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Breaking Bad - argh!

39 replies

moutonfou · 14/05/2017 10:47

Have been rewatching with DH.

I watch it because I find the other characters engaging but is it just me who can't stand Walter White? He has a chip on his shoulder the size of Russia and apparently hates everybody, is a whiny egotist, and I find it hard to see what supposed redeeming features he has that attracted Skylar to him in the first place.

Or is the whole point that he's unbearable?!

OP posts:
Medeci · 14/05/2017 13:10

Agree with pp, best TV series ever made. Loved the character development of all of them.
Seen it 3 times, this thread has made me want to watch it again.

MorrisZapp · 14/05/2017 13:06

It's a desert state, too hot to play outside.

winewolfhowls · 14/05/2017 13:02

I love Mike. He's even better in better call Saul.

Have you read about the significance of the names and colours?

MythicalChicken · 14/05/2017 13:02

One thing I did find really uncomfortable was how "empty" their neighbour hood was. It was like there were no other residents. No children playing outside. It was barren. Same with hanks neighbourhood. Why was it so eerily quiet?

Albuquerque is like that.

ShowOfHands · 14/05/2017 13:02

I couldn't stand Breaking Bad. I tried several times but found it utterly turgid.

VinoTime · 14/05/2017 12:56

They did it beautifully with regards to character development. You start off sympathising with his situation and end up loathing him entirely. Fantastically done, imo.

Theworst · 14/05/2017 12:49

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ShowMePotatoSalad · 14/05/2017 12:48

OK that's me rewatching it starting tonight. The best TV programme ever made.

MorrisZapp · 14/05/2017 12:47

American forums were absolutely brutal to Skyler. One woman I read said she hated Skyler for letting Walt rape her?

I think Skyler was brilliant but I just didn't think she was a convincing wife for Walt from the start. There was that initial slight confusion at the breakfast table:

'Hang on, is that his daughter? '

' Oh right, this is American box set world, he has an inexplicably hot wife. As you were.'

I loved Jesse but I'm also a lone fan of Ted Benneke, in his tight little trousers.

FeedMeAndTellMeImPretty · 14/05/2017 12:42

And for me he went 'bad' right at the start, I think after the first cook? When he tried to roughly have sex with Skylar in the kitchen, pushing her face (covered in sludgy face mask) against the fridge. No going back after that shit.

FeedMeAndTellMeImPretty · 14/05/2017 12:38

DP was trying to convince me that Skylar still loved him and they'd end up back together, but I could see that she hated him as much as I did! I felt like I was supposed to like him, being the main character, and he did have a few redeeming moments, but was mainly a prick!

I loved the details like Marie's obsession with purple, Junior's name change that had no real plot role but I guess is a way for a teenager to remove himself from a dad he doesn't like. Also the fact that his disability was never really a feature (except in first ? episode in the clothes shop). Made it more realistic. Hadn't noticed the lack of neighbours. There was a kid whose radio controlled car got run over at Hank's house. Maybe he decided not to play out after that!

Going to start on Better Call Saul next. Hope it's as good. I cried at the end of BB, not just because of what happened but because finishing the whole thing was the end of an era. Same with Son of Anarchy.

MatildaTheCat · 14/05/2017 12:09

Oh Jesse, perhaps the only time I've ever woken in the night and cried over a fictional character ( penultimate episode).

Did anyone ever work out why every single thing Marie owned was purple?

Walter White was a normal man who developed into a psychopath. No turning back after he watched Elizabeth choke on her own vomit. Maybe a metaphor of modern life?

witsender · 14/05/2017 12:06

I really didn't like Skylar. I found Walter's character really well done, I alternated between liking and despising him regularly. Hank was great too.

Ilikecheeriosyum · 14/05/2017 12:01

Oh Jessie bless him he's such an idiot and you think he's going to die over and over again xD when he lives I was like yay! But how?!?!

pigeondujour · 14/05/2017 11:57

I can't get into breaking bad at all. I get that it's supposed to be this character development thing but I don't think the characters are developed well enough to begin with - he's a boring pathetic bastard from the off so it's not like he's going from good guy to bad guy. I quite like the brother in law and Aaron Paul's one but still not enough to be bothered watching past the first few episodes.

Effendi · 14/05/2017 11:57

BB is in my top 5. I'm jealous of anyone who has not watched it yet.
Think I'll have to re-watch it now.

Trifleorbust · 14/05/2017 11:55

Walt is unbearable. Jesse and Hank are amazing. Marie rocks my world ha ha.

waybalooo · 14/05/2017 11:51

I like Walter.. but omg his bloody wife is so annoying

Strummerville · 14/05/2017 11:45

You have made me want to watch it all over again Grin. I loved the character development in BB. LOVED it. He's not a great guy, no. But the writing...and Bryan Cranston's performance...oh my God, so good.

Currently loving Better Call Saul for the exact same reason.

A very different show, but Dennis in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He is a horrible person (they all are) but the way the show has hinted all along that he may be something much, much worse is one of its joys and one of my favourite things about it. Bad people can make great telly!

ElspethFlashman · 14/05/2017 11:41

I do think he gained insight and regret by the end though so he had started to swerve partially back again. Not that he ever could be who he used to, but he was a bit more human than he had been.

sandylion · 14/05/2017 11:39

One of my biggest issues with BB was that Walt just pretty much became a bastard and that was that. I think the show could have developed the characters much better than they did.

PuppyMonkey · 14/05/2017 11:29

Watched it for the second time a while back too and yes I think Walt definitely goes bad - the clue is in the title. Grin

Love Hank, love Jesse, love Mike, love Badger and Thingy, felt quite sorry for Skyler on second viewing and still hated Marie.


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SumThucker · 14/05/2017 11:27

Yes, the Gus in the residential home scene was excellent.

yakattack · 14/05/2017 11:21

I'm just working my way through BB and have got to the end of the 4th season. I agree, so far Walter is just getting more and more horrible, whereas I love Jesse.

The season 4 finale with Gus 😮

ZilphasHatpin · 14/05/2017 11:20

I loved the character development of all the characters.

One thing I did find really uncomfortable was how "empty" their neighbour hood was. It was like there were no other residents. No children playing outside. It was barren. Same with hanks neighbourhood. Why was it so eerily quiet?

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