ILoveMillhousesDad · 11/11/2017 23:10

Aibu to think that the only people who love Paddington, are the people who think 'love actually' is a great film?

OP posts:
toffee1000 · 12/11/2017 00:17

I reckon a lot of the "make everything super British" thing is to appeal to the American audience, because they may not get a lot of the references but if they spot places they recognise it'll interest them. The first Paddington did pretty well in America. I quite liked Paddington, never seen Love Actually and probably won't. Different strokes for different folks and all that.

WishingOnABar · 12/11/2017 00:14

tangofandango Blush my mistake. Still wanky though Wink

IClavdivs · 12/11/2017 00:08

The hugh grant 'fuckity fuck fuck' thing

Wasn't that in "Four Weddings and a Funeral"? A film which, I will admit, I found to be immensely annoying (along with "Love, Actually").

Tangofandango · 12/11/2017 00:01

If by any chance you want to start a thread about how wanky the end of Love Actually is with the bee gees track on repeat let me know, I’d be right over there agreeing with you

It's not the Bee Gees, it's the Beach Boys "God Only Knows"

ephemeralfairy · 11/11/2017 23:53

I hate both.

TatianaLarina · 11/11/2017 23:49

My son loved Paddington despite being too old for it, and I’m pretty sure he’d hate Love Actually.

I hated both.

TonicandLime · 11/11/2017 23:48

If by any chance you want to start a thread about how wanky the end of Love Actually is with the bee gees track on repeat let me know, I’d be right over there agreeing with you

Thank you soooooo much! I actually own a copy of Love Actually (not intended) and have never watched it (Thank F**)

CrabappleCake · 11/11/2017 23:47

Don't think Paddington is a Great film, but thoroughly enjoyed watching it last night and left the pictures feeling happy.

Don't mind love actually....

LesDennishair · 11/11/2017 23:42

God no! Grin
Not a fan of Love Actually.

Liiinoo · 11/11/2017 23:41

I hated the first Paddington movie so won't go to the second one but I actually love Love Actually.

Gemini69 · 11/11/2017 23:41

Love... Love Actually... Loathe Paddington Hmm

KC225 · 11/11/2017 23:40

Love Actually is dire but Paddington is lovely

PrivateParkin · 11/11/2017 23:33

Oops posted too soon. Have you seen the first Paddington OP? Because I know it is set in London, but it's a kind of fantasy London to me, I mean fantasy as in "another world" like Hogwarts or something, not like a Richard Curtis idealised London that's actually meant to be a real place where people live. IYSWIM?!

Ttbb · 11/11/2017 23:31

I like Paddington but his adoptive family are v annoying.

PrivateParkin · 11/11/2017 23:29

I hate Love, Actually and I love Paddington. Why do you bracket the two together?

ILoveMillhousesDad · 11/11/2017 23:28

Borrow my feeling over Smile

OP posts:
Twoweekcruise · 11/11/2017 23:26

Just came back from the cinema, absolutely loved Paddington 2, actually think it's better than the first and I loved that too. But must confess I am a fan of Love Actually but I make no apologies for that as I'm a sucker for a soppy film.

Walnutwhiplash · 11/11/2017 23:26

The complete absence of talking bears ruined Love Actually for me

overnightangel · 11/11/2017 23:23

With you on the Britishness thing.
Had a crap day .... can I borrow a feeling?? 🙂

ILoveMillhousesDad · 11/11/2017 23:23

Think I the first aibu to realise I wasBlush

OP posts:
dantdmistedious · 11/11/2017 23:23

Love Paddington. Never seen Love Actually.

PinkHeart5914 · 11/11/2017 23:21

I don’t like love actually, watched it once and I never intend on watching it again.

I love Paddington. He is a cute bear how can anyone look at him and not think Cute! My dc are too young for the cinema so I am going to make Dh take me to see the film


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Smellyrose · 11/11/2017 23:21

Hate Love Actually but have loved both Paddington films. Sorry, OP!

Onehellofaride · 11/11/2017 23:20

The first time I watched love actually I hated it. Now I really enjoy it. It’s not the greatest film ever but it really makes me smile. I’ve not seen Paddington 1 but went to see Paddington 2 yesterday and it was a lovely easy watch that made me laugh out loud on a couple of occasions. Take them on face value, it’s not going to be the best film ever but they are a bit of light relief.

ILoveMillhousesDad · 11/11/2017 23:16

Dd is dying to see Paddington but I think its the 'oh so British' thing that turns me off. The hugh grant 'fuckity fuck fuck' thing

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