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Is it possibly to actually die from a period? Because I think I might be.

47 replies

MOIST · 28/04/2017 13:06

BStard hormones. 30 bloody year of pain and zits and mess and chocolate cravings and pain and gunk and anger.
Fucker is 20 bloody days late too.
And now it is finally getting the better of me and Fear i am actually dying.

Fucksake. I can't be the first woman ever to have Period Pain on my certificate.

OP posts:
PaulAnkaTheDog · 28/04/2017 13:41

I get it. First day on yesterday, bringing with it a monumental migraine that kept me up until five o'clock this morning. Took today off to feel sorry for myself.

HotelEuphoria · 28/04/2017 14:01

OH god, poor thing. Mine got worse and worse between 47 and 50, the paid was so bad I couldn't breathe and it lasted for 3 days at a time it would go right down my legs to my feet and if I left it until the pain really hit tablets wouldn't shift it. I had to take them from the first twinge every four hours for 2-3 days. And the blood loss towards the end.....

I am 51 now, and the old ovaries appear at long last to be drying up, and boy am I glad.

Chewbecca · 28/04/2017 14:09

What painkillers have you taken? Nurofen works best for me.

RaskolnikovsGarret · 28/04/2017 17:11

I'm 44, years of horrendous symptoms, had a hysterectomy in Feb and was up and about the next day, zero pain, back to work and driving in two weeks. Wish I'd done it years ago. Couldn't recommend it more. Sympathies OP.

MrsJayy · 28/04/2017 17:16

Im ready for my last breath today i feel like a bag of poop im 46in a fortnight im hoping they end soon sympathies op Flowers

PookieDo · 28/04/2017 17:19

I feel your pain. I'm waiting for surgery for fibroids. I did go to a&e a few months ago because I thought I was bleeding to death. It was so scary I am still traumatised

MOIST · 28/04/2017 17:45

Does ablation take away the pain?
I was on the verge of a hysterectomy a couple of years back but the doc persuaded me to try the bastard Mirena. Then he went and bloody moved trusts so I'd need to start all over again.
I have a GP appointment in June. Was going to ask about hormones and bloods and menopause. Might ask for a referral. Again.

OP posts:
stopfuckingshoutingatme · 28/04/2017 17:48

moon cup, really OP, much getter for heavy periods
Naproxen for the pain, you can do everything its very effective
plus some non NSAID on the side

also has your GO not prescribed the period drugs, mafameic acids etc

you don't ave to live with it quite this bad Flowers

MOIST · 28/04/2017 17:51

Got mooncup. Got mefanemic acid. Allergic to opiates.

OP posts:
Asmoto · 28/04/2017 17:54

I've vomited in the past due to the intensity of period pain and could only get through a period by taking far above the recommended doses of ibuprofen (which often gave me a stomach upset, but anything was better than the pain). I eventually had a hysterectomy. Not a day goes by without my feeling thankful I will never have to endure another period.

WhooooAmI24601 · 28/04/2017 17:57

My GP suggested the Mirena after DS2 was born as my periods have always been deathly-heavy to the point where I had something wrong with haemoglobin at one time as I'd lost so much blood each month. I had my Mirena, he fitted it and all was fine. Few days later I could feel a funny sort of pain in the bojangle, pulled down my pants and there, poking out of me was the Mirena. I wrapped it lovingly in kitchen roll and took it back to the GP with a cry of "look at this, this should be inside me not on your pissing desk". He did another one saying it was normal for it to come out sometimes after big babies (DS2 weighed 74 stone and had a head the size of a gym ball). Lo, two weeks later Mirena Part 2 popped out. At that point I gave up.

Since then I've had an operation to try an remove the endometriosis which wasn't terribly successful as it has adhered to some of my organs, so I'm on Mefenamic Acid in a bid to get me to 40 before having a hysterectomy. It's awful to say but I cannot wait til the menopause kicks in because nothing is worth this level of pain each month.

chosenone · 28/04/2017 17:57

Oh I feel your pain! Literally!... mine have got much worse since I hit 40! They barely registered when I was younger, although always had a really heavy day. Today is a really heavy day and the cramps and backache have been off the scale. I also always pass a few golf ball size clots ont these days Sad and tomorrow it should have practically gone. Hope they don't continue to get worse and worse as I get older. Can't have the Mirena Coil as it gave me horrendous headaches, migraines and nausea and I felt pregnant all the time!

spankhurst · 28/04/2017 18:03

I remember being at the Reading Festival in my 20s having the mother of all periods while my boyfriend looked on in panicked horror. I don't think most men have a clue what a bad period is actually like.
Orgasms relieve some period pain. Just saying..
Genuine question: why does Mooncup help?

shakingmyhead1 · 29/04/2017 10:10

i feel your pain... have you tried not using tampons or mooncup? just going to pads? i know they suck and ya feel like you are leaking every few mins have have to constantly check they havent moved but sometimes letting your muscles stay relaxed ( as much as you can be while in pain) can help

mine range from fetal curling and crying to just seeing red on the paper when i wipe the next month ( sorry i know its tmi) and as soon as i try a tampon the pain increases 10 fold, so now i use pads, doesnt change the pain im already in but at least i dont get an increase in pain now

Hulababy · 29/04/2017 10:36

What the fudger - I had internal adhesions (Ashermans Syndrome) after Dd was born. Horrific pains. Eventually I had two short ops where they lasered them, following by some very intensive hormone therapy. Wasn't a pleasant time by it did sort them out and so much better than they were.

bruffin · 29/04/2017 10:48

I had periods like that for a couple of years, horrendously painful, turned out i had endometrial cysts. I suspect they were building up each month then finally bursting, i had temperature as well. Thankfully it just seemed to stop and only mildly painful after that. It was when i was in early 40s so early perimenopause.

bruffin · 29/04/2017 10:49

Oh and i was using a mooncup at the time, it really doesnt make any difference.

QueenofPentacles · 29/04/2017 11:12

I literally used to bleed like a stuck wombat, cry and go to bed for 3 days screaming in agony and messing up the mattress
Then I discovered Ponstan Forte and a clot busting drug Gp prescribed. I never passed a handful sized clot again. Ask your GP

nursy1 · 29/04/2017 11:13

If you can't manage the Mirena coil then Implant achieves the same. I think it's an underused choice for pre menopausal women who often get these heavy floods periods

SleepOhHowIMissYou · 29/04/2017 11:18

Lots of Mirena horror stories here so I'll counter with my success story.

Polycystic ovaries, eroded cervix, excessive weight gain, and pill chemically castrated me, was recommended Mirena coil, am now mid forties.

Haven't had a period since Mirena fitted (initial short bleeding period after fitting, not painful) and sex drive returned as soon as the oestrogen from pill had left my body. Can't recommend Mirena coil enough, am on my second one (they last 5 years) so haven't had a period in years and years and sex life has never been better.

bruffin · 29/04/2017 11:27

I was given duphaston to take for 10 days before a period and ended up in tears for days and really painfil boobs. I was then offered a mirena which is progesterone again, no way was i going to have progesterone permanantly inside me after the duphaston

GoodyGoodyGumdrops · 29/04/2017 11:46

Have you ever tried travel sickness pills? Mine were never quite as bad as some have described on this thread, but they were often bad enough that I could not function with drugs. The original version of Feminax was a complete lifesaver and I may have taken rather more than the recommended dosage from time to time. I also found that I had to start taking it as soon as my period began, or earlier if I had any warning cramps, and not wait until I needed it.

When it was reformulated I had to cobble together my own version. Feminax was paracetamol, codeine, hyoscine hydrobromide and caffeine. For me that meant taking Cocodamol and JoyRides with very strong tea or a Coke.

I understand that you can't take codeine, but have you tried taking JoyRides with your pain medication?

Menopause is both shit and a relief. It brings a whole host of other shit - but at least it's not painful!


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