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To think why do you care?

28 replies

lambbbs · 03/08/2017 18:52

I may be being utterly ridic here so bear with me...

I was at a family wedding a couple of weeks ago and noticed my mum kept glancing up at my partner, before the wedding I asked her if she knew how to do a tie, she said no, but when I walk away goes up to dp and says let me have a look, then as I walk back walks away from him. I understand this could sound mental and I'm not saying there is anything going on between them I just feel a bit Hmm

Yesterday dp strolls in from work and goes "who's been buying your mum gifts" as she uploaded them on Facebook, he also asks about her partner and if they are getting on (because normally he's a complete dick) . I just said what's it to you why do you care?

Am I being stupid?

OP posts:
BumWad · 22/08/2017 04:47

Your mother sounds awful. I'd keep my eye on her 😷

Fluffypinkpyjamas · 22/08/2017 04:34

I think sometimes you have to just go with your gut instinct. She does sound awful OP, like you're a competitor rather than her daughter. She's definitely jealous of you, hence the trying to make you look bad or daft in front of him and enjoying it when you don't get on.

I'm sorry OP. Mothers aren't mean to treat their DD this way. I'm not a lot older than her and I think she sounds like she really needs to grow up . Keep your wits about you.

Skittlesandbeer · 22/08/2017 03:24

In your position, I'd probably regale her with how wonderful your relationship with him is, drop a few 'wink wink' comments about how last weekend was chock full of fabulous sexy-time and watch her face. And his phone.

But I'm like that.

lambbbs · 22/08/2017 02:57

Lying in bed browsing Facebook, all done my homepage by the looks she has gone all through his photos liking loads.


I know some people wouldn't think anything of it, but why be browsing all through his pics including old ones at this time. It's actually starting to get on my nerves now.

OP posts:
Elephant17 · 06/08/2017 19:57

I would keep your mum at arms length- given the sort of self involved personality she has and the history you've explained. It obviously takes two to tango, but it seems like she's seeking out opportunities to flirt with/seduce him which is really bizarre. If he went with it, he'd be a total twat, but, seriously... what kind of mother behaves this way?!

If I ever found myself with a crush on my daughter's partner, I would feel awful about it and hope nobody ever knew the truth! I certainly wouldn't think 'yeahhh, I'm gonna try my luck here!'


InSpaceNooneCanHearYouScream · 06/08/2017 19:41

She sounds like bad news really. Sad . If it happens again while you're with her try challenging her about it. She's behaving horribly. Also speak to your DP- what does he think?

lambbbs · 05/08/2017 11:11

I am going to distance myself, she's 41. Thank you all. Whenever I do see her it's always negative anyway really.

OP posts:
LenaDunham · 05/08/2017 10:45

How old is your mum?

Really sorry to hear this. Your mum sounds insecure and jealous. Also not very nice to you OP.

I've no advice apart from maybe some distance from your mum. Not asking her advice. Not seeing her as much etc. Hard though if you are close knit family.


uglyflowers · 04/08/2017 08:58

She isn't a good mother, that's for sure.

lambbbs · 04/08/2017 08:42

I had a boyfriend years ago in school who I wasn't very nice to, instead of breaking up I'd just ignore him and be a bit of a pain in the ass, if me and dp ever have any problems and I happen to ask her for advice she says karma isn't it.

I won't be asking her anymore, or letting on if we do fall out because she would probably love it as me and dp have a pretty good relationship.

OP posts:
lambbbs · 04/08/2017 08:40

I'm 24, dp is 29. Dp hasn't really done anything, I just thought Hmm when I asked if she could do a tie (cos neither of us canBlush) she said no, but as I walk away and dp is stood there she goes umm let me have a look I dunno she did sort of grabbed it, but as I walked back over cos I thought what the hell, she quickly turned around and walked away.

I think she loves us having problems or arguing too and comes out with oh he doesn't look happy or he looks pissed off if I say something when he isn't!

It annoys me cause she almost try's embarrassing me infront of him an I'm thinking what are you doing.

Her messaging an ex was just over a year ago they probably still message now but I said to her what are you doing, he's told you he's been with me? Do you really want to meet him? She was saying shall I meet him shall I, I was thinking wtf why would you even want to!

She loves the thought of everyone fancying her, a couple of years ago her boyfriend was cheating on his wife with her!

Other than saying what are you stating at him to make her look a twat? Is there anything else I could do? I think though if I said that I don't really want dp thinking she does fancy him Confused

OP posts:
Fruitcorner123 · 04/08/2017 00:05

Just out of interest is your Dp older than you?

This would all make me a little uncomfortable but mainly your mums behaviour. I would keep my distance from a mum who was messaging my exboyfriend. From the way you've described her she doesn't sound like someone you can trust so I would keep her at arms length

IamtheDevilsAvocado that is truly grim
Your poor friend.

missiondecision · 03/08/2017 23:49

Gross. But actually not an impossible situation.
Even if she doesn't fancy a piece of him, she enjoys the attention ... at your expense by the sounds of it. He is a twit to fall for the ego massage.

FluffyPineapple · 03/08/2017 23:17

Oooohhh..... interesting! See you on Jeremy Kyle soon then :D

IamtheDevilsAvocado · 03/08/2017 22:22

It does sound as if your mum does have very loose boundaries. ...she has history for this with messaging your ex....whether it's purely attention seeking or me it's a fundamental lack of respect for the primacy of your relationship with your boyfriend/partners .....

Some women are so perverse they can't see their daughter with a bloke, without directly competing with her for sex with him.

lambbbs · 03/08/2017 21:10

A while ago, I'd notice they would go out for cigs at the same time, or one would walk out, the other would follow. I know it's a really paranoid thing to come out with but again this sort of shit does happen!

OP posts:
lambbbs · 03/08/2017 21:08

She's the type that would absolutely love it if he fancied her and make it known! She was even messaging someone I slept with years ago! Can you believe it? Why on earth would you want to. Loves attention

OP posts:
IamtheDevilsAvocado · 03/08/2017 21:07

Mmmmm mostly these issues are harmless.....but sadly these horrible relationships do happen. ..a pal discovered her mum and her husband had been having a 6-year-long affair...grim!

Above everyone you should be able to trust your mum around your blokeConfused....but some women just can't resist the temptation to prove their sexual attractiveness and some perverse

Have there been any other issues that have been bothering you with their behaviour towards each other?

lambbbs · 03/08/2017 21:06

Inspace, I will do that and then it will make her probably feel like a bit of a twat!

Do you think it is dodgy?? Can't work it out

OP posts:
KayTree87 · 03/08/2017 21:02

Sounds dodgy to me. Stranger things have happened! YANBU

InSpaceNooneCanHearYouScream · 03/08/2017 20:21

Going against the grain a bit, I think it does sound like your mum fancies your boyfriend. Yuk yuk yuk. Next time she keeps looking at him, say 'Why are you staring at him?'. Hopefully then she might be a little more discreet.

SerendipityFelix · 03/08/2017 19:57

You think your mum and partner have a thing for each other because you asked her how to tie a tie and she then inspected your work? Sounds like typical mother behaviour to me! (Might be missing something here but as an aside can't your partner tie his own tie??). And of course someone should care about their mother-in-law's partner treating her badly - I'd be much more worried if my partner didn't care about my parents' welfare.

So where has this worry come from - why would you leap to this conclusion? Does your mother have form? Do you have reason to not trust your partner?


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lambbbs · 03/08/2017 19:52

I don't really know. Just find it a bit strange but maybe I'm just paranoid. Every time she looked up from whatever she was doing she would look at him, the more I noticed it the more I would look at her waiting for her to look up and she would do it! I'm not saying they are getting it on behind my back! I just think it's a bit odd.

I don't think my dp would do anything or even find my mum attractive, but she has said in the past she thought he looked "fit"... I think she would love it if he did have a thing for her and would lap it up.

She try's to make me look a dick in front of him, and massively sticks up for him in a debate! She try's and drops me in it with him, example I might say I'm going to buy myself something and I wouldn't want him knowing and she would bring it up infront of him, or come out with things like "is Andy alright, are you and Andy ok he seemed pissed off"

OP posts:
Rossigigi · 03/08/2017 19:51

Does she have a 'thing' for him?

IreneDunne · 03/08/2017 19:50

I'm interested that this is even in your head - it makes me wonder if something has happened in the past to make you worry about this?

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