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To ask how you get rid of a virus without medication.

31 replies

Buthewasstillhungry · 26/06/2017 16:58

Sorry posting in desperation for traffic.
Ive got a 6 mo and can't take anti viral as Im pregnant and Ive got Shingles.
All the classic virus symptoms, low energy, achey muscles, pain.

What can I do to get rid of this virus? Any immunity boosting tips greatly appreciated Thank you!

OP posts:
gamerwidow · 26/06/2017 17:09

Sorry OP I think it's only time that cures viruses like this normally. Not nice when your 6 months pregnant though.

Buthewasstillhungry · 26/06/2017 17:08

Thanks, no
the GP did not prescribe anything.

OP posts:
dementedpixie · 26/06/2017 17:07

You can take pain killers and use stuff you would use on chicken pox spots. Antivirals don't kill the virus but may lessen symptoms and the duration. Did the gp prescribe anything?

Buthewasstillhungry · 26/06/2017 17:06

Ive been to the GP twice they can't give me anything as I said in my OP glad

OP posts:
LakieLady · 26/06/2017 17:05

Echinacea might help. I find the soluble one from Boots works best

Can you have codeine and paracetamol when pregnant? I found it was the only thing that really worked on shingles pain.

I feel for you, it's really painful.

GladAllOver · 26/06/2017 17:02

Eeerrrr see your GP?

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