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AIBU Class emails

44 replies

HPD76 · 12/09/2017 03:42

This consistently fills me with the rage. I probably am unreasonably ragey about this.

The PTA rep for my son's class sends a very disinteresting email. Every single person on the list seems to send several email replies, often incredibly entitled replies to the rep (seriously, these people are one step away from a torch waving hate mob about school library books and shit). Fair enough. Why does every single person on the list have to reply all. Why do I have to come home to 20 dreary emails about nothing of any consequence which I have to read.

AIBU to want people to stop using reply all?

OP posts:
AnUtterIdiot · 14/09/2017 10:29

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

TheNoodlesIncident · 14/09/2017 10:37

I was going to suggest what B1rdonawire has done. DH has a couple of email addresses he gives out if he suspects they're going to get crappy stuff he doesn't want coming to his proper email address

CruCru · 14/09/2017 10:40

It's a bit unkind to the PTA rep though. Their emails may not be interesting but they've volunteered because the school and / or the parents think it is worthwhile having a PTA.

Underparmummy · 14/09/2017 14:23

Also though, being a PTA rep is a bit shit as lots of parents are really entitled about not having to volunteer or help out EVER for fundraising events at their state school.

ShotsFired · 14/09/2017 14:30

By not using BCC is surely a Data Protection Act breach, unless everyone has consented to everyone else knowing their email address?

It's more the potential for introducing viruses and other nasties that would concern me. Only takes one person's infected computer...

I would send a formal request for them to stop this careless behaviour.

TabbyMumz · 14/09/2017 18:22

"lots of parents are really entitled about not having to volunteer..."...but they don't have to, do they? They could be volunteering for other things outside of school, they could have caring responsibilities, they could be ill have no idea why they might not be volunteering surely. Not everyone can, and not everyone wants to. If you want to, fine, but you can't be shirty about others who don't.

STRONGandSTABLE · 14/09/2017 23:42

Send rep an email and say that under data protection legislation you want to exert your right to not have your data (email address) shared with anyone else except at your choosing. So, can she please remove your name from the list, or can she email the class using bcc. That totally stops the REPLY ALL thing. In junior school, there was one mother who just couldn't just REPLY - she had to REPLY ALL, so that we all knew just why she couldn't help on the tombola stall. None of us cared!

flynn80 · 15/09/2017 03:34

Thank your lucky stars it isn't a whatsapp group! This!

In our case it was a facebook messenger group that was set up when a group of 5 of us were getting the kids together 1 day over half term, then 2 dicks decided to invite every single mum in the class to it.

Now we get every single message they all share, great when you need to ask about homework etc, but this week ive had 25 pics of the back of someones neck asking does anyone know what this rash looks like, Im probably stuck in it until they leave school, 5 more yrs to go! - I've turned off notifications!

sayshellsunderwaterblblblb · 15/09/2017 10:18

I hear your pain. Bane of my life. And they will not consider any alternative means of communication. It gets worse when there are disagreements. It makes me want to quit email altogether.

TakeAnadin · 15/09/2017 11:31

Reply to all-' Stop Bccing everyone'

Underparmummy · 15/09/2017 12:01

TabbyMumz - maybe I am more referencing my well heeled village full of lazy shits than the UK as a whole...Grin

Purplemeddler · 15/09/2017 12:18

I hate reply all too. Agree with the BCC point.

I once worked somewhere, where the mobile phone email they used had "reply all" as the default! It took me ages to work out how to avoid sending responses to everyone.

But I think their culture was to share and care, as when my appraisal came along they said I didn't copy enough people into my emails :)

MilkGoatee · 15/09/2017 12:18

I work in a small-ish (250 or so) company. "All Staff" as a distribution list has been removed for all but a few select members of staff, to stop using it for things like fund raising drives, 'there's cake in the kitchen' type of stuff and anything and everything that doesn't actually interest nor affect the majority of staff.

One of the few people with still access (as in comms team) did a 'there's a treat in the kitchen' thing again to "all staff". I sent an email back (but wisely not 'reply all') saying "thanks and can you send my portion in the post". Because people who used to do this sort of email, and apparently still do don't seem to realise that the majority of people are actually not in their office. I got a Smile back, but I doubt they actually realised what poor etiquette they showed.

CruCru · 15/09/2017 13:07

Send rep an email and say that under data protection legislation you want to exert your right to not have your data (email address) shared with anyone else except at your choosing

Please don't do this. The PTA rep is not employed by the school - they are not paid for volunteering and are a parent of a child in your class.

tootiredtobeinspired · 15/09/2017 13:24

As said before be grateful its not whatsapp, FML I am in a Whatsapp group for our class and get about 30 messages a day the VAST majority of which do not need to be shared with the whole group (coordinating lifts somewhere or arranging a coffee meet up that only 5 people can make etc). Its a nightmare and I cant even leave the group without looking a complete arse as Whatsapp informs everyone you left!

Shadow666 · 15/09/2017 13:36

Just ask the Rep of they can use BCC instead of CC. Just say you're worried about viruses and that it's better because of data protection act. It really isn't a big deal at all, she/he probably just doesn't realise.

CruCru · 15/09/2017 14:25

tootiredtobeinspired That does sound irritating. If I were you, I would mute the group. At least then you don't get the ping ping ping every time someone puts up a new message.

HourByHour · 15/09/2017 18:49

A useful tip if you use Outlook is to right-click on a message then choose "ignore" a conversation. This means that you don't see any subsequent messages - useful for those work emails that you definitely aren't interested in! Smile

STRONGandSTABLE · 20/09/2017 23:13

CruCru may not like my line about asking to not have data shared, but it does work a treat.

Another trick one parent I know did was to complain to the school (but she was very good at complaining about anything and everything) and they then sent a general email out to everyone asking them to use BCC. Problem sorted.

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