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to be worried my son isn't walking?

34 replies

junosmum · 20/07/2017 19:38

DS is 18.5 months old. He can walk, he just doesn't. He can walk for ages holding a finger (all the way round the park, to the local shop etc) and can walk about 10 steps independently BUT only to and from me and DH. He took his first steps 2 months ago and hasn't progressed since then.

Born at term, long second stage and forceps delivery. Met all other milestones but didn't roll until after he could sit and crawl.

Health visitor is of no use. GP advised coming back if he wasn't walking at 18months (went for a totally unrelated matter) but he is technically walking.

AIBU to be worried?

OP posts:
BenFolly · 20/07/2017 20:14

My ds and Dad didn't walk or crawl until 19 and 22 months respectively.

They didn't crawl either, bum shuffled around.

junosmum · 20/07/2017 20:17

yes, very fast crawler. I'll try the wooden spoon thing, I do think it's just a confidence thing, though I'm not sure why as he can climb on to the kitchen work top!

OP posts:
FuzzyPenguin · 20/07/2017 20:22

Try not to worry my DS didn't crawl until 16 months and walk till 22 months. He was a butt shuffler and also a smart cookie so he could figure out ways to get what he wanted without having to move. (Think pulling the rug to get the toy to come nearer).
My HV not to worry as he was developing in other areas and he would still catch up.
He is still stubborn now 3 years and refusing to use the potty.

BeepBeepMOVE · 20/07/2017 20:23

Some kids are just a bit lazy!

If he is a strong crawler then its much easier and quicker for him to crawl than try and balance on his feet. Think about it from his perspective, why should he walk?

He'll do it eventually, he's already proved he can.

ApricotCrush · 20/07/2017 20:29

He sounds fine, he just needs the confidence to go. My DD didn't walk until she was 22 months and her DS was 23 months. They were both bum-shufflers though and apparently they are later walkers. It's awful when you're waiting, but I'm sure he won't be long.

junosmum · 20/07/2017 20:33

one of my issues with him crawling is that he keeps ruining shoes! They all get holes in the front where he drags them around the floor. And his little knees are all bruised!

OP posts:
MoreProseccoNow · 20/07/2017 20:39

My DD was a very late walker (21m). At 18m, I took her to the GP, at the insistence of nursery just to shut them up. He rightly concluded that she was very strong-willed, had all the physical skills to do it (a very efficient crawler) & she would do it in her own time.

MadeForThis · 20/07/2017 20:42

I was going to suggest the wooden spoon too.

justilou · 21/07/2017 01:03

Maybe you should ask for a referral to a paediatric physio. Perhaps there is a muscle weakness or an imbalance there that needs tweaking.

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