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To really dislike the Kevin the carrot Aldi ads?

37 replies

ThePlatypusAlwaysTriumphs · 11/11/2017 21:45

I just don't get it!! He's a carrot! Carrots are not particularly Christmassy. He would have rotted away since last year. And I didn't like him then either. Dd likes him, and doesn't understand why I don't. Apparently I am weird. Opinions

OP posts:
RacingRaccoons · 12/11/2017 16:10

My favourite Christmas advert of all time is the Sainsbury’s one where the soldiers stopped fighting on Christmas Day and played football together (and it actually happened).

This year, they’ve all been a bit rubbish, especially the JL one. Confused

Cynara · 12/11/2017 15:41

I like his sweet little root hands. Really dislike the pea/pee bit though, that spoils the whole thing for me.

CakesRUs · 12/11/2017 15:37

I like Kevin.

CakesRUs · 12/11/2017 15:37

JL have a whole range of monster goodies you can buy. It’s a crap advert, I’m kind of glad the general consensus is it’s a fail. Bring back the snowmen ⛄️

morningtoncrescent62 · 12/11/2017 15:30

YANBU. Christmas ads have been on the slide since this .

JonSnowsWife · 12/11/2017 15:22
Awwlookatmybabyspider · 12/11/2017 13:13

Yabu. He's adorable. I love his little flimsy arms.

AnchorDownDeepBreath · 12/11/2017 12:45

FWIW. The man on the moon JL ad cost about £8m to make.
The Moz the monster one this year probably wasn't too much cheaper than that.

Not technically true; about £1m to make each year; rest is media placements. Prime time advertising slots; newspaper coverage, etc.

Also the monster does come back when the nightlight is off - he makes a noise at the end of the ad.

bagelbaby · 12/11/2017 12:42

I wondered about this last year - surely the carrot's going to be eaten. So it's an odd thing to see your character on
JL one did not cost £7m. Cost £1m to make. Anything else is the cost of marketing and media. Large UK employer too

MrsJayy · 12/11/2017 12:18

You leave a carrot for santa obviously carrots are christmassy Grin I actually think Aldi are taking the piss paradoying the ridiculousness that is JL etc adverts

expatinscotland · 12/11/2017 12:10

I love Kevin!

Floralnomad · 12/11/2017 12:09

I’m not fussed about any of the Christmas ads , however I did say to dd the other day ‘why a carrot , carrots are not Christmassy surely it should be a sprout ‘ .

ThePlatypusAlwaysTriumphs · 12/11/2017 12:06

Glad I'm not alone. I just can't care about the carrot.

The JL ad has also upset me this year, as surely a cool fun monster is better than a crappy nightlight. People keep trying to assure me the monster will come back, but I'm not buying it.

Also think the Christmas ads are on too early. I haven't seen the Coca Cola ad yet and surely that is when it's time to start thinking Christmas?

OP posts:
NoFuckingRoomOnMyBroom · 12/11/2017 09:20

I liked it last year but think this year it's shite.
JL is ok, best one is M&S.

fartyghost · 12/11/2017 08:47

Is it a teenage carrot?

pingu73 · 12/11/2017 08:44

I love kevin he’s ace

NancyDonahue · 12/11/2017 08:36

They're just all trying too hard.. and failing. Customers generally want good value and good service, not flashy expensive ads. I hardly watch ads anyway as I record a lot of TV and skip past.

I remember the glory days of the woolies ads which actually showed products and prices!

JonSnowsWife · 12/11/2017 08:25

FWIW. The man on the moon JL ad cost about £8m to make.
The Moz the monster one this year probably wasn't too much cheaper than that.

So Aldi have been quite clever I suppose and probably spent a 1/3 of what JL has. It was nice to see an ad recycled IMO.

aSleepyPrincess · 12/11/2017 08:25

I love all the Christmas ads, saddo that I am. Kevin is cute in his own way Grin

LynetteScavo · 12/11/2017 08:24

When the carrots face appears it looks like it's rotting. It's bloody awful.

And the pea/pee bit is just cringe.

insancerre · 12/11/2017 08:22

It's dire

Chasingsquirrels · 12/11/2017 08:20

The ds's and I saw this yesterday and thought it was funny - had no idea what it was advertising then were bemused that it was Aldi. We'd clearly not seen the before, so didn't know it's a running theme, or that he had a name.


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Sparklingbrook · 12/11/2017 08:19

I have had enough of all the adverts and it's only 12/11. They are ok once, but again and again it all gets a bit Hmm. Not sure they make anyone want to go to those particular stores either.

AlonsosLeftPinky · 12/11/2017 08:19

I remember the good old days when Christmas adverts were full of joy and fun rather than these now which are designed to make people cry.

For that reason Kevin the carrot can stay as at least it has a bit of fun and humour in it.

confusedlittleone · 12/11/2017 08:17

Debenhams my favourite ad this year, don't mind the carrot but it's a little meh

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