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AIBU to find having an 18 month old relentless ?

75 replies

tryingtobebrilliant · 16/10/2017 22:02

I thought ( before I had a DC ) that I wasn't a baby person. I said I was looking forward to the walking and the start of taking phase.

Noooooooo I take it all back. I loved the baby bit and this toddler is irrational, moody, won't keep still and is exhausting. He won't nap when he's obviously tired. He throws most of his meals on the floor and laughs about it. Nappy changes are only allowed if YouTube is deployed.

When I tell him 'No' he wags his finger at me ( I don't do this, but he's got it from somewhere) Hmm

And no he does not want to read a book, play with any of his toys or sleep. He wants to try to open the front door, chase the dogs, stand in the dog water and spend his time going out of the room I'm in. Of course if I dare leave room myself wahhhhhhhhhhh.

DS is 18 months. I think I'm cracking and I've not even got to terrible twos or threeanger.

OP posts:
MuncheysMummy · 16/10/2017 23:30

16 month old here I feel your pain he's been like this since about 13 months old! So cheeky and sharp and quick nothing gets past him he's mentally and physically draining it's a bloody good job he's adorable for his own safety! I can't have anything as he wants it yet each week we lose yet another item he actually will eat so his repertoire of foods is decreasing rapidly. Currently living off weetabix,porridge,fruit purée,yoghurt,sausages,beans, scrambled eggs,fish fingers and whole meal bread/toast! That's it if it's not n that list it gets spat out and gagged on dramatically with shouts of 'noooo' and head shaking

Urubu · 16/10/2017 23:40

@coffeeneeded I have b/g twins as well, it gets easier!
0-6m hell
6m-18m hard work but more interesting
18-2.5yo getting there
2.5yo + they play together!!! They eat on their own, dress themselves, are potty trained. Now you start watching your friends with a DC the same age as yours juggle a newborn and you have it easy with your your DT...

paxillin · 16/10/2017 23:46

I think 18 months- 4 years is relentless. Full mobility, lots of opinion, no sense, no reasoning, little compassion... much better afterwards and cute before.

liz70 · 17/10/2017 00:30

Long ago, my uncle (mum's brother) and aunt had b/g twins.

Born when their DS1 was 17 months old. Shock Shock Shock Wine Wine Wine Cake Cake Cake


CheshireChat · 17/10/2017 01:18

See, my terror was easy at that age as easy as DS ever is!, buy become a nightmare just after two.

Lots of tears and some were definitely mine.

He's a lot better now at nearly 3 even if he's still exhausting. I'd still call him a fairly high needs kid though as he doesn't have a placid bone in his body and is a whirlwind.

oldlaundbooth · 17/10/2017 01:35

Oh yes 18 months is brutal.

You won't need to go to the gym or anything put it that way.

I literally never sat down when DS was that age. He moved constantly. Never sat still. And obviously at that age they can escape from the cot, bouncers etc so there's no respite.

I found the best way was to leave him with someone else take him to the park /football pitch/ large open space with no obvious dangers and let him run around as much as possible. Then he'd be knackered and sleep.

Or if you're really up for it, swimming.

Don't feel bad about lazy parenting at this stage, there's time for rules later on! When they've left home, haha.

oldlaundbooth · 17/10/2017 01:37

And as muncheys can relate to, my DS lived off scrambled egg, apple sauce, biscuits and bananas that age.

Don't bother poaching salmon fillet or anything ridiculous for him.

Aquamarine1029 · 17/10/2017 01:55

Grit your teeth, stay consistent with discipline and you'll get through it. Only a few more years to go! Confused

Scotinwestyorkshire · 17/10/2017 06:17

My dd is 17 months and she is a handful at times so i can relate to what it is like

SomewhatIdiosyncratic · 17/10/2017 08:00

I could have pulled off a 3rd baby, but not a 3rd toddler. 2y age gap so as DS1 finally began to emerge from the worst of the terrible twos (nothing to do with being two, more that it was two years of relentless tantrums) DS2 was reaching that stage.

I'm being a bit unfair on them, but they were hard in different ways. Ds1 was the type to blow because a few crumbs ruined the symmetry of his biscuit. DS2 was much more sunny and placid but a low sleep, physical whirlwind. At soft play, I once found him on the second storey of play frame- the exterior of it! He took his first steps at the edge of the swimming pool so he could hurl himself in!

I found babies portable, but te pace of toddler life can be mind numbing. And fitting things around naps etc.

It was worth keeping them. They're great kids now Wink

HelloSquirrels · 17/10/2017 08:04

Mine is 18 months and the same.

He can be absolutely charming, polite and lovely. But in the blink of an eye he becomes an unrecognizable devil child who screeches no and throws things, and himself, all over the place.

He goes to full time nursery. At present i am greatful for that.

43percentburnt · 17/10/2017 08:05

Urubu - I'm glad to know it gets easier! 20 month old twins here. Some days are relentless!

Spuddington · 17/10/2017 09:17

20 months. I'm very tired.

Today I put the wrong Peppa Pig episode on. Oh, the tears.

tinymeteor · 17/10/2017 09:21

18 months, omg. It was like having a really badly trained pet. By 2 it was noticeably better, and by 3 a total joy again (mostly).

Get the madness on video, it'll make you laugh later.

toolonglurking · 17/10/2017 09:23

And now I'm terrified! My DS is 18 months and I'm pregnant with number two, due in the spring - what have I let myself in for!?

toolonglurking · 17/10/2017 09:24

And now I'm terrified! My DS is 18 months and I'm pregnant with number two, due in the spring - what have I let myself in for!?

WhatwouldAryado · 17/10/2017 09:27

Flowers Brew Cake and Wine to all toddler parents. Solidarity. If we are lucky then they will one day sleep and stop asking for another verse of the wheels on the bus!
My older two are well past toddlerhood. I am no less shocked and exhausted Smile.
I wish you all a lovely sleep!

CbeebiesAddict · 17/10/2017 10:01

20mo and it is hard although relieved somewhat by their cuteness. DS isn't into toys at the moment which is so hard as he wants all his entertainment from DH and I and wants to be outside all the time.

HonestOtter · 17/10/2017 10:39

toolonglurking Similar here. A 19 month old and I'm due in Janaury!

My toddler is mostly lovely and quite independent but has about 2 hours everyday where she's just horrible. Everything is wrong, all food is disgusting and she does this horrible moan that drives me insane. I'm looking forward to her starting nursery when she's 2.

Cutesbabasmummy · 17/10/2017 10:58

MY DS will be three in January. he's generally a good boy but last night he grabbed a tub of breadsticks from the kitchen work surface (they get taller and can reach all of those out of the way things!), opened them and then shook them all over the floor. The fact that his daddy had told him off the night before for doing the same thing meant that he went on the naughty step. Some days he is whiney. The fact that he is now biugger and heavier means that he is harder to manhandle! Potty training was fab as I no longer fight about nappy changes! It's harder in different ways but I love him to bits!

liz70 · 17/10/2017 10:59

See, I remember being at antenatal clinic with DD1, shaking my head at the mums with huge bellies, struggling with an older child who often wasn't even walking yet. I thought it was insane! Imagine having two so close together. You won't catch me doing that etc. etc.

Of course, guess who was sitting there in exactly the same situation approx. 18 months later, six months pregnant with a 13 month old barely toddling infant DD1 with me. Blush

It was extremely tough, I won't deny. But you get through. You just have to, really. Smile

Spudlet · 17/10/2017 11:05

Mine is 21 months. If anyone needs me, I'll be rocking in this corner over here. Confused


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thecanaries · 17/10/2017 11:06

YANBU 18 months to 30 months was brutal. Particularly 18 - 24.

It's just really hard . I had added to that that I couldn't get him in a car seat. No one could, my big burly husband and I mean no one.

I would regularly be In The rain for 20 minutes at the supermarket on the 45th attempt. I'm not joking. Experienced mother friends would say "Yes Daisy doesn't like the car seat" if virtually tell them to fuck off as mine pathologically would not get in. You literally couldn't decipher what was their knee and elbow. I'd let these experienced
Mums have a go as often they would
Verbally tell me how it's done. They would be flabbergasted that they couldn't get this skinny 18month old in and would have to give up.

It gets better but it's a long long phase I'm
Not Going to lie ! I feel Your pain OP . It's not a parenting thing it's a personality thing.

MazDazzle · 17/10/2017 11:12

YANBU It’s a god awful stage. I keep telling myself that we’re about to turn a corner, surely! Every kid is different though - I’ve got 3 ( 9, 6 & 18 months).

My 18 month old is driving me insane. He cries/whinges most of the time. The older two want to watch a movie, or do crafts, but the youngest gets in the way and destroys everything.

My middle child would happily sit in her high chair for hours at 18 months! My youngest kicks wildly if I try to put him in it. He takes up all of my attention, yet if I turn my back on the other two they bicker and fight.

The sound of a screaming toddler accompanied by 2 whinging kids is unbearable!

purplecollar · 17/10/2017 11:16

I think that's when I had the most half cups of tea littered around the house, my bum barely hitting the sofa. All their waking hours on the go.

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