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Sleeping on your back during pregnancy

27 replies

BuzzBuzzBuzzLightyear · 03/06/2017 20:18


I'm 34 weeks pregnant and my friend was saying the other day that sleeping on your back can be dangerous for the baby.

I'm a natural back-sleeper. I googled and right enough - Tommys says it is increases the risk of stillbirth.

But....this is out of my control! I have been forcing myself to sleep on my left hand side (which isn't very comfortable for me) but several times in the night I wake up in a flap because I am on my back again! I can't stop myself rolling onto my back!

Whyyyy is it all so hard?!

OP posts:
RestlessTraveller · 04/06/2017 22:47

Oh my god. I want a pregnancy pillow exactly like that picture and I'm not even pregnant!

Jwl45 · 30/08/2020 20:45

29 weeks pregnant. Woke in a panic this morning - I was on my back! I know I went to sleep on my left side as woke several times after some odd dreams....and was still on my left side.
This morning...I woke as I could hear myself snoring... I was on back. I am hoping I was on my back for minutes only.
Should I be worried ?

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